TruthXchange Podcast


The unique podcast where we do cultural apologetics all through the lens of oneism and twoism. This lens is based on Romans 1:25, "They have exchanged the truth of God for the lie, worship and serve creation rather than the Creator who is blessed forever..." read less
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The Director's Bag: Episode 6
Jun 21 2024
The Director's Bag: Episode 6
"Reparations as atonement and Flesh bad/Spirit good."Welcome to the TruthXchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers questions from subscribers around the globe, addressing issues about worldview, cultural apologetics, and other miscellaneous items. I am your host Joshua Gielow, and this is another edition of the director's bag. Anonymous Hey friends, I have been reading a book on CRT adjacent called Reparations by Duke Kwon and Gregory Thompson. One of the factors I am considering helpful in CRT is that society needs to take ownership for their past mistakes, specifically with white Americans who live off of the momentum gained by slavery in the US. Wouldn't it be more Christian of us to own our mistakes and sins and take of communities that have been made disadvantaged by slave ownership?   Greenville, SC Mr. Ventrella, I have been enjoying your weekly dictas and they have become the highlight in my Monday inbox, thank you! Your dicta, Embodied, made me think about dualism. I have been following TruthXchange for several years, and I have recalled a number of speakers in the past talks about dualism as always a bad thing. Are there any types of dualism where this is not the case?   Jackson, MS Dr. Ventrella, you quoted Andrew Sandlin in your dicta today, "The conflict is never between non physical and physical..." What about flesh and spirit? Aren't Christian encouraged to walk in the Spirit, not the flesh? In the end won't the world be burnt away, and just the spirit be left?
The Director's Bag: Episode 4
May 31 2024
The Director's Bag: Episode 4
"Hey! Who Gave You the Power?"In this episode, Dr. Jeffery Ventrella addresses questions concerning: God as the Ultimate evil in a CRT worldview, Christian obedience to tyrannical power, and how should Caesar rule?Welcome to the TruthXchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers questions from subscribers around the globe, addressing issues about worldview, cultural apologetics, and other miscellaneous items. I am your host Joshua Gielow, and this is another edition of the director's bag."Dear Jeff, I have been reflecting on your series of dictas on CRT, and it occurred to me that if Christians make use of CRT as a tool in understanding worldview, would not that also apply to God, especially since we believe that He is God almighty? As the ultimate source of power, wouldn't that make him evil, or is that a straw man understanding of CRT?"   "Dear Dr. Ventrella, in your recent dicta, you call the State a servant and minister to the Lord. If I am not mistaken, that is also how scripture refers to the government in Romans 13, and maybe other places as well. What are your thoughts on how Christians are to respond to tyrannical governments today, and could those same thoughts and rules be applied to Christians in the first couple of centuries?"   "I don't see in scripture anywhere a command for how the government is to operate. You mentioned they are servants, where is the manual  for Nero or Titus on how to operate?"
The Director's Bag: Episode 3
May 24 2024
The Director's Bag: Episode 3
Welcome to the TruthXchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers questions from subscribers around the globe, addressing issues about worldview, cultural apologetics, and other miscellaneous items. I am your host Joshua Gielow, and this is another edition of the director's bag.Abigail from Kentucky- 5 years old Mr. Ventrella, when I go to heaven will I still be a girl? Gary from California writes- Re: “Lies that Live” – Part 4 Embryos, IVF, and Means/Ends Confusion While reading the article, it struck me that the arguments you cited that are used to justify IVF mortality are essentially the same ones used to justify elective abortion.  When pro-life Christians (or non-Christians) argue against the justifications for abortion but then accept the identical justifications for IVF, they completely neutralize their argument and testimony.   Wilson from South Carolina writes- Dr. Ventrella, You wrote "How then should Christians conceptualize the State in a way which dispels the lies we live?  Has the Lord instructed us in such things?  Indeed, because Christ is Lord, His divine power has in fact “granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness.”[19]  This includes life and godliness in the public square including a theology of the State." Much of the New Testament seems to have an understanding that the Kingdom of God is not of this world and that we are pilgrims passing through, but here in the dicta you seem to imply that we should be involved, even to take the nation for God. How does this not lead to a type of Christian Nationalism? Is Christian Nationalism bad?