Soul Growth with Jade Stoner

Jade Stoner

You’re ready for more. You know it. Your soul knows it, and it’s why you’re here now! Welcome to Soul Growth, where mindset meets your soul. This is the podcast to empower you to create a life of passion, freedom and fulfillment.

Hosted by Spiritual Life Coach, Jade Stoner, she’s getting into all things life, love, mindset, spirituality, money and more, to empower you to live the life your soul is calling you to (not just the one you settled for!) because, you are made for more.

Expect soul shifting content, straight talking realness and a whole lotta love, so that you can break the cycles keeping you stuck and unfulfilled, heal and create inner success. It’s time for you to live a life that doesn’t just look good on social media, but one that feels even more beautiful on the inside too.


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Ep26: There's More To Life Than The Law Of Attraction! Part 1
Sep 14 2023
Ep26: There's More To Life Than The Law Of Attraction! Part 1
Send us a textIf you've ever tried to use the Law Of Attraction and it hasn't worked for you, or you used it for one thing but it didn't work on something else, it could be because the LOA is only one piece of the puzzle!In this episode of Soul Growth, Jade's sharing  the first six, of twelve spiritual laws to support you in manifesting the life of your dreams.The Law of Oneness (00:03:20) - We are all connected as part of the same energy. What you do to others you also do to yourself. The Law of Vibration (00:06:26) - Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies. To manifest desires, you must elevate your vibration to match the vibration of what you want to attract. The Law of Action (00:13:56) - It's not enough to just think positively. You must take inspired action to achieve results in the physical world.The Law of Correspondence (00:15:11) - What's happening inside you is reflected in your outer experience. To change your external world, you must first change your internal world. The Law of Cause and Effect (00:20:27) - For every action there is a corresponding reaction. What you put out comes back to you in some form, whether good or bad. The Law of Attraction (00:30:23) - You attract into your life experiences that match your dominant thoughts, beliefs and feelings.When you understand all of the laws, and start to put them into practice, you'll quickly become the match for all of your soul desires so you can receive them, and keep them all too!Tune in now to get all the goods! Support the show