Clearing Cholesterol’s Name: What You Really Need to Know with Dr. Dan and Angela Turo

What The Health?!

Feb 7 2022 • 41 mins

Good Cholesterol? Bad Cholesterol? Where do we start?

Cholesterol gets a bad rap that it really doesn’t deserve. In today’s episode of What the Health?!, we’ll break it all down for you – LDL. HDL. Cholesterol in food and Cholesterol in the body. When Cholesterol is a health risk and what you can do about it. Because by understanding how the body works and what the body does with Cholesterol, we can become our biggest health advocates.
Then we’ll dive into statins – why they are prescribed, their serious side effects, and how research has been manipulated to put more and more Americans on the medication. Yes – we’re headed to the dark side. You won’t want to miss this.

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