Mar 21 2023
Trailer • Getting Curious with iProject (Season 3) [Audio Only]
EDUCATION • Welcome back, dear listener, you have been missed! Join me on this path, as we reminisce. On your last visit to Getting Curious, you heard about everything under the sun, to fashion trends in street style, fascinating facts about space, keeping your heart healthy to run — You learned about everything random and fun!
Well, dear listener, are you ready to do it all again? In this season of Getting Curious with iProject, we’ll dive in…
To athletes and their mental health, the highs and lows of high school baseball, entertainment law and brushless motors, how they benefit us all. From street fashion all around to supposedly wonderous MET Gala gowns — Was it the curiosity that killed the cat, or were the outfits that bad? To BTS and their pending enlistment, to the future of college football with expert predictions...
So on the 22nd of March, when the clock strikes 12, it’ll be so random, so fun, so awesome, it’ll put you under a spell. So tune in, dear listener, and don’t miss out on Getting Curious with iProject Season 3, where we all find out!
Getting Curious with iProject is researched and curated by iProject Idea Lab students at the Mount Vernon School in Atlanta, Georgia. Season 3 of Getting Curious with iProject was recorded & released in March 2023. For more about iProject, follow us on Twitter @TheMVSchool and Instagram @MViProject.