Confessions of a Closet Romantic


Welcome to Confessions of a Closet Romantic, a sweet and sexy show highlighting the smartest, most engaging romantic stories on the big and small screen — sometimes books— that share a common takeaway.

I'm a writer, former film student and book reviewer who has loved romance forever — those hopeful, heartwarming and dramatic stories about sex, romance, connection and love. I've always felt shamed for loving this genre, but not anymore!

Every two weeks, I'll be your ridiculously enthusiastic, gushing, affectionate companion as we explore a diverse range of sexy, compelling love stories. Romance lovers, never feel shame, and never watch alone! Join me!

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Bittersweet British Holidays: Last Christmas/This Is Christmas/That Christmas
Dec 13 2024
Bittersweet British Holidays: Last Christmas/This Is Christmas/That Christmas
Send us a text(I'll be taking a brief break in January – see you next year!)There's a unique flavor to British romcoms and especially British romantic holiday movies: a dash of vinegar mixed in with the sugar and spice, a grounding bite to the proceedings, a bittersweet gentle melancholy, an undercurrent that keeps it real and earns the emotion in every tiny moment and line. These movies hit just the right spot for me this year, reminding me that I'm not alone if I can bravely reach out, where there are valuable and heart-affirming connections everywhere you"This movie is in love with that new car feeling of a new relationship." You say that like it's a bad thing. Relationship therapist ranks Love Actually romances."I like you very much, just as you are." Romcoms — and the patriarchy — need more moments like this."You'll go somewhere new and you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again." Best scene in the whole movie.Oh and this one. "I've got a life to start living — and you're not going to be in it!" The patriarchy needs a whole bunch more of these moments, too."Last Christmas/I gave you my heart.." Just being a human IS hard, so yes, let's do something nice for someone. You're made of everything you do.It might not be something but it could be everything. Oh this quiet, gorgeous movie.My favorite characters are the twin girls Sam and Charlie, and the turkeys. Oh boy am I kidding: everybody is my favorite character in this amazing animated movie.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please click share in your podcast app and tell your friends! Thanks for listening!
All the Single Ladies: Love and Independence
Aug 9 2024
All the Single Ladies: Love and Independence
Send us a textBeing single — whether it's a temporary identity or permanent — is valid life choice, but it doesn't often feel that way in our society. Living a romantic life can mean being part of a couple, and also includes being unpartnered, child free, parenting a pet, and falling in love with yourself. Some brave real life artists and fictional characters of the 19th and early 20th century managed to create this type of life, and while you shouldn't need to be a courageous soul to pull it off, these romantic stories and movies about their lives are encouragement to live our lives out loud.https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.comMovies/ShowsThe pace of this movie is glacial at first and the frames and acting very mannered, but you quickly fall in love with Cynthia Nixon as Emily Dickinson in A Quiet Passion.The Brontë sisters Confidential! Tarnish and all.This is a very corny trailer from way back in the early 90s but it really sums up the Edith Wharton story well.My Cousin Rachel is all sorts of suspenseful and intense and Rachel Weisz is utterly compelling in her role as an independent widow trying to find her way in 19th century England.A Quiet Passion and the real Emily DickinsonWild nights — Wild nights! Emily Dickinson's love lifeOf course if you're lucky you can visit the Brontë parsonage in Haworth.What Edith Wharton taught me about marriageSupport the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please click share in your podcast app and tell your friends! Thanks for listening!
Girl Crush: Bottoms/Booksmart/The Half of It
Jun 14 2024
Girl Crush: Bottoms/Booksmart/The Half of It
Send us a textHey romance friends! Let's celebrate Pride Month with a trio of smart, funny, quirky movies about queer girl crushes on high school classmates. Classmates to lovers is one of the most popular romantic tropes ever, and these movies have quite the unique take on those beats. The friendships are deep and full of love, the romantic explorations are hot, sexy, and heartfelt and the kisses are swoon-worthy. High school can be an exciting, and scary time for figuring out your desires and identity, but these young women navigate it all like the survivors they are.CW: lots of swearing, explicit talk of anatomy, sex and religionhttps://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.comThe intention of Pride Month is "to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally.”Looking at this trailer I laughed hysterically all over again. Bottoms is wild, horny and unhinged, but somehow it manages to become a cohesively hilarious and heartfelt queer coming-of-age romp. It's not for everyone but IYKYK.A fascinating deeper look at the cultural themes and motifs in the original Fight Club movie from 1999.There's so much more to high school life than being Booksmart — it took me a long time to learn that, too. I need to tuck this trailer away in my pocket and pull it out when I need to be cheered up. The slow mo power walk of these besties in their party era is total hysteria."Love is the trying and reaching and failing."  The Half of It would not be half the movie it is without Leah Lewis as Ellie Chu. Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please click share in your podcast app and tell your friends! Thanks for listening!
