Waves of Awareness - WOA it's A Podcast

STP Productions

The Waves of Awareness podcast is all about the amazing work being done by Waves Inc. Waves serves individuals with mental and/or physical disabilities through life skill training, community involvement, employment training and more! This podcast is helping people learn new skills, tell their story and raise awareness for people with disabilities! Be sure to check out wavesinc.com for more information! read less


Waves of Christmas Spirit: Celebrating with Mack Hatcher Events
Dec 25 2024
Waves of Christmas Spirit: Celebrating with Mack Hatcher Events
For our Season 9 finale, WOA welcomes Mackenzie Wasner from Mack Hatcher Events to discuss her company and all things Christmas! Along with Johnny Sunshine, Matt Moore, Tripp Abney, and Staci Davis, the group dives into questions for Mackenzie. We learned about their event rental company which began in 2023 and continues to grow to this day. Originally in the music industry, Mackenzie first became familiar with Waves through our Brews & Grooves fundraising event where she sang for the event. Over time, however, it became obvious to Mackenzie and her husband that their passion for events would be the direction they would take in their career. Listen to Johnny Sunshine share his joy when he finds out Mackenzie has a special surprise coming in the new year! The group also shares their favorite Christmas traditions, songs, and goals for the new year. Listen to the full episode and don't forget to give Waves of Awareness a 5-star review! As we wrap up Season 9 of Waves of Awareness, we want to thank everyone who made this season a huge success. 🌟 To our incredible guests: Your stories, insights, and dedication brought life to each episode. Thank you for sharing your time and passion with our listeners. 🎙️ To our amazing co-hosts and hosts: A special thank you to the individuals supported by Waves who have led the charge in amplifying voices and furthering our mission. Your unique perspectives and talents are the heart of this podcast, ensuring our community hears the voices of everyone in our community. 💙 To Spread the Positive: Your partnership and support continue to elevate our podcast. We couldn't do this without your expertise and encouragement. 🤝 To our incredible volunteers: Behind every episode is a team of hardworking, compassionate individuals who make it all possible. Your commitment to the mission of Waves of Awareness does not go unnoticed. This season has been a journey filled with inspiring moments, and it’s all because of YOU! We can't wait to continue the conversation and create more content in the seasons to come that #MakeWaves. 🌊 Your Favorite Podcast, The Waves of Awareness Team ________________________________________ To learn more about Waves, go to: wavesinc.com To learn more about Mack Hatcher Events visit: https://mackhatcherevents.com/ To watch Waves of Awareness on Youtube go to: https://www.youtube.com/@Waves_of_Awareness Follow Waves of Awareness on Instagram at @waves_awareness_pod To learn about Spread The Positive go to: https://spreadthepositive.net/
The Rotary Club, Waves, and the Spirit of Franklin's Christmas Parade
Nov 20 2024
The Rotary Club, Waves, and the Spirit of Franklin's Christmas Parade
This week Waves of Awareness welcomes Christina and Kathy from The Downtown Franklin Rotary Club. Alongside these ladies, we have Norris Peterson, Tripp Abney, John Lynch, and Staci Davis. Together the group learns about the Rotary Club and its mission to make our community and the world a better place by living the Rotary International motto of “Service Above Self.” Our WOA hosts take turns asking Christina and Kathy how the Rotary Club plans a role in bringing the Franklin community together. Christina and Cathy each share how the Rotary Club connects the community through events like the Franklin Christmas Parade. The Franklin Christmas parade is an annual event held the first Saturday in December that showcases our community and brings everyone together to celebrate the season. Waves will be participating in this year's Franklin Christmas parade, creating a float that matches the parade's theme of "Miracle on Main St." Norris also takes the opportunity to share his support for the troops and various groups he has been involved with who have participated in the parade in the past. Listeners find out how they can support the Rotary Club and various events hosted by the Rotary Club for the community. Listen to the full episode for a deep dive into the Rotary Club, their amazing sponsors, and the organizations that will help make the Franklin Christmas Parade a success! ________________________________________ To learn more about Waves, go to: wavesinc.com To learn more about the Downtown Franklin Rotary Club, go to: https://downtownfranklinrotary.com/about/To learn more about the Franklin Christmas Parade, go to: https://franklinis.com/event/the-franklin-christmas-parade-presented-by-downtown-franklin-rotary/ To watch Waves of Awareness on Youtube go to: https://www.youtube.com/@Waves_of_Awareness Follow Waves of Awareness on Instagram at @waves_awareness_pod To learn about Spread The Positive go to: https://spreadthepositive.net/
