Let's consider all the things we are actively doing in the pursuance of our goals. Maybe even more importantly, let's hold ourselves accountable to what we aren't doing. Are we actively spending enough time chipping away and making incremental steps towards our dreams....be honest, it could be what determines our success in this journey. The peaks and valleys or my path to becoming a full time voice actor are numerous and I'm just getting started. Let's cathartically analyze where I'm meeting and falling short of staying focused on the prize. Then let's consider what you're Doing, Not Doing.
Email: RyanDuncan.AVoice@gmail.com
Twitter: @RDuncan_AVoice
FB: https://www.facebook.com/RyanDuncan.AVoice/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-duncan-91928480/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/ryanduncan_avoice/
Intro and Outro music: 'Moving Ahead' by Peter McIsaac Music