Dec 31 2024
Matt Allen, D.D.S., on dentistry as public service & his tech venture DifferentKind, the two halves of life & our roles as parents, Liverpool fandom & communal singing
Matt Allen, D.D.S., is a formerly practicing dentist who now is the CEO and co-founder of DifferentKind, a tech venture focused on making healthcare more human.
He talks with Adam Williams about how, having been the valedictorian of his high school class in Prescott, Ariz., he almost dropped out of Pepperdine University only months later, to dive full time into his band in L.A. They talk about the relatively safe choice of becoming a dentist like his father, and then the risk of leaving it behind to start a tech company.
They get into the wisdom of Father Richard Rohr and other philosophers, and talk about the “two halves of life," which leads them into talking about how they see their roles as dads.
They also talk about how Matt views DifferentKind as a force for good in the community. And Matt tells about the one thing he misses now that he’s no longer actively practicing as a dentist.
The We Are Chaffee Podcast is supported by Chaffee County (Colo.) Public Health. Show notes, including the episode transcript, are at Connect on Instagram @wearechaffeepod.
We Are Chaffee ( partners with KHEN radio ( in Salida, Colo., for local broadcasting of the We Are Chaffee Podcast.
Adam Williams, host, producer and photographer; Jon Pray, engineer and producer; Andrea Carlstrom, Director of Chaffee County Public Health and Environment; and Lisa Martin, We Are Chaffee Community Advocacy Coordinator.