The Natural Womanhood Podcast

Grace Emily Stark

The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women's health. From pelvic floor physical therapy, to surgical interventions, to relationships and mental health, no topic is off limits as we seek to bring the empowering truth about women, their bodies, and their cycles to our listeners: that is, that women's cycles are essential, powerful, beautiful, and do not need to be "controlled."

The Natural Womanhood podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark, Natural Womanhood's Editor-in-Chief. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy.

The Natural Womanhood Podcast is a production of Natural Womanhood, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving women's health literacy through the promotion of evidence-based fertility awareness methods (FAMs) of natural family planning. Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy.

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The NFP support group of your dreams is here
Jan 20 2025
The NFP support group of your dreams is here
While Natural Family Planning (aka NFP) is 100% worth it, it can be hard. No one will deny that (at least, not anymore). But too many couples who start off excited about NFP often find themselves alone and in the dark when challenges arise, and many end up giving up on it as a result. It's clear that more support is needed, but where, and how? Enter Natural Marriage Groups.In today's episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, Grace interviews Katie Collins, who leads Natural Womanhood's pilot Natural Marriage Group in North Carolina. In this episode, you'll learn more about these innovative new NFP support groups, where couples can go to talk about the ups and downs (and everything in between) of NFP with other couples who are also struggling, or to hear encouragement from those who've seen the difficulties through to the other side. Designed to help couples live out the radically counter-cultural lifestyle of natural family planning, Natural Womanhood's Natural Marriage Groups are the NFP support group you've been dreaming of! I hope that listening to this episode will inspire you to want to learn more about Natural Womanhood's Natural Marriage Groups. If so, please reach out to Natural Womanhood's Director of Education, Jackie Aguilar, at is the final episode of season 3! Thanks for listening. Want to support the production of season 4 (coming in spring 2025)? Click here. And if you have an idea for a guest or episode topic, reach out to Natural Womanhood's editorial assistant, Isabelle, at  Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
What it’s like to lead a fertility awareness support group on a college campus
Dec 16 2024
What it’s like to lead a fertility awareness support group on a college campus
When Erin Dewey first started at Texas A&M University, she never imagined that she'd be fondly known across campus as "the period girl" by the time she graduated. But that's the reputation she garnered from leading the very first Cycle Mindfulness Club—Natural Womanhood's peer-led university campus initiative designed to create a supportive community for young women to learn the science and truth of their God-given fertility and womanhood. But what Erin—and all the participants in the first CMC—gained from participating in the club was so much more than better knowledge of their periods. Many of them found true healing, greater confidence, and discerned their callings in life as women. In this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, host Grace Emily Stark interviews Erin about what it was like to lead a fertility awareness support group on a college campus, and the incredible changes she saw in the participants—and herself. As always, you do not want to miss this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast!Show notes:Find out more about Natural Womanhood's Cycle Mindfulness Clubs (including how to apply to lead one at your college or university) here.For more on Natural Womanhood's Period Genius program, click here. For Erin's reflection on "How understanding my menstrual cycle revolutionized my prayer life," click here. Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Why reproductive life planning matters for health & happiness
Nov 18 2024
Why reproductive life planning matters for health & happiness
We ask kids all the time "what do you want to be when you grow up?" but how often do we ask them "do you want to be a mom?" or "do you want to be a dad?" These questions are the very basics of the concept known as reproductive life planning, a topic we unpack in detail during this enlightening episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast featuring Dr. Danielle Miller, MD. As the founder of Luz Medicine, a direct primary care practice in Lancaster, PA, Dr. Miller focuses on the full spectrum of primary care and women’s health, including infertility care. Reproductive life planning has therefore become a passion of hers, and we discuss what the concept looks like in action (and how it has evolved over time), and how we can do better by the young people in our lives by being honest about the realities of waning fertility. In this fascinating episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, we also discuss lessons on the importance of reproductive life planning gleaned from the recently published Hannah's Children: The Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth by Dr. Catherine Ruth Pakaluk.  As always, you do not want to miss this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast!Show notes:Find out more about Natural Womanhood's Cycle Mindfulness Clubs, here.For more on Natural Womanhood's Period Genius program, click here. To learn more about Dr. Danielle Miller and FACTS, click here.For those interested in Dr. Miller's direct primary care practice, Luz Medicine, click here.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Special Episode: A global perspective on women's health (with Obianuju Ekeocha) 
