Nov 8 2023
The Imperative Mx Podcast | Episode #31 featuring Taylor Futrell & Mike Burkeen
In episode #31 here on the Imperative Mx Podcast, our host Zach Newberry and Co-host TJ "Heavy D" Gillespie speak about the local motocross action from North Carolina, Virginia, and surrounding states, along with some professional talk in the world of AMA Supercross/Motocross racing!In this episode, we have a significant number of talking points;First, we will get into the local races this past weekend and the upcoming races within the next couple of weekends. We will have a call in from the Deputy Director of Racing at the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), Mike Burkeen, about his background in the sport, working at Cobra, being the general manager at SOBMX, how the AMA Deputy Director of Racing position came about, his music career and much more. Then, we have a call-in with a Local Legend from this Southeast Motocross area, Taylor Futrell, about what he’s been up to since hanging up the boots, local motocross racing here in the SE, overcoming addiction, amateur career, his pro racing career, and much more from Taylor! To wrap this episode up, we will speak on the professional side with some press releases of riders on new teams and bikes heading into the 2024 season, WSX this past weekend, and, of course, much, much more.We must thank all the sponsors here on the Imperative Mx Podcast!West Virginia MotorsportsFXR Hydro PowerSilver Valley Mx ParkDirt Industries Kustom GraphicsMika MetalsPR MotorsportsTotal Control Racing SuspensionHydro Power 10% off discount code: Industries Kustom Graphics 20% discount code:Use Code IMPERATIVEMX at checkout to save!Patreon: (Thank you for the support): media accounts for Imperative Mx:TikTok: ImperativeMxInstagram: ImperativemxdotcomFacebook: ImperativeMx Twitter: @Imperative_MxEmail: Imperativemx@gmail.comwww.imperativemx.comHeavy D Instagram:@heavyd267