Speculators Podcast

Aaron Korbs

Speculators Podcast is a show hosted by Aaron Korbs: a professional Futures Trader specializing in VWAP, Volume Profile & Order Flow. He's also the Founder of Tradacc.com and creator of the Profile Method™. Each week Korbs talks with other active traders, sharing the stories and strategies that can help listeners succeed in the trading business. To learn more visit www.tradacc.com

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54 Minutes to Mastering Risk-Reward With Top Traders! | SUPERCUT 13
Nov 8 2024
54 Minutes to Mastering Risk-Reward With Top Traders! | SUPERCUT 13
✅ Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business: https://go.tradacc.com/videoDiscover how the world's top traders like Al Brooks, Merritt Black, Brannigan Barrett, Matt PAX Kenah, and Jeff Holden balance the extraordinary opportunity offered from financial markets with the risk management required to actually take advantage of it. This is a delicate balance that A LOT of people struggle with. There's virtually unlimited opportunity in markets, but there's also unlimited risk. Striking the right balance of risk-reward is absolutely critical for consistency & overall longevity as a trader.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Intro to Risk vs. Reward1:02 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM3:06 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q6:03 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c011:17 Austin Silver - https://youtu.be/QZDi87Jt2f413:59 Jerremy Newsome - https://youtu.be/9_o5Vu8yvmI17:26 Jack Schwager - https://youtu.be/dHGBi06Tvos19:04 Jeff Holden - https://youtu.be/_wPpbhwK2lg20:57 Anne-Marie Baiynd - https://youtu.be/dG0MhCW3Y0M24:08 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/NICjW33H3C028:08 John Grady - https://youtu.be/CYatpxj8Nmo29:33 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM37:05 Jason Shapiro - https://youtu.be/quDBppC0rxQ40:39 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw42:39 Gary Norden - https://youtu.be/TY9YDn1P2Oc44:08 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM48:18 Jack Schwager - https://youtu.be/dHGBi06Tvos51:32 Tom Basso - https://youtu.be/Ed9OuQyEmg052:50 Michael Patak - https://youtu.be/T_kmc-EyATAWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#tradingrisk #riskreward #tradingperformance #speculatorspodcast
Is THIS the Best Trading Opportunity of All-Time? | SUPERCUT 12
Nov 1 2024
Is THIS the Best Trading Opportunity of All-Time? | SUPERCUT 12
✅ Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business: https://go.tradacc.com/videoDiscover what might be the BEST trading opportunity of ALL-TIME and how to capitalize on it. We're currently in what I consider The Golden Age of Online Retail Trading. High-level trader education, training, and mentorship is more available than ever. Mini & micro contracts have made high-quality markets like Futures more accessible than ever. And online prop funding companies have made it possible to earn $100K+ per year without risking your own capital. Are you taking advantage of the current opportunity or letting it slip away?HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Online Prop Funding Intro0:55 Michael Patak - https://youtu.be/T_kmc-EyATA7:19 Austin Silver - https://youtu.be/QZDi87Jt2f414:05 Rod Casilli - https://youtu.be/Eu_zcTdgiVo17:10 Michael Patak - https://youtu.be/T_kmc-EyATA26:46 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/dW57sFgbcnw31:09 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQ37:00 Jeff Holden - https://youtu.be/_wPpbhwK2lg38:46 Rod Casilli - https://youtu.be/_UTL6OLkQl041:23 Deeyana Angelo - https://youtu.be/nrOAkwCAPVw45:49 Michael Patak - https://youtu.be/T_kmc-EyATAWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#FundedTrading #FundedTraders #OnlineTrading #TradingOpportunities  #SpeculatorsPodcast
Capture MORE Profits By Trading LESS ft. Profile Playbook Expert: Josh Schuler
Oct 18 2024
Capture MORE Profits By Trading LESS ft. Profile Playbook Expert: Josh Schuler