Navigating Tech: Tips for a Balanced Holiday Season
Nov 6 2024
Navigating Tech: Tips for a Balanced Holiday Season
As we dive into the holiday season, this podcast episode welcomes Katie McDonald to discuss how families can approach tech over this busy time of year. Katie is a Lead Early Interventionist with Waves and has several years experience working with families to maintain some normalcy while also embracing a holiday vacation. Together with Tripp, Matt, John, and Staci Davis the group listens to Katie share her tips that families can use with their children. Whether it's receiving tech gifts or balancing how much time children spend with tech over the holidays, every family has struggled finding the balance. Katie offers tips on how to set limits, how parents can incorporate tech, and strategies that can help make the holiday season a success! When it comes to gifts, Katie even shares her favorite tech gift that children can benefit from. The guys all ask Katie great questions that help listeners understand the advice she has and her experience in the area. Listen to the full episode for details. ________________________________________ To learn more about Waves, go to: wavesinc.com For volunteer opportunities with Waves, go to: https://wavesinc.com/volunteer/ To learn more about Waves Early Learning, go to: https://wavesinc.com/early-learning-program/Follow Waves Early Learning on Instagram at @earlylearningwaves For more info on Katie's tech recommendation, go to: https://us.tonies.com/pages/homepage To watch Waves of Awareness on Youtube go to: https://www.youtube.com/@Waves_of_Awareness Follow Waves of Awareness on Instagram at @waves_awareness_pod To learn about Spread The Positive go to: https://spreadthepositive.net/
Brews & Grooves: Behind The Scenes
Oct 16 2024
Brews & Grooves: Behind The Scenes
Waves of Awareness is back for Season 9 with special interviews from behind the scenes at Brews & Grooves. Brews & Grooves was Waves' 4th Annual Fundraising event, with live performances and an auction that supports Waves programs supporting adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Listen to our WOA Producer Trent Denson with Spread The Positive sit and interview guests and share their experience with Waves. From our CEO to local companies who have volunteered with Waves, Trent gathers passionate stories about the impact Waves and those we support have made on the community around us. This episode also features local businesses throughout Williamson County including Games To Go and The Workman Group. Listen to the full episode and share your favorite interview! ________________________________________ To learn more about Waves go to: wavesinc.comFor volunteer opportunities with Waves go to: https://wavesinc.com/volunteer/ To watch Waves of Awareness on Youtube go to: https://www.youtube.com/@Waves_of_Awareness To learn about Spread The Positive go to: https://spreadthepositive.net/ Find Jim Littlefield's book Seeing Abilities at: https://a.co/d/18x7VTc To listen to Jim Littlefield's Seeing Ability Podcast go to: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/seeing-ability-podcast/id1660807539 For information on The Workman Group go to: https://workmangroup.kw.com/ To rent Games To Go for your own event go to: https://gamestogonashville.com/
WOA - Backlight and Waves vs. The Wild
Aug 20 2024
WOA - Backlight and Waves vs. The Wild
This week we are joined by the Program Director of Backlight Productions, Jordan Scott. Jordan has been with Backlight for 5 years, starting first as a teacher and then growing into her current position as her passion for Backlight and its mission has grown. Matt Morre, John Lynch, and Staci Davis gather with Jordan to learn about Backlight Productions and what the nonprofit strives to do for the community. As a seasoned performer with Backlight Productions, Matt shares his love for Backlight Productions and his experience in various roles. As a nonprofit passionate about the arts, their mission is to "Providing opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to gain education in the arts and perform significant roles