Victor Ving is a renowned muralist and the creative force behind the Greetings Tour, a nationwide public art project that transforms communities with vibrant, large-letter postcard-style murals. Victor's journey in art began with his roots in NYC graffiti, where he honed his aerosol techniques before shifting his focus to public art that celebrates local landmarks, history, and culture.
In 2015, Victor and his partner, photographer Lisa Beggs, embarked on a full-time journey across America in their RV, leaving behind their New York City base. For five years, they traveled the country, living on the road while creating over 65 murals across more than 27 states. Now based in Pasadena, CA, they continue to tour part-time, pursuing their mission to create their distinctive postcard murals in all 50 states.
Their business, Greetings Tour’s mission is to create interactive and timeless landmarks through public art, capturing local pride and sparking visitor interest with each new mural. By collaborating with local artists, businesses, and residents, Victor and Lisa ensure that each piece of art is deeply connected to its community.
In addition to his mural work, Victor Ving is the founder of Mural Artist Collective and Graffiti Arts, creative agencies that specialize in graffiti, street art, and large-scale murals. His innovative approach to public art and his commitment to engaging with communities across America have established him as a leading figure in the field.
Instagram: @greetingstour
Music Credits
Like it Loud, Dyalla, YouTube Audio Library
Scarlet Fire (Sting), Otis McDonald, YouTube Audio Library
Indecision, Dyalla, YouTube Audio Library
My SGV Podcast:
Newsletter: Beyond the Mic
Patreon: MySGV Podcast