✅Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business with Free Video:https://go.tradacc.com/videoJoin us in this incredible conversation with Josh Schuler, Founder of Trade With Profile, to master a superior trading tool/indicator (Profiling) & a powerful trading technique (Playbooking). These are 2 core components for generating an exceptional level of confidence & consistency in your approach to markets. By mastering these 2 components, you'll never have to work a "normal" job again (unless you want to!). THIS is the REAL path to becoming a Consistently Profitable Trader.➡️Where You Can Find Josh SchulerTwitter: https://twitter.com/tradewithprofWebsite: https://TradeWithProfile.com[Exclusive 35% OFF TradeWithProfile Discount Code: SPECPOD35]HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Josh Schuler6:23 The Four Key Questions Every Trader Must Ask Before a Trade22:39 Why Less Time on Charts Can Lead to Better Trading Decisions25:28 How Options Activity Influences Futures Market Movements30:31 Zero DTE Options and Trend Reversals32:52 Using Expected Ranges in Futures Trading36:01 How to Calculate Expected Ranges Using Implied Volatility37:48 Mastering Playbook Trades: Using the First Hour Range44:26 How to Time Trade Entries Using Auction Theory47:05 The Importance of Breaking Down KPIs by Playbook Trade48:26 Trading with Structure: Using Day Types and Open Types58:49 From Random Trades to Structured Strategies1:00:04 Why Sticking to Playbook Trades Boosts ProfitabilityWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/video--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#JoshSchuler #TradeWithProfile #SpeculatorsPodcast
How Top Traders BLEND Strategy & Intuition | SUPERCUT 11
Oct 11 2024
How Top Traders BLEND Strategy & Intuition | SUPERCUT 11
✅ Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business with Free Videohttps://go.tradacc.com/videoDiscover how pro traders like Al Brooks, Merritt Black, Brannigan Barrett, Jeff Holden, Anne-Marie Baiynd, and Gary Norden effectively blend Strategy & Intuition into their approach. The reality is that trading is this beautiful blend of Science & Art: We certainly need rules & structure to keep our process strong. But things don't always fit into a nicely categorized box. Markets are dynamic, ever-evolving mechanisms, so the skill of discretionary in-the-moment decision-making is required. Overall, the best trading happens somewhere in the middle of Order & Chaos.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Structure vs. Discretion Intro From Korbs0:48 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c01:38 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM2:51 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q5:51 Jeff Holden - https://youtu.be/_wPpbhwK2lg10:19 Anne-Marie Baiynd - https://youtu.be/dG0MhCW3Y0M12:54 Gary Norden - https://youtu.be/TY9YDn1P2Oc17:19 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/9siE3cAcydc21:38 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c023:00 Jerremy Newsome - https://youtu.be/9_o5Vu8yvmI23:40 Tom Basso - https://youtu.be/Ed9OuQyEmg029:30 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#tradestrategy #tradeperformance #speculatorspodcast
THIS 34-Year Pro Trades Without Charts [HERE'S HOW] ft. Gary Norden
Oct 4 2024
THIS 34-Year Pro Trades Without Charts [HERE'S HOW] ft. Gary Norden
✅Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business with Free Video:https://go.tradacc.com/videoTrading Industry EXPOSED. Discover why Gary Norden, a veteran trader with a successful career spanning over 3 decades, believes technical analysis is complete BULLSH*T. This is coming from a long-time professional market maker on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFOE), a Norden Method scalper, and co-director & manager of the NN2 Capital hedge fund. Gary has seen the business from numerous angles (both institutional & retail) and has had an impressive 34-year career (and counting). THIS is how he "reads between the lines" and trades without charts.➡️Where You Can Find Gary NordenYouTube: @GaryNorden Website: https://NordenMethod.com1st Speculators Podcast Appearance (EP13): https://youtu.be/RN4hE8lrFcwHow Gary Norden Earned the Coveted Red Jacket at London Futures Exchange2nd Speculators Podcast Appearance (EP47): https://youtu.be/TY9YDn1P2Oc Escape Retail Ignorance & Embrace the Grind w/ 34-Year Pro: Gary NordenHERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Gary Norden1:45 How Fundamental Information Simplifies Trading Decisions10:12 Value vs. Price: Why Timing Your Trades is Overrated17:14 Intuition or Training? How Traders Connect Market Dots20:05 Stop Chasing Perfect Timing: The Power of Acting Early30:28 Why Randomness in Trading Keeps Your Strategy Hidden35:31 How Hedge Funds Stay Ahead38:58 The Process Behind Hedge Fund Strategies42:15 Managing Risk Without Price: Using Time for Stop Losses45:35 How Correlations and Liquidity Trigger Scalping Trades47:43 Why Gary Stays Away from Big Players and Large Liquidity52:04 Gary's Process for Bouncing Back After a Tough Loss55:08 Where to Look for Value When Trading ES1:01:29 Thriving in Volatile Markets with Defensive TradingWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/video--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#GaryNorden #NordenMethod #KorbsTrading #SpeculatorsPodcast
10X Your Trading Results By Taking Full Advantage of THESE | SUPERCUT 10
