Madcap Radio

Madcap Radio

You know us from Puppy Culture, When Pigs Fly and Madcap University. Now Jane and Mark have launched a radio station to bring you podcasts on the intersection of dogs, life and the science of doing anything well and being happy doing it. read less


Puppy Culture Potluck: Ep25 - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Raw Food? Raw Diets for Puppies -  Part One
Oct 22 2024
Puppy Culture Potluck: Ep25 - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Raw Food? Raw Diets for Puppies - Part One
This week’s episode is a fan request on feeding puppies a raw diet: My breeder uses and recommended Puppy Culture as a resource for my partner and I in preparation for our Toy Poodle pup that we'll be picking up in a week or so. We've completed your Puppy Owners Course, the Puppy Culture and Attention is the Mother films, and have started binging your podcast- love your stuff! I'm wondering if you could make an episode on feeding dogs raw food. We plan to feed our pup raw (the breeder currently feeds raw) but it is a bit intimidating for people who are new to this diet! I'm wondering if you could cover a few things: The science behind it / health benefitsWhy you feed raw / how long you've been feeding rawThe dangers of it / how to avoid these dangers (proper practices for purchasing, handling and feeding raw)Any challenges you've experienced / seen with feeding rawTips for starting raw diets - where to begin!Whether the meat has to be a certain quality / where to purchase ingredients for homemade raw (I've heard that grocery store meats aren't safe because of their allotted salmonella/bacteria thresholds?)How to handle raw treats (bones with raw meat) - do you have to clean bedding, etc. every time raw treats come in contact with it? Do you have to wipe down your pup's face/paws after contact?Would LOVE if you could share some recipes for homemade raw food! Or other resources/recipe books on feeding rawWhether puppies need special recipes or if they can eat the same recipes as adult dogsI know a lot of this is google-able lol, but I've found that there is a lot of fear-mongering around feeding raw (from both owners and vets) so I wanted to reach out and see what your thoughts are! There were too many great questions here to fit them all into one episode, so I’m doing this in two parts - In this episode, which is part one, I talk about: Why we feed raw to our dogs and our experience with feeding raw for the past 26 yearsThe challenges of raw food and why some people are understandably more comfortable with kibbleTips and resources for getting started feeding raw without losing your mind - it’s easier than most people make it out to be! Visit our website, for further reading.
Puppy Culture Potluck: Ep22 - Where Have All The Good Vets Gone? Helping Puppy Owners Navigate the "Corporate Takeover" of Vet Medicine
Sep 26 2024
Puppy Culture Potluck: Ep22 - Where Have All The Good Vets Gone? Helping Puppy Owners Navigate the "Corporate Takeover" of Vet Medicine
This week’s podcast is a fan request about the concerns one breeder has about the “corporate takeover” of veterinary medicine and how that is affecting her puppy owners: “What information and resources do you use to help your puppy buyers, especially new/first time dog owners, screen and select a veterinarian? In the past couple of years, and seems like more lately, I get these questions from my puppy buyers that their vet told them something that ranged from harmless but not really accurate to so aggressively incorrect it felt like a scam and even a danger to the puppy. I know stuff can get lost in translation, I know some medical professionals are better than others, and I know vets and their staff are stressed and overworked. But I also fear the rise in this issue is related to venture capital takeovers and it's going to get worse… Since it feels like a trend, and especially because I have a breed suitable for first-time dog owners, I would like to be more organized and proactive in providing information on how to vet a vet. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and suggestions. PS - maybe this would be a good podcast episode?” In this episode I explore:‌ How the corporatization of vet medicine affects puppy ownersCoaching puppy owners to advocate for their puppies at the vet’s office for routine careFinding a good vet when there’s a major veterinary problem with a puppy or dog. Visit our website, for further reading.