Apr 8 2024
068 - Our Bodies Are Electric, Pulse PEMF With Joe Lehotay
Joe has been in business development in the PEMF wellness and performance market for 7 years and – and it’s the most fun he’s ever had! One of Joe’s specialties is educating private and business users on the benefits of PEMF in an easy to understand way. He believes his clients should never feel like they have to figure things out alone. When Joe is not spreading the good news of PEMF, he likes spending time with his wife and son, cooking at home, and playing golf.You can follow Joe on Instagram @lehotayjoe, Linkedin and Substack, and also tune in to his podcast, Resilient Business with Joe LeHotay, on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. All contact and affiliate info is found at dot.cards/joelehotayListeners to the Ashley Taylor Wellness podcast receive a free gift with PEMF purchase. Visit www.pulsepemf.com/joe-lehotay and use code "Ashley Taylor" 3:58 - PEMF has primarily been used mainly in the chiropractic market. It’s emerging in other markets now including biohacking to professional sports to the private Consumer family market4:58. - PEMF, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields, meant to exercise and stimulate low energy and depleted cells7:00 - It provides bulk energy, the body operates on electricity and if you don’t have enough electricity in your body your heart would stop8:04 - It could be looked at as a nutrient9:45 - PEMF has been in use for 100 years or more, on humans and animals11:32 - A simplified way of understanding it: Pulse PEMF is like industrial strength grounding14:18 - Nature offers the best free biohacks - but when you need efficiency a lot of these tools are phenomenal18:42 - With the right type of real energy you can rest, then you can recover, then you can train, then you can perform, and then you will succeed in any walk of life.22:12 - Sleep hygiene, open up a book, try not to stare at screens 24:54 - PEMF, is it EMF?25:32 - Megahertz, gigahertz, Terrahertz, millimeter waves, those are very fast frequencies that are foreign to the body. PEMF deals with single to double-digit hertz instead of thousands of hertz. 28:29 - Put Cell Phones at least a foot away while using Pulse PEMF, your phone may malfunction if too close34:39 - With the cellular stimulation of the Pulse magnetic field, better assimilation can take place36:39 - Ashley wanted to use it every day, kept using the highest setting and then she found that it was too much for her. More is not better38:34 - You might feel some nausea or a headache, sleeplessness after40:02 - Fulvic-humic binder with some electrolytes if you’re detoxing45:02 - Hydration is key to receive the full value of the technology46:57 - Ashley works with Cellcore Sciences, she recommends doing a liver support and making sure your drainage pathways are working properly 1st!50:02 - interview with Dr. Porter of Brain Tap and the CEO of Pulse. Your energy level has to be at a certain level to do Brain Tap. They suggest using PEMF to increase your energy level to take full advantage of the Brain Tap. 55:24 - Charging your battery 59:39 - Ashley loves how non-specific it is - how you might go in for one thing and it helps with something else. 1:04:01 - There’s a spectrum in terms of frequency versus impulse, no sensation versus very aggressive sensations1:05:05 - Contraindications are pregnancy, any type of implanted medical device that’s electronic like an insulin pump or a pacemaker or anyone with an organ transplant. If people have just had surgery give it about 10 days two weeks. Not s hip or knee replacement1:08:13 - https://www.pulsepemf.com/location-map/ 1:09:39 - @lehotayjoe Podcast: Resilient Business with Joe Lahotay - about clients wellness practices and