Sep 27 2024
10X Your Trading Results By Taking Full Advantage of THESE | SUPERCUT 10
✅ Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business with Free Videohttps://go.tradacc.com/videoDiscover how to turn your losses, mistakes, and short-term failures into the highly-profitable trading results you desperately desire. The reality is that losses are an unavoidable aspect of trading - there's no way around them completely. You can do absolutely everything right and STILL have to experience them. That's because we're operating in an environment of probabilities; not certainties. So being able to handle losses constructively is of paramount importance. Discover how some of the biggest names in the space like Merritt Black, Jack Schwager, Jared Tendler, and Anne-Marie Baiynd recommend using losses to your advantage to become the best trader you can be.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Intro to Learning From Losses & Mistakes1:05 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM3:49 Jack Schwager - https://youtu.be/dHGBi06Tvos6:19 Jared Tendler - https://youtu.be/yeXPz93zyHA9:48 Anne-Marie Baiynd - https://youtu.be/dG0MhCW3Y0M15:39 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQ17:33 Gary Norden - https://youtu.be/RN4hE8lrFcw21:22 Jason Shapiro - https://youtu.be/quDBppC0rxQ22:59 Jared Tendler - https://youtu.be/yeXPz93zyHA26:37 Anne-Marie Baiynd - https://youtu.be/dG0MhCW3Y0M31:18 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQ32:21 Deeyana Angelo - https://youtu.be/nrOAkwCAPVw35:08 Rod Casilli - https://youtu.be/lEzI_yjccVMWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#tradeperformance #tradinglosses #tradingmistakes #SpeculatorsPodcast
Markets Are Changing FAST: Here’s How to Stay Ahead | SUPERCUT 9
Sep 6 2024
Markets Are Changing FAST: Here’s How to Stay Ahead | SUPERCUT 9
✅ Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business with Free Videohttps://go.tradacc.com/videoDiscover how elite-level traders are staying ahead of the curve in rapidly evolving financial markets impacted by the exponential rise of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. There's no doubt that markets are shifting FAST: are you prepared for what's coming next?HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Markets0:35 Anthony Crudele - https://youtu.be/-buEAlENE5g4:05 Josh Schuler - https://youtu.be/8Xhoe6Mgkw86:17 Tom Basso - https://youtu.be/Ed9OuQyEmg07:47 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/9siE3cAcydc9:53 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQ12:35 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQ15:13 Tom Basso - https://youtu.be/Ed9OuQyEmg020:37 Traveling Trader - https://youtu.be/oaTNPN5rTn825:39 Jason Shapiro - https://youtu.be/quDBppC0rxQ29:33 Rod Casilli - https://youtu.be/lEzI_yjccVM31:07 Andres Granger - https://youtu.be/b-_Aro639HoWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#AItrading #AItradingbot #AlgoTrading #SpeculatorsPodcast
Confessions of Multi-Million $$ KING OF THE NASDAQ PIT: Matt PAX Kenah
Aug 30 2024
Confessions of Multi-Million $$ KING OF THE NASDAQ PIT: Matt PAX Kenah
EPISODE SPONSOR: ELITE TRADER FUNDING → SPECIAL OFFER✅ 40% OFF ANY EVALUATION: https://go.tradacc.com/getfunded-elitetraderExclusive Discount Code: ETFKORBSJoin us in this candid conversation with THE KING OF THE NASDAQ PIT: Matt PAX Kenah. PAX built up his career from the dirt starting in 1988 as a runner on the CME floor, eventually purchasing his seat on the floor and becoming a trader in 1997. He soared to incredible heights: trading hundred lots on a daily basis & making MILLIONS of dollars. But then dramatically fell to devastating lows: virtually going BROKE overnight with the collapse of MF Global. About a decade after amassing what would safely be considered "generational wealth", he hit one of the lowest points of his life: scavenging for spare change between the seats of his car in order to buy milk for his 5 kids. The extreme highs & lows of PAX's life and trading career are something out of a movie script. Tune in to discover the biggest lessons, regrets, and confessions of a die-hard futures trader with a career spanning across 5 decades in this week's can't-miss episode of the Speculators Podcast.