In this episode I dive deep into how direct and permanent experiences of the Divine will solve all problems, end all wars, put an end to all confusion.
Sundari Mystery Immersions - what actually happens there.
Find the details about Fields of Grace here: https://sofiasundari.com/fields-of-grace
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00:18 - It is time
01:08 - You’re invited to be Divine
02:06 - What it takes
03:32 - The Temple structure
05:23 - More than psychology
06:59 - How to Love unknown
07:52 - The Field of mystery
09:55 - The reality of shame
14:09 - The way to the greatest success
15:21 - Level of the Body
16:50 - Level of the Emotions
18:39 - Level of Spirituality
20:07 - Highest level of Awakening
22:22 - Preparation work
24:18 - Temple Life
25:58 - Coming up: Fields of Grace Mystery Immersion in Sardinia