Oct 30 2024
Special Episode: A global perspective on women's health (with Obianuju Ekeocha)
In May 2024, Melinda Gates pledged $1 billion dollars to defend “reproductive rights” in America. But back in 2012, she was throwing around even bigger sums and broader goals: she publicly pledged to dedicate $5 billion to fund a massive pro-contraception campaign in 69 of the poorest countries in the world, most of which, at the time, were in Sub-Saharan Africa. From her apartment in the UK, a young, female, Nigerian biomedical scientist watched her TV in anger and disbelief as Gates pledged to meet the "unmet need" of African women for contraception. That same night, Obianuju Ekeocha would pen an open letter to Gates that would garner massive international attention, and spur the creation of Culture of Life Africa. Yet, 12 years later, Gates's plans have proved largely successful: millions more women around the globe are on hormonal contraceptives as a direct result of her concerted efforts. During Natural Womanhood's September 2024 Annual Gala, the same Nigerian woman who bravely challenged Gates in her open letter over a decade ago issued a new challenge for everyone in attendance: if the scourge of contraception came from the West, the antidote would need to come from the West, too. We're excited to play some key excerpts of Obianuju Ekeocha's powerful speech for our listeners in this special Season 3 episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast.   Also in this special episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, host and Editor-in-Chief, Grace Emily Stark, is joined by the co-founder and CEO of NW: Gerard Migeon. Gerard tells our listeners about Natural Womanhood's vision as a non-profit organization, everything we’re doing to alert promote authentic women's health all over the world, the impact of our work, and how we need your financial support now more than ever. You’ll also get to hear from the University of Texas at Austin leader of our Cycle Mindfulness Clubs, who'll tell us a bit more about that program, her experience in it, and why it matters to her. Finally, we'll be playing clips of some key moments of the riveting talk that Obianuju Ekeocha gave at our annual gala this past September. In this exclusive recording, Obianuju shares how she got involved in promoting authentic women's health, what is really going on in Africa, and how we all must respond.  You do not want to miss this explosive special episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast!Show notes:Find out more about our Cycle Mindfulness Clubs, here.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
How Naturopathic Medicine does Women's Health
Oct 14 2024
How Naturopathic Medicine does Women's Health
As more women awaken to the reality that birth control has been used as a bandaid for so many of their health issues, the search for root-causes and authentic solutions has led many to consider alternatives to allopathic medical care, such as naturopathic medicine. But how does naturopathic medicine differ, especially for women's health? In today's episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, Grace interviews Dr. Jessica Whelan, ND (also a FertilityCare™ Practitioner and Medical consultant) who practices comprehensive women's health care in Saint Albans, VT (and via telehealth).Together, Grace and Dr. Whelan discuss:What is naturopathic medicine, and how does it differ from allopathic medicine? What can a naturopathic doctor (ND) trained as a NaproTechnology and FertilityCare™ Practitioner and Medical consultant offer to patients differently from an MD or DO trained in NaPro—especially when it comes to endometriosis, PCOS, and infertility​? The surprising ways naturopathic doctors can help women overcome mental health struggles (among other issues). And much more!Show notes:Dr. Whelan's 6 Ways to Healthy Hormones and Better Cycles GuideSupport the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
You need to teach your daughter about her cycles: Here's how
Sep 16 2024
You need to teach your daughter about her cycles: Here's how
An estimated 44% of girls don't know what's happening when they start their first period. And when it happens, many of those girls are fearful that they are sick—even dying—and suffer in silence, too embarrassed to admit what's happening or ask any questions about it. Fear, confusion, lies: This is the sad reality of puberty for far too many young American girls today. But it doesn't have to be that way for your daughter. In today's episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, Grace Emily Stark discusses not only the importance of teaching our daughters about their periods (well before they start!), but about the entirety of their cycles, with ovulation as the focal point. And for moms who have no idea where to begin when it comes to having these conversations with their daughters, that's where Natural Womanhood's Period Genius program comes in (formerly known as Mothers of PreTeens). For this episode, Grace is joined by Christina Valenzuela, creator of Pearl & Thistle, an online suite of menstrual cycle, body literacy, and NFP education for all ages and stages. Together, Grace and Christina (moms of daughters themselves!) discuss the how and why moms are best-suited for giving their daughters the empowering body literacy they both need and crave—even if they don't know it, yet.   The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Natural Womanhood’s Editor-in-Chief, Grace Emily Stark. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy.Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Learn more about Natural Womanhood, here.Show notes / links: Want to purchase Natural Womanhood's Period Genius program for you and your daughter (or gift it to someone who needs it)? We're now offering it at $87 for 12-month access! ($125 for lifetime access). Click here for more details.  Use the coupon code PARENTS15 to get a 15% off discount on Pearl & Thistle's CYCLE PREP: First Period Course for Girls ( the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Could body literacy end surrogacy? A conversation with Jennifer Lahl