➡️ Where You Can Find Matt PAX KenahX: @PaxTrader777 https://twitter.com/paxtrader777 Website: The Pax Group https://www.thepaxgroup.org 1st Speculators Podcast Appearance: https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw NQ Pit Trader Makes Millions, Goes Broke Overnight & Bounces Back w/ PAX✅Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business with Free Video:https://go.tradacc.com/video HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Matt PAX Kenah5:51 Strategies for Long-Term Success in Trading15:46 Building a Lasting Trading Career One Trade at a Time18:42 Why P&L Shouldn't Be Your Only Trading Metric24:48 Navigating Setbacks in Trading28:58 Trading Lows: Beyond Financial Loss35:42 Resetting After Rock Bottom in Trading41:34 Reflecting on a Life Well-Traded42:50 The Best Days: Triumphs in the Trading Pit48:54 How Values Shape a Trader's Journey54:19 How Trading Influenced Matt's Lifestyle Choices58:39 Integrating Spirituality into Trading and LifeWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/video--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#ThePAXGroup #MattPAXKenah #NQFutures #NasdaqTrading #FuturesTrader #FuturesTrading #Nasdaq #OpeningRangeBreakoutStrategy #SpeculatorsPodcast
55 Minutes of GENIUS Advice For New Traders | SUPERCUT 8
Aug 2 2024
55 Minutes of GENIUS Advice For New Traders | SUPERCUT 8
✅ Start Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business with Free Traininghttps://go.tradacc.com/videoIf you're a new or developing trader - you need to watch this compilation of beginner tips IMMEDIATELY to discover the best advice from many of the top traders & educators in the game: Al Brooks, Brannigan Barrett, Austin Silver, Matt PAX Kenah, Brian Shannon, Anthony Crudele, Jack Schwager, Josh Schuler, Shadow Trader, and more. This is a can't-miss episode full of genius insight & wisdom. Enjoy!HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Korbs Intro to Beginner Trader Tips0:36 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q2:19 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c05:27 Fat Cat - https://youtu.be/zYP93--G1sI12:13 Austin Silver - https://youtu.be/QZDi87Jt2f413:17 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw17:26 Jerremy Newsome - https://youtu.be/9_o5Vu8yvmI20:56 Brian Shannon - https://youtu.be/2Y26i_tqRi822:14 Anthony Crudele - https://youtu.be/-buEAlENE5g26:46 Josh Schuler - https://youtu.be/8Xhoe6Mgkw830:01 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQ32:45 The Traveling Trader - https://youtu.be/oaTNPN5rTn835:42 Jack Schwager - https://youtu.be/dHGBi06Tvos38:11 - Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/NICjW33H3C039:15 Jared Tendler - https://youtu.be/yeXPz93zyHA42:17 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQ46:27 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw50:01 Michael Patak - https://youtu.be/T_kmc-EyATA53:57 Jason Shapiro - https://youtu.be/quDBppC0rxQWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#NewTraders #BeginnerTraders #SpeculatorsPodcast
Your MOST Important Resource as a Trader [HINT: It’s NOT Money] | SUPERCUT 7
Jul 22 2024
Your MOST Important Resource as a Trader [HINT: It’s NOT Money] | SUPERCUT 7
✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callHere's a reality check: the market will take absolutely EVERYTHING from you if you're not careful - your money, mental energy,  physical health, etc. Discover your MOST important resource as a trader & how to safeguard it like a pro. It's not some external resource like capital. It's an internal resource that separates the consistently profitable professionals from the struggling amateurs. Don't miss out on this Speculators Podcast Supercut episode featuring elite traders like Al Brooks, Brannigan Barrett, Merritt Black, Jeff Holden, John Grady, Brian Shannon, Matt PAX Kenah, Josh Schuler, and more discussing the critical importance of Mental Energy & Discipline.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Korbs Intro to Mental Energy & Discipline0:48 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c06:23 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q7:54 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM12:55 Jeff Holden - https://youtu.be/_wPpbhwK2lg16:41 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/dW57sFgbcnw21:01 Jared Tendler - https://youtu.be/yeXPz93zyHA23:45 Josh Schuler - https://youtu.be/8Xhoe6Mgkw826:02 Jared Tendler - https://youtu.be/yeXPz93zyHA28:17 Jerremy Newsome - https://youtu.be/9_o5Vu8yvmI31:27 Brian Shannon - https://youtu.be/2Y26i_tqRi836:19 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM40:13 John Grady - https://youtu.be/CYatpxj8Nmo42:07 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefwWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#TradingPerformance #TradingPsychology #TradingDiscipline
The Most DISRESPECTED Aspect of Trading You Can't Afford to Get Wrong ft. Brannigan Barrett
Jul 5 2024
The Most DISRESPECTED Aspect of Trading You Can't Afford to Get Wrong ft. Brannigan Barrett
