Apr 19 2024
How Pro Traders Start the Day: SUPERCHARGED Morning Rituals & Routines | SUPERCUT 3
✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callEver wonder exactly how top traders prepare for a day in the markets? Dive into the specific morning rituals & routines that traders like Brian Shannon (AlphaTrends), Merritt Black (Apteros Trading), Al Brooks (Brooks Price Action), Matt PAX Kenah (The PAX Group), Fat Cat, Austin Silver (ASFX), John Grady (No BS Day Trading), Brannigan Barrett (Tradelo), Anthony Crudele (Futures Radio Show), Peter Reznicek (Shadow Trader), Josh Schuler (Trade With Profile), Paul Asmar (Camelback Trading), Shay Huang (Humbled Trader), and more use to maintain their focus, boost their confidence, consistently make smart decisions, and ultimately thrive in the challenging world of trading. Get inspired & discover which daily practices are best to help enhance your performance and overall well-being from sunrise to market close.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Korbs Intro to Morning Rituals & Routines0:44 Fat Cat - https://youtu.be/zYP93--G1sI2:45 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw4:54 Brian Shannon - https://youtu.be/2Y26i_tqRi88:35 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM12:34 Austin Silver - https://youtu.be/QZDi87Jt2f413:26 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c015:49 Anthony Crudele - https://youtu.be/-buEAlENE5g21:55 John Grady - https://youtu.be/CYatpxj8Nmo25:45 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQ27:46 Josh Schuler - https://youtu.be/8Xhoe6Mgkw829:37 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q31:39 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQ33:44 Roderick Casilli - https://youtu.be/Eu_zcTdgiVo35:29 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/9siE3cAcydc38:22 Joseph Gasperoni - https://youtu.be/JqrE889rFPM42:08 Andres Granger - https://youtu.be/b-_Aro639Ho47:09 Shay Huang - https://youtu.be/0JChdW26Po0WHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#SpeculatorsPodcast