♥️♥️Venus in Virgo for ALL 12 SIGNS♥️♥️
♥️ When Venus is in Virgo, its energy influences each zodiac sign differently. Venus in Virgo brings a focus on practicality, attention to detail, and a desire for perfection but also pragmatism in relationships and creativity. Here's a general overview of how Venus in Virgo affects each of the 12 zodiac signs.♥️
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General Forecast (don't skip): 0:30 Aries Rising: 5:29 Taurus Rising: 7:50 Gemini Rising: 9:10 Cancer Rising: 9:45 Leo Rising: 11:00 Virgo Rising: 11:45 Libra Rising: 12:50 Scorpio Rising: 13:20 Sagittarius Rising: 14:24 Capricorn Rising: 15:18 Aquarius Rising: 26:11 Pisces Rising: 17:50
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