Aug 19 2024
Could body literacy end surrogacy? A conversation with Jennifer Lahl
For years, Jennifer Lahl has been one of the lone voices screaming into the void about the ethical dangers of assisted reproductive technology (ART), including egg and sperm donation, and surrogacy. She specializes in sharing the stories of those people the billion dollar ART industry likes to hide, like those of the children conceived by anonymous donor gametes longing to know their genetic parents, or surrogates and babies abandoned by commissioning couples. More recently, she's been working to promote the voices of another silenced group: detransitioners, whom the transgender movement likes to pretend do not exist.I had the privilege of sitting down with Jennifer for this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast to hear her thoughts on what all of these issues have in common, and whether she believes—as we do, at Natural Womanhood—that authentic body literacy might hold one of the keys to ending the practice of surrogacy, gamete donation, and perhaps even toppling the entire façade of transgender "medicine."The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Natural Womanhood’s Editor-in-Chief, Grace Emily Stark. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy.Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Learn more about Natural Womanhood, here.Show notes / links:Order Jennifer's new book (co-written with Kallie Fell), The Detransition Diaries, here.Follow the great work of The Center for Bioethics and Culture, here.Follow Jennifer on Twitter @JenniferLahlFollow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
TempDrop 10 years later: A conversation with inventor Michael Vardi
Jul 22 2024
TempDrop 10 years later: A conversation with inventor Michael Vardi
"What started as an ambitious crowdfunding campaign back in 2014 has since grown into the world’s first wearable [basal body temperature] sensor, advancing women’s reproductive health throughout every stage." So reads TempDrop's "About Us" page. As it happens, Natural Womanhood's website also began 10 years ago, in 2014, and so it only feels right that we'd have the distinction of being the first podcast to ever interview TempDrop's inventor and founder, Michael Vardi.In this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, NW's Editor-in-Chief, Grace Emily Stark, and TempDrop's founder, Michael Vardi, trace the beginnings of TempDrop, fertility apps, and women's growing interest in body literacy. They also discuss the trends, discoveries, and challenges of the last 10 years of fertility awareness and Femtech, and what the future holds for both.   The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Natural Womanhood’s Editor-in-Chief and Public Relations manager, Grace Emily Stark. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy.Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Learn more about Natural Womanhood, here.Show notes / links:If you want to buy a Tempdrop, be sure to use our affiliate link to get 15-25% off during the month of July!About TempDrop: Tempdrop uses the latest scientific knowledge to bring you an accurate method of cycle tracking and identification of your fertile window. Wear the Tempdrop sensor on your upper arm during sleep and sync to our charting app whenever it's convenient. Tempdrop‘s sensor continuously monitors your basal body temperature while you sleep, eliminating the need to wake up at the same time each day.Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.Support the Show.Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. And if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!FolloSupport the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
She wasn't hysterical, she was sick (with Endo)
Jun 17 2024
She wasn't hysterical, she was sick (with Endo)
Abigail Anthony knew a thing or two about pain and perseverance as a former competitive ballerina. But when her increasingly painful periods and other seemingly disparate side effects made her workload at Princeton harder and harder to manage, people treated her as if she just needed to mentally "toughen up."Now a graduate student at Oxford (and the current Collegiate Network Fellow at National Review), Abigail wrote the story of her endometriosis journey for The Free Press, where she interned last August. We knew we had to interview her for The Natural Womanhood Podcast, and she graciously agreed to record this episode with us, all the way from England! We hope you enjoy this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Natural Womanhood’s Editor-in-Chief and Public Relations manager, Grace Emily Stark. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy.Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Learn more about Natural Womanhood, here.Show notes / links:Read Abigail's piece for The Free Press:  I Wasn’t Hysterical. I Was Sick.Follow Abigail on Twitter @abigailandwordsFollow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Why is talking about NFP (and sex) so difficult?