in integrated performances, enabling them to enhance their social skills through artistic expression and grow in confidence both on and off the stage." Jordan also shares Backlight's newest venture, Backlight Kids. Offering classes for 11 and under, Backlight will be giving kids with IDD the opportunity to be introduced to performing arts. The group discusses everything from Backlight Productions to upcoming events for both Backlight Productions and Waves. Matt shares with the group what he'll be singing at the Brews & Grooves event on Sept. 19th, while Johnny Sunshine takes the conversation to the wildest animals in a safari. Listen to full episode and find out which animals Johnny thinks the group doesn't stand a chance against.  To learn more about Backlight Productions, go to: https://backlightproductions.org/ To sign up for classes with Backlight Productions, go to: https://backlightproductions.org/classes/ To learn more about Backlight Kids, go to: https://backlightproductions.org/blkids/ To learn more about Waves' Brews & Grooves event, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brews-grooves-a-concert-benefitting-waves-tickets-971143244587?aff=oddtdtcreator
Prepping Summer Transitions with Waves Early Learning
Jul 24 2024
Prepping Summer Transitions with Waves Early Learning
The end of summer vacation is coming close for a lot of families, which makes it a perfect time for our Waves Early Interventionists Cheryl Vooris and Kate Harris to join this week's episode of WOA! Cheryl and Kate join Staci and Matt at the table to discuss how parents can help the transition from a summer schedule to a new school routine. Matt asks the Interventionists everything from scheduling tips, specific areas that can be difficult, to tools and resources caregivers can use to make the transition positive for their child. Cheryl and Kate provide so many useful strategies, tools, and techniques they've developed through their years of experience as Early Interventionists working with a range of behaviors. The group even highlights the importance of parents preparing themselves for a summer transition, keeping in mind that it isn't only the child facing changes.  Keeping on theme, Matt gives us the best updates on how his summer has been going and exciting things to come! Listen to the full episode and subscribe to Waves of Awareness for future updates.  To access the backpack giveaway mentioned in the episode, follow the link here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/vVVEAcFDLBzfB6pd/?mibextid=WC7FNe To hear Kate's story with her son Hayden, follow the link here: https://wavesofawareness.libsyn.com/woa-lets-talk-about-adoption For details on Best Buy's tax free sale, follow the link here: https://corporate.bestbuy.com/shop-your-states-2024-tax-free-sale-at-best-buy/ For details on Tennessee's tax free criteria, follow the link here: https://www.tn.gov/revenue/taxes/sales-and-use-tax/sales-tax-holiday/sth-traditional.html
The Inspiring Story of Brittany & Bella
Jul 17 2024
The Inspiring Story of Brittany & Bella
Waves of Awareness gathers around the table to hear the heartfelt story of Brittany and her daughter Isabella (Bella). Brittany and Bella have been receiving services with Waves Early Learning for 3 years and going through an inspiring journey of hard work and perseverance. Staci and Co-Host Tripp Abney are joined by Waves Early Learning Director Gina Wilson and Waves Early Interventionist Deana Rothwell, who supports Brittany and Bella. Together the group listens to Brittany share her impactful journey through pregnancy with Bella and the fears and trials Brittany went through to make it to the hospital. Brittany shares her experience giving birth to Bella, the diagnosis she received for Bella telling her every struggle Bella may face in life, and how that has shaped Brittany as a mother today. The courage and strength Brittany has faced through motherhood is inspiring to everyone at the table and, as Brittany's story merges with Waves Early Learning, the group discusses with importance for a strong team connection. The group listens to how the support of Deana and her service coordinator was the support she needed to advocate for her daughter. Listen to Brittany, Deana, Gina, Staci, and Tripp all discuss the powerful story Brittany shares and how Early Learning and TEIS are important to families going through similar journeys. If you believe your child may need services with TEIS, go to: https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/disability-and-aging/disability-aging-programs/teis.html For more information on Waves Early Learning, go to: https://wavesinc.com/early-learning-program/