Mark and Paul's Opinion Hour

Mark Barron

Have you ever thought that middle-aged, white, British men need a bigger platform from which to voice their opinions? No, neither did we. But here is a podcast full of that sort of thing anyway. Sorry/enjoy (delete as appropriate).

If you have anything to say about past or future episodes we would love to hear from you. Contact us at:

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Nov 8 2024
Hello there. Welcome to another episode of our little podcast. It’s a radio special this time. You remember the radio don’t you? That thing we all used to listen to before the podcast revolution came and upended our worlds. Now, you might expect a couple of fully signed up members of the liberal, metropolitan elite to wank on about how much we love Radio 4 and 6 Music for the whole show. And, well, if that’s what you thought then you’re largely right. But wait - there is a nod to commercial radio here too so there’s really something for everyone. Unless, that is, you’re a serious BBC hater in which case you might want to move straight onto Nigel Farage’s latest GB News podcast. Apparently this week he’s asking who is at fault for the chaos at British airports. I’ve not listened to it myself but I’ll eat my hat if he’s not pointing the finger at foreigners. Coming over here, causing queues at our British airports that are supposed to be here for British people. And don’t get him started on the cost of airport parking. Actually, while I’m not a big fan of Farage I do tend agree with him on that one. 6 quid at Bristol airport just to pick someone up. Daylight robbery if you ask me. Umm, lost my train of thought there. What was I taking about? Oh, yes. The radio podcast, that was it. You know the format by now - we talk, we debate, we laugh, we drink. It’s a hoot - you’ll love it. And once again Mark and Neil are joined by quiz man Ben (aka Beneral Knowledge) for an epic 5 part quiz. Seriously not to be missed. What are you waiting for? Press play now! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.