May 9 2024
Why is talking about NFP (and sex) so difficult?
Talking about intimacy can be tough, which can make communicating about natural family planning (NFP) with our spouse—or sharing about NFP and its benefits with others—a little bit... uncomfortable. How can we communicate better about sex, intimacy, and natural family planning to benefit not only our own marriages, but others', as well? In this intimacy-focused, third episode of season 3 of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, NW’s Editor-in-Chief, Grace Emily Stark, interviews Ellen Holloway, Catholic sexuality and intimacy coach and host of the Charting Toward Intimacy podcast. Together, the two share their own personal experiences with how natural family planning has deepened intimacy in their respective marriages—and muse about why we're not better at sharing with others the "good news" of NFP.  (Spoiler alert: they have some ideas for how to do that.)  The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Natural Womanhood’s Editor-in-Chief and Public Relations manager, Grace Emily Stark. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy.Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Learn more about Natural Womanhood, here.Show notes / links:Learning to love (with) Natural Family Planning : What dozens of couples told us about their experience with NFPVines in Full Bloom + NFP BasicsCharting toward intimacy on Instagram: @chartingtowardintimacyFollow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.Support the showFind us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. And if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Miscarriage help, healing, and prevention
Apr 15 2024
Miscarriage help, healing, and prevention
One miscarriage is painful enough, but imagine suffering two in a row, only to be told that you "got unlucky twice," and that it's still "too early" to look into any potential underlying causes. Maybe you don't have to imagine; maybe this is your reality, as it is for so many women suffering the heartbreak of repeated miscarriage. In this miscarriage-focused, second episode of season 3 of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, NW’s Editor-in-Chief, Grace Emily Stark, interviews Jamie Rathjen, co-creator and co-host of the Hormone Genius Podcast, a FertilityCare Practitioner, and  the owner and founder of The Fiat Institute. Together, the two share their own personal experiences with miscarriage, how they found healing (physical, emotional, and spiritual), and how women can find the right providers to care for them when suffering miscarriage. They also discuss what restorative reproductive medicine (RRM) has to offer women that can help treat some of the underlying causes of miscarriage, to hopefully prevent their (re)occurrence in some cases.  The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Natural Womanhood’s Editor-in-Chief and Public Relations manager, Grace Emily Stark. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy.Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Learn more about Natural Womanhood, here.Natural Womanhood pregnancy loss and miscarriage resources can be found, here. Show notes / links:The Hormone Genius PodcastThe Fiat InstituteSupport for miscarriage:Heaven’s GainRed Bird MinistriesFollow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Miscarriages, a Vasectomy, and a Reversal: Emily & Kirk's Story
Mar 14 2024
Miscarriages, a Vasectomy, and a Reversal: Emily & Kirk's Story
Emily and Kirk had just suffered their second miscarriage, and they were done: done with the pain, done with the fear, and done having kids. They had already had two children, and had made their peace with their family size, so they made the decision to have Kirk undergo a vasectomy. Done. Until... Join us for the first episode of season 3 of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, where NW's Editor-in-Chief, Grace Emily Stark, and Managing Editor, Anne Marie Williams, interview Emily and Kirk about their journey from being certain that a vasectomy was the only way to guard their hearts against the pain of a future miscarriage, to their (successful) vasectomy reversal one year later. If you've ever considered a vasectomy, a reversal, or know someone who is, this episode is a must-listen. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Natural Womanhood's Editor-in-Chief and Public Relations manager, Grace Emily Stark. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Natural Womanhood exists because all women can learn to claim their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Learn more about Natural Womanhood, here. LINKS:Emily & Kirk's Woven Well podcast episodeCaitlin Estes, Woven Natural Fertility Care (Creighton Model System)Lily Nichols, RDMidwest vasectomy reversals: (St. Louis, MO)Power Athlete Radio: Lily Nichols episode mentioned by Kirk, hereSupport for miscarriage:Heaven's GainRed Bird MinistriesMore Natural Womanhood resources on vasectomy: the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Breastfeeding with FAM? Yes, you can!