EPISODE SPONSOR: JIGSAW TRADING → SPECIAL OFFER✅ Learn More About Jigsaw Tradinghttps://go.tradacc.com/Jigsaw-TradingJoin us in this amazing conversation with 13-year career professional Futures trader, Brannigan Barrett, as we dive deep into what's by far the MOST important aspect of trading: Risk Management. But what's interesting is that the topic of risk management receives very little attention & respect within the industry. It certainly gets mentioned quite a bit, but it rarely gets talked about beyond surface-level points. So this your opportunity to truly discover how you should be managing your risk - because you literally can't afford to get it wrong. You don't necessarily NEED risk management, but you're guaranteed to blow up at some point without it.➡️ Where You Can Find Brannigan BarrettX: @Trader_BranWebsite: Tradelo [Exclusive 25% Discount Code: tradacc25]1st Appearance on Speculators Podcast (Episode 40): https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c0✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callHERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Brannigan Barrett5:47 The Neglected Role of Risk Management in Trading15:42 How Traders Manage Extreme Risk in Real-Time Scenarios22:06 Essential Steps for Developing a Solid Trading Risk Plan29:55 How to Scale Up Risk as a Trader Gains Confidence34:29 Strategies for Allocating Trade Sizes Based on Risk Appetite38:49 Setting Targets in Early Trading Careers43:27 Foundational Skills vs. Psychological Strategies in Trading47:00 Managing Emotions and Losses in Trading50:59 Adjusting Trading Tactics During Unfavorable Market Periods53:44 How to Stay Grounded After a Profitable Trading Day59:05 The Importance of Strategic Patience in Trading1:03:13 Aligning Risk Management with Career GoalsWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#BranniganBarrett #Tradelo #RiskManagement
Game-Changing Post-Market Rituals of Pros: Trade Reviews & Reflections | SUPERCUT 6
Jun 21 2024
Game-Changing Post-Market Rituals of Pros: Trade Reviews & Reflections | SUPERCUT 6
✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callDiscover the game-changing post-market rituals & routines of professional traders like Merritt Black, Brannigan Barrett, Matt PAX Kenah, Al Brooks, and more. The actual trading session itself is what tends to get all the attention from amateurs. But the pros know where the real magic happens: It's the work outside of market hours - putting solutions in place to fix mistakes & sharpen up processes. Join me as I unpack the most powerful after-hours habits of elite-level traders to boost performance & take full advantage of the feedback the market provides on a day-in-and-day-out basis.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Korbs Review & Reflection Intro1:36 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c05:28 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM12:14 Fat Cat - https://youtu.be/zYP93--G1sI24:00 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw28:43 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q31:20 Anthony Crudele - https://youtu.be/-buEAlENE5g33:20 Josh Schuler - https://youtu.be/8Xhoe6Mgkw834:15 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQ35:18 Moritz Czubatinski - https://youtu.be/-qqdUK0exyI36:38 Brad Jelinek - https://youtu.be/L0j-ShE8aogWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#SpeculatorsPodcast
Hittin' the Gravy Train w/ Nasdaq Futures Day Trader: Anne-Marie Baiynd
Jun 14 2024
Hittin' the Gravy Train w/ Nasdaq Futures Day Trader: Anne-Marie Baiynd
EPISODE SPONSOR: ELITE TRADER FUNDING → SPECIAL OFFER✅ 40% OFF ANY EVALUATION: https://go.tradacc.com/getfunded-elitetrader Exclusive Discount Code: ETFKORBSJoin us in this amazing conversation with 2-decade market veteran: Anne-Marie Baiynd. Anne-Marie day trades Nasdaq Futures (NQ) with a methodology rooted in Price Action & Options Analytics. Discover her overall market "worldview", powerful morning routines, how to handle trading around news events like FOMC, her perspective on women joining the trading force, why trading is the perfect occupation, how to dynamically manage risk on a trade-by-trade basis, whether to be more mechanical or discretionary, and much more in this action-packed episode of the Speculators Podcast. This is an episode full of insights & wisdom you absolutely don't want to miss!➡️ Where You Can Find Anne-Marie BaiyndX: @AnneMarieTradesYouTube: @AnneMarieBaiynd-TheTradingBook✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callHERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Anne-Marie Baiynd7:50 Anne-Marie's Top-Down Strategy10:10 Navigating Directional Moves vs. Range-Bound Markets13:43 Discretionary vs. Mechanical Trading: Anne-Marie's Strategic Approach19:05 Key Indicators for Effective Trading Decisions23:27 Anne-Marie's Morning Routine29:04 The Ultimate Trading Setup32:14 Empowering Women Traders: Shifting Dynamics in the Market36:18 Trading as a Lifelong Learning Process45:10 The Game of Trading: Strategies for Competing with the Big Players48:18 Turning Trading Mistakes into Mastery53:02 Dynamic Risk Strategies for Effective Trading56:02 Balancing Emotion and Strategy in Trading DecisionsWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#AnneMarieBaiynd #TheTradingBook #SpeculatorsPodcast