The Romantic Awakening of Don Jon
May 31 2024
The Romantic Awakening of Don Jon
Send us a textA romcom where a main character is addicted to porn? That's just the beginning of this amazing character study, written, directed by and starring Joseph Gordon Levitt. Jon is a difficult man to admire: he's a dishonest womanizer, marinated in heteronormative culture and toxic masculinity. Then two women cross his path and change it —one to his detriment (Scarlett Johansson as Barbara) and one to his betterment (Julianne Moore as Esther). Esther provides the mirror to Jon's behavior, and despite being at least 20 years older than he is, she's sexy, wise, and grounded and manages to wear down his defenses. This is slowburn romance with a gorgeous pay off.https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.comThe sexy charm of Joseph Gordon Levitt makes even a toxic Jersey boy seem vaguely attractive."Anybody can join the HITRECORD community. We make videos, stories, songs, visual art, and of course, more! So whether you like writing, acting, filmmaking, music, drawing, photography, or whatever else, there are people here making stuff you might want to collaborate on.Or even if you don’t fancy yourself an “artist” per sé, this is me giving you the go-ahead to jump in anyway. Part of the spirit here has always been not to worry too much, and just give it a try."Joseph Gordon Levitt is a smart sexy cookie who left college when he decided to only 'be in good movies'."Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please click share in your podcast app and tell your friends! Thanks for listening!
Love and Taylor Swift
May 3 2024
Love and Taylor Swift
Send us a textRomance friends! I'm celebrating my 100th episode this week with an indulgent deep dive into the tear-stained emotion, blind love and delicious word play in Taylor Swift songs. My romance friend Mariah, a Swiftie from way back, returns to the show so we can gush together over the passion, the heartbreak, the artistry, the tiny exquisite emotional universe that is every Taylor Swift song (almost 250 released, and counting).https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.comMusicA few of Mariah's absolute favorites:10 minute version of All Too WellMy Tears RicochetCornelia Street (Live from Paris)And a few of mine:Anti-HeroExileWillowA fantastic round up of the most iconic Taylor Swift music videos.How to become a Swiftie. "3. Read into her song lyrics. Many of them contain complex metaphors or references to her past works that you may miss on the first listen. Try listening to her music multiple times and reading the lyrics to understand her songs in depth. She usually writes about romance as well as personal struggles." I believe we've got that completely covered.Taylor Swift doesn't just have an economic impact wherever she goes, she has a cultural impact too."This award celebrates my family and my co-writers and my team. My friends and my fiercest fans and my harshest detractors and everyone who entered my life or left it."The best place to find suggestions for the most romantic Taylor Swift song or observe her songs analyzed by musically gifted fans is the Taylor Swift sub Reddit.Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please click share in your podcast app and tell your friends! Thanks for listening!
Serial Romantic: This is Me Now: a Love Story
Apr 19 2024
Serial Romantic: This is Me Now: a Love Story
Send us a textI'm a J Lo fangirl from way back, and even though the title of her narrative concept film based on the album of the same name seemed ridiculously self-absorbed, I got completely transported by it anyway, because...J Lo. It's not just the story of her second chance romance with the person she never stopped loving, and has reunited with over the age of 50, it's a story about how she learned to love herself in the intervening years. I was also super invested in the making-of documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told. But if I'm being honest, that title gave me the ick too — until I discovered that was what Ben Affleck called the emails and letters written to each other as they were falling in love all over again. And just like that, all was forgiven.https://www.confessionsofaclosetromantic.comI freaking love the trailer for This Is Me Now. Irresistible! The steampunk heart factory with J Lo toiling away in a sexy tank top, and her homage to Singing in the Rain, are two of my favorite scenes in this short movie.You don't figure stuff out when everything's hunky-dory — you figure it out when it's hard. Yassss, La Lopez. These trailers are absolutely compelling and were cut by a master editor — J Lo does not play. Bypass the title and get stuck into The Greatest Love Story Never Told.I got this wrong: Variety actually says "J. Lo has earned more than $1 billion in box office receipts, and that’s just for her rom-coms." But I'm guessing her portion of that was in the multi millions.Decider film critics can be counted on for the most succinct and mouthwatering reviews.All you needed to know about the album, documentary and movie project."There’s something bigger here that I can share about what I’ve learned in these past 20 years, and when I’ve been making all these records about love, and trying to figure that out.” Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, please click share in your podcast app and tell your friends! Thanks for listening!