Apr 25 2023
Breastfeeding with FAM? Yes, you can!
So many women wonder if they can reliably use a fertility awareness method (FAM) while breastfeeding—and it's little wonder, given that this can be the trickiest of times to learn and use a FAM. But with a little guidance and perseverance, it absolutely can be done, and we're here to talk about how! In this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, co-host Cassondra Moriarty is in the hot-seat, using her expertise and experience as an IBLCE-certified lactation consultant, postpartum doula, FAM instructor (and user), and mom of three to answer everything you've ever wanted to know about FAM and breastfeeding. This is our FINAL episode of season 2, and we're thrilled with how this season turned out—thanks so much for tuning in. Please be sure to let us know if there are any burning topics you'd like to see us discuss for season 3!The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Support the showSupport the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Can Catholics Use NFP?
Apr 13 2023
Can Catholics Use NFP?
It's no secret that fertility awareness methods (FAMs) can be a controversial subject. For non-Catholics, using FAMs for family planning is seen as controversial when they're (mis)understood as ineffective iterations of the Rhythm Method (of course, in reality, they're lightyears ahead of the Rhythm Method in scientific validity, and therefore incredibly effective when used appropriately). But for Catholics (who refer to the use of FAMs for family planning purposes as "Natural Family Planning" or simply "NFP"), the controversy is a completely different animal. As many of our readers and listeners likely know, the Catholic Church has a strict prohibition against the use of all forms of (artificial) contraception. Because of this prohibition, some Catholics mistakenly believe that NFP fits into the same category, and therefore believe that "good" Catholics shouldn't use NFP (even if the Church allows them to—which it does!). So what, exactly, makes NFP different from contraception, and why should a couple be encouraged to use it, even if they're sure they want to have "all the babies"?In this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, Grace Emily Stark sits down with Catholic writer Emily Stimpson Chapman to tackle these questions and the perennial argument amongst Catholics about whether it's really a good idea to use NFP (and where we might have gotten those pesky, mistaken ideas from that it isn't). Although we're focusing on the Catholic perspective surrounding NFP in this episode of the NW podcast, we encourage our non-Catholic listeners to check it out for a concrete understanding of what sets FAMs apart from the Pill or any other form of contraceptive. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Support the showSupport the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Making Space for Women's Bodies
Mar 31 2023
Making Space for Women's Bodies
"Does the world we build welcome mothers, or does it treat them as a problem to be solved?" That's the question author Leah Libresco Sargeant wrestles with over and over again in her writings on her Substack and elsewhere, and especially in her essay "Designing Woman" for Comment. For this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast (S2E8), Grace and Cassie were thrilled to interview Leah about her essay, and her thoughts on what it would take to build workplaces and a society that would truly welcome women, their bodies, and their creative potential.The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Click to support the show!Support the showSupport the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
The "Third Way" for Sex Education
Mar 7 2023
The "Third Way" for Sex Education
When it comes to adolescent sex education programs, do we have to choose between "abstinence-only" or "comprehensive?" Dr. Sarah Denny doesn't think so. In this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast, Grace and Cassie interview Dr. Denny about her beautiful and innovative vision of a "third way" for sex education—one which gives teens a full picture of both the biology and dignity of human reproduction. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Click to support the show!Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
Where We Talk About Porn
Feb 24 2023
Where We Talk About Porn
In this episode of The Natural Womanhood Podcast (Season 2 / Episode 6), Grace and Cassie interview Dr. Matthew Loftus, a family doctor who currently lives (with his wife and four children!) and practices medicine in Kenya. As you might have guessed from the title, this is "the episode where we talk about porn," and we approached Dr. Loftus as a guest speaker on this topic after reading his excellent article on overcoming porn addiction in Plough. While this topic might seem a bit off-the-beaten-path from what we typically talk about on The Natural Womanhood Podcast and on the Natural Womanhood website, we decided that pornography and its effects were well worth dedicating an episode to. It's an unfortunate reality that the way many of us view sex and our bodies (and others' bodies) has been shaped and colored in some way by the ubiquity of porn. And, as we talk about in this episode, where pornography completely decontextualizes sex, fertility awareness can help us recontextualize sex (for adults and teens) in a way that's needed now more than ever. See? Not so off the mark after all! (We are proud of this episode and hope you'll find our conversation as edifying as we did, however, we do want to caution listeners that this episode discusses sex and pornography addiction, so discretion is advised.)  The Natural Womanhood podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Click to support the show!Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
A Midwife Can Do That!?