Real-World Edge w/ Jeff Holden: SMB Capital Head of Trader Development
May 31 2024
Real-World Edge w/ Jeff Holden: SMB Capital Head of Trader Development
EPISODE SPONSOR: JIGSAW TRADING → SPECIAL OFFER✅ Learn More About Jigsaw Tradinghttps://go.tradacc.com/Jigsaw-TradingJoin us in this incredible conversation with SMB Capital desk trader & Head of Recruiting/Trader Development: Jeff Holden. If you're active in the trading space, then you've most likely heard of SMB Capital (unless you're living under a rock!). They're one of the top proprietary trading firms in existence and I have deep respect for what they do there. By providing traders with the proper tools, training, and capital to succeed, they've developed numerous 7 & 8-figure per year earners since being founded in 2005 by Mike Bellafiore and Steve Spencer. So it was an absolute pleasure being able to talk to Jeff about his path from retail trader to desk trader, daily life at a top proprietary trading firm, SMB Capital's playbook setups with real-world edge, and much more in this week's amazing episode of the Speculators Podcast.➡️ Where You Can Find Jeff HoldenYouTube: @smbcapital SMB Capital Scalp Radar: https://scalpingclass.comSMB Capital Inside Access: https://smbtradingfloor.com✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business https://go.tradacc.com/callHERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Jeff Holden3:49 Jeff's Backstory: From Retail Trader to SMB Capital8:55 Morning Routine: From Pre-Market to Close12:22 The Importance of Evening Routines16:13 Weekend Strategy: Maximizing Rest and Productivity16:58 Balancing Trading and Leadership at SMB Capital24:22 The Role of Playbook Trades in Trading Strategy31:33 Avoiding the Pitfalls of Invented Trades36:34 The Effects of Data Leaks on Playbook Trades and Market Edge40:43 Balancing Established and New Trade Ideas43:11 Finding Your Trading Edge: The Path for Retail Traders46:13 Are Funded Trading Companies Beneficial for Retail Traders?48:00 The Importance of Risk Management in Trading50:00 Valuable Advice for Aspiring TradersWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#SMBCapital #ProprietaryTrading #SpeculatorsPodcast
Veteran Traders Talk Retirement: Is it Ever Time to Hang Up the Mouse? | SUPERCUT 5
May 24 2024
Veteran Traders Talk Retirement: Is it Ever Time to Hang Up the Mouse? | SUPERCUT 5
✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callDo elite-level traders retire? Does the time ever come to hang up the mouse for good and move on to another season of life? Join us in this fascinating conversation with veteran traders like ICT, PAX, Al Brooks, Shadow Trader, DELI, Merritt Black, and Jason Shapiro to get their takes on retirement & longevity in the trading space. This supercut episode is chock-full of wisdom from long-time professionals.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Korbs Intro to Retirement & Longevity0:47 Anthony Crudele - https://youtu.be/-buEAlENE5g4:53 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM6:24 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw8:36 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q9:57 Jason Shapiro - https://youtu.be/quDBppC0rxQ15:00 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQ16:44 ICT/Michael J. Huddleston - https://youtu.be/i3dd8q1S84AWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#SpeculatorsPodcast
Escape Retail Ignorance & Embrace the Grind w/ 34-Year Pro: Gary Norden
May 17 2024
Escape Retail Ignorance & Embrace the Grind w/ 34-Year Pro: Gary Norden
EPISODE SPONSOR: JIGSAW TRADING → SPECIAL OFFER✅ Free Professional Order Flow Traininghttps://go.tradacc.com/Jigsaw-Order-Flow-LessonsJoin us in this revealing conversation with 30+ year trading veteran: Gary Norden. In his decades of experience, Gary has been a market maker, traded in the pits of the London International Financial Futures Exchange, and held senior positions at some of the world's largest investment banks. For roughly the first half of his career, he only experienced the "Institutional" perspective. So when he was eventually exposed to the "Retail" side, he was completely shocked by the amount of fluff & misinformation out there. Discover why Gary believes that almost all retail traders are playing the wrong game and how they can escape "The Financial Junk Food Industry" in this week's episode of the Speculators Podcast.