Dec 8 2021
It's time for the Olympics. Let's, lets watch, witness and learn from the Tokyo Games. 072821 (S3E3)
The Tokyo Olympics are in full swing.We can learn a great deal about ourselves and our world in watching the Olympics, not only for entertainment which it is but as a model for world peace and cooperation. Enjoy and learn.The Olympic OathEach representative an athlete, a judge and a coach -- says their own part: “In the name of the athletes”, “In the name of all judges” or “In the name of all the coaches and officials”. The athlete then takes the following oath: “We promise to take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules and in the spirit of fair play, inclusion and equality. Together we stand in solidarity and commit ourselves to sport without doping, without cheating, without any form of discrimination. We do this for the honour of our teams, in respect for the Fundamental Principles of Olympism, and to make the world a better place through sport.”#olympics#USA#olympicoath