Feb 10 2023
A Midwife Can Do That!?
In this episode (Season 2 / Episode 5), Grace and Cassie interview Tiffany and Kelly of Beautiful One Midwifery, a practice based out of Encinitas, CA. In this wide-ranging interview, we discuss the key differences of midwifery care vs. obstetrical care when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum—learning a lot about the power of women's bodies in the process. "Your body is not broken," says the Beautiful One Midwifery website, "it is simply begging you to take it out of the system that neglects and dismisses you as a whole person in need of a holistic approach to health." It's a statement that encapsulates the Natural Womanhood approach to women's health, which is why we were so thrilled to be able to interview these wonderful women and hear more about the fascinating work of midwifery. Whether you're a strong proponent of hospital births or home births, there's plenty to take away from this informative episode about the awe-inspiring work of growing and birthing babies.   The Natural Womanhood podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Click to support the show!Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
FAM for Single Women
Jan 27 2023
FAM for Single Women
In this episode (Season 2 / Episode 4), Grace and Cassie interview Julia McElhenny on the benefits of fertility awareness methods (FAMs) for single women. Julia is the assistant video editor for a non-profit media studio in Austin, TX called the Emergent Order Foundation, and she actually edited the first season of The Natural Womanhood Podcast for us—oh, and she happens to be Grace's little sister! Most importantly (for the purposes of this episode) Julia has been charting her cycles with a FAM since she was a teenager, which she (and her doctor) have used to diagnose and holistically treat both endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) over the past several years. While FAMs and methods of natural family planning (NFP) are often talked about in the context of family planning, Julia is here to tell us all about the benefits of using a FAM as a single woman (spoiler alert: there are quite a few!). If you're not in a relationship and have ever wondered what fertility awareness could possibly have to offer you (especially if you're on birth control for whatever reason, and are looking for something different), this episode is for you. The Natural Womanhood podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Click to support the show!Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.
PCOS & Nutrition
Jan 13 2023
PCOS & Nutrition
In this episode (Season 2 / Episode 3), Grace and Cassie interview functional nutritionist and registered dietician Victoria Coglianese of Wonderfully Made Nutrition. We discuss not only what good nutrition looks like for women suffering from PCOS, but also how to be mindful of the ways we nourish our bodies as women. Women are not just small men, and our nutritional needs differ in some very important ways, which Victoria breaks down for us in the fascinating, highly-informative episode. We hope you learn as much as we did from listening to her!The Natural Womanhood podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula. The Natural Womanhood Podcast brings together experts in the field of fertility awareness for candid, informative, and friendly conversations about authentic women’s health. The podcast is hosted by Grace Emily Stark and Cassondra Moriarty. Grace is an award-winning journalist, a certified instructor of the Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness, and she holds a M.A. in Bioethics and Health Policy. Cassie is a certified instructor of FEMM, an IBCLC lactation consultant, and DONA postpartum Doula.Learn more about Grace and her work here, and learn more about Cassie and her work here. Like what you’re hearing and want more? Click to support the show!Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating on Apple podcasts!Find us on the web at and be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss an article, video interview, or podcast episode. Follow us on X @naturwomanhoodFollow us on Instagram @naturalwomanhoodWant to support The Natural Womanhood Podcast and the rest of our work? Make your tax-deductible donation, here.