➡️ Where You Can Find Gary NordenYouTube:  @GaryNorden Website: NordenMethod.com1st Speculators Podcast Appearance https://youtu.be/RN4hE8lrFcw✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Business https://go.tradacc.com/callHERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Gary Norden5:06 Avoiding Trading Traps: Gary's Guide to Edge9:04 How to Identify Your Trading Edge12:59 Understanding Market Participants17:22 Can Retail Traders Learn to Exploit Market Behavior?21:17 Misconceptions Between Trading and Investing24:33 Grinding vs. Big Wins in Trading37:13 Strategic Patience and Protecting Your Capital48:19 Mastering the Flow State for Successful Trading54:05 Why Trading Psychology Is Overrated1:00:44 Cognitive Biases and Trading Psychology1:13:04 Advice to Retail Traders: Be Open-Minded and Ask WhyWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#GaryNorden #NordenMethod #OrderFlowTrading
The Path to Trading MASTERY: Why & How Top Traders SPECIALIZE | SUPERCUT 4
May 10 2024
The Path to Trading MASTERY: Why & How Top Traders SPECIALIZE | SUPERCUT 4
✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callSuffering from what I like to call the "Disease of Dabble"? Discover the power of specialization through the approach of elite-level traders like Al Brooks, Brian Shannon, Brannigan Barrett, Matt PAX Kenah, John Grady, and more. The reality is that there's little to no money to be made in markets as a Generalist. You have to become a Specialist in order to achieve any meaningful level of trading success. See how the pros effectively narrow their focus, limit distractions, and develop deep expertise within their chosen market(s), instrument(s), and time frame(s).HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Korbs Intro to Specialization & Mastery0:32 Brian Shannon - https://youtu.be/2Y26i_tqRi82:00 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c03:24 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw6:20 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q7:49 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/9siE3cAcydc9:22 Josh Schuler - https://youtu.be/8Xhoe6Mgkw815:28 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q18:31 Jerremy Newsome - https://youtu.be/9_o5Vu8yvmI21:13 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/dW57sFgbcnw23:10 John Grady - https://youtu.be/CYatpxj8Nmo31:50 Mike Valtos - https://youtu.be/6vpObDxMO-832:56 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#SpeculatorsPodcast
The Market is an Opportunity Machine w/ Shadow Trader: Peter Reznicek
May 3 2024
The Market is an Opportunity Machine w/ Shadow Trader: Peter Reznicek
EPISODE SPONSOR: ELITE TRADER FUNDING → SPECIAL OFFER✅ 40% OFF ANY EVALUATION: https://go.tradacc.com/getfunded-elitetraderExclusive Discount Code: ETFKORBSJoin us in this insightful conversation with 20+ year active trading veteran: Peter Reznicek aka Shadow Trader. This is Peter's 2nd appearance on the Speculators Podcast and it's been a pleasure both times because he has an incredible amount of wisdom & experience to share. Our first conversation covered more of his background and personal trading approach/methodology. So with that already covered, this time it allowed us to dive deeper into critical topics like patience & discipline, probabilistic-thinking, managing downside risk, and limitations of technical analysis. Kick back, relax, and enjoy the conversation with me and Shadow Trader in episode 46 of the Speculators Podcast.➡️ Where You Can Find Peter ReznicekYouTube: @therealshadowtrader Website: ShadowTrader.net [Exclusive 10% Discount Code: SP10]1st Speculators Podcast Appearance https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQ✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callHERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to Peter Reznicek5:08 Overcoming Market Anxiety for New Traders9:39 How to Refine Your Trading Edge: Advice for Veterans11:41 Avoiding Common Trading Pitfalls During Live Sessions15:08 Mastering Loss Management18:00 Avoiding Contrarian Pitfalls in Trading20:45 Recovering from a Major Trading Loss22:47 Importance of Record Keeping25:50 Aligning Trades with Market Conditions30:18 How to Identify the Right Time to Exit a Trade32:39 Trading Patiently in Low Confidence Markets36:22 Harsh Realities of Trading: The Difference Between Risk and Edge39:52 Focusing on Profit Rather Than Just Winning43:54 Balancing Risk and Reward47:54 Why a Need for Certainty Can Hinder Success50:34 The Importance of Specific Advice in TradingWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#ShadowTrader #PeterReznicek #WeeklyOptionsAdvisory #SpeculatorsPodcast
