Nihongo no Tane 96 オノマトペ2 Onomatopoeia Part 2| Japanese Immersion podcast

にほんごのたね Nihongo no Tane with Yumi

Aug 1 2022 • 6 mins

Yumi continues her discussion on onomatopoeia in Japanese. Japanese use sound words and mimetic words far more frequently than in English. Learning how to use these words well will help improve your fluency.


オノマトペ onomatopoeia

擬音語(ぎおんご)  sound word onomatopoeia

擬態語(ぎたいご) mimetic word

音(おと)を真似(まね) imitating sounds

ぴかぴか光(ひか)るto sparkle; to glitter; to twinkle

ギラギラ glaringly; dazzlingly

バキーっ  boom

ドカーン boom

ドドド b.b.boom

迫力(はくりょく)が出(で)ます show power; have strength

ドキドキする to be excited; to be nervous

わくわく to be excited

にやにや笑(わら)う to smirk

ニコニコ smile

キリキリと痛(いた)みます sharp pain

チクチク痛(いた)い prickling pain

頭(あたま)がズキズキする throbbing headache

脈(みゃく) pulse

ガンガン痛(いた)い pounding pain

万(まん)が一(いち)  just in case; in the unlikely event

ふわふわ fluffy; lightly floating

ぷにぷに fluffy; squishy; bouncy

ぷるぷる soft and fluffy; jiggling; wobbling

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