[kat]call me | the podcast

Katrina Beretov

The vision for this podcast is to release 12–13-week seasons which cover informative and entertaining content surrounding current affairs, growing up, young adulthood, and overall, a dynamic forum that tracks and measures my growth as a human with episodes featuring persons who have influenced who I have become today. It aims to be provocative to the extent of exploring liberal notions which I have at times felt unease addressing myself; vulnerability and healing, navigating young adulthood whilst living cross-culturally, social justice issues I may have been ignorant to, everything else and more. This podcast documents how I have defined womanhood through the persons, experiences and influences in my life; bringing light to the universal experiences of many others in this lifetime. Our title (and the podcast) aims to encourage answer-seeking, truth exploring, and self reflection at a micro, meso and macro level. This list is non-exhaustive. read less