How Pro Traders Start the Day: SUPERCHARGED Morning Rituals & Routines | SUPERCUT 3
Apr 19 2024
How Pro Traders Start the Day: SUPERCHARGED Morning Rituals & Routines | SUPERCUT 3
✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callEver wonder exactly how top traders prepare for a day in the markets? Dive into the specific morning rituals & routines that traders like Brian Shannon (AlphaTrends), Merritt Black (Apteros Trading), Al Brooks (Brooks Price Action), Matt PAX Kenah (The PAX Group), Fat Cat, Austin Silver (ASFX), John Grady (No BS Day Trading), Brannigan Barrett (Tradelo), Anthony Crudele (Futures Radio Show), Peter Reznicek (Shadow Trader), Josh Schuler (Trade With Profile), Paul Asmar (Camelback Trading), Shay Huang (Humbled Trader), and more use to maintain their focus, boost their confidence, consistently make smart decisions, and ultimately thrive in the challenging world of trading. Get inspired & discover which daily practices are best to help enhance your performance and overall well-being from sunrise to market close.HERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Korbs Intro to Morning Rituals & Routines0:44 Fat Cat - https://youtu.be/zYP93--G1sI2:45 Matt PAX Kenah - https://youtu.be/c348mbiwefw4:54 Brian Shannon - https://youtu.be/2Y26i_tqRi88:35 Merritt Black - https://youtu.be/hqvL46TkcCM12:34 Austin Silver - https://youtu.be/QZDi87Jt2f413:26 Brannigan Barrett - https://youtu.be/fgxfqBRE2c015:49 Anthony Crudele - https://youtu.be/-buEAlENE5g21:55 John Grady - https://youtu.be/CYatpxj8Nmo25:45 Peter Reznicek - https://youtu.be/spwjK5z-rCQ27:46 Josh Schuler - https://youtu.be/8Xhoe6Mgkw829:37 Al Brooks - https://youtu.be/JQc3_CvwW-Q31:39 Akil Stokes - https://youtu.be/B53zVBOlWqQ33:44 Roderick Casilli - https://youtu.be/Eu_zcTdgiVo35:29 Paul Asmar - https://youtu.be/9siE3cAcydc38:22 Joseph Gasperoni - https://youtu.be/JqrE889rFPM42:08 Andres Granger - https://youtu.be/b-_Aro639Ho47:09 Shay Huang - https://youtu.be/0JChdW26Po0WHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#SpeculatorsPodcast
Game Theory Optimal: John Grady Reveals Institutional Order Flow Secrets
Apr 12 2024
Game Theory Optimal: John Grady Reveals Institutional Order Flow Secrets
EPISODE SPONSOR: JIGSAW TRADING → SPECIAL OFFER✅ Free Professional Order Flow Traininghttps://go.tradacc.com/Jigsaw-Order-Flow-LessonsDive deep into the world of professional trading with former Chicago prop trader, John Grady, as he shares his expert, behind-the-scenes insights on Order Flow & Price Action. The bulk of our conversation centers around a well-known term in the Poker world known as "Game Theory Optimal" and how it directly applies to successful trading. Unleash the power of watching the Order Book and understanding how "Big Players" (large funds & institutions) behave and move markets. The knowledge and tools shared in this week's informative episode of the Speculators Podcast has the potential to completely redefine your approach to making high-quality trading decisions and ultimately lead you down the path of consistent profitability.➡️ Where You Can Find John GradyYouTube:  @NoBSDayTradinghttps://www.youtube.com/@NoBSDayTrading  Website: NoBSDayTrading.comhttps://www.nobsdaytrading.com✅ Get Funded & Create Your Freedom Lifestyle Trading Businesshttps://go.tradacc.com/callHERE'S WHAT WE COVER:0:00 Introduction to John Grady8:59 The Underrated Power of Game Theory in Trading11:03 Understanding Institutional Order Flow for Retail Traders13:01 Deciphering the Depth of Market: A Trader's Guide15:02 Strategies for Consistent Day Trading Success17:02 Understanding Market Dynamics for Day Trading20:04 When to Trade and When to Wait22:55 Applying Poker Strategies to the Market31:55 The Truth About Day Trading Success39:55 The Importance of Experience in Trading45:14 Being Selective in Trading: Quality Over Quantity54:30 Finding Your Path in Trading1:12:54 Trading as a Business: The Professional ApproachWHO IS KORBS → HOST OF SPECULATORS PODCAST:My name is Aaron Korbs and I'm a professional intraday Futures Trader specializing in Auction Market Theory, Volume Profile & Order Flow. I'm also the founder of Tradacc.com. Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform where I help traders leverage institutional capital using my volume profile methodology through courses like Volume Profile Formula™, Funding Accelerator™ & Profile Method™. I typically work with people that want to create a reliable online side hustle or that would like to turn trading into their main profession.https://go.tradacc.com/m/korbs--------------------------------------------Happy Trading & Watch Your Risk- KorbsRisk Disclaimerhttps://go.tradacc.com/Risk#JohnGrady #NoBSDayTrading #OrderFlow #SpeculatorsPodcast