"I'm Glad You Said That" - Jim Minnery Talks Faith & Politics

Jim Minnery - Family Matters

"I'm Glad You Said That" is a weekly podcast/radio show featuring Jim Minnery, President of Alaska Family Council/Action. During these episodes, we'll talk about the things you're not supposed to talk about in polite company - religion and politics. We dive into both as they intersect issues like religious liberty, the sanctity of life, Biblical marriage and parental rights. Each show, Minnery interviews influencers across Alaska and across the nation to get listeners thinking on how to be salt and light in the public marketplace of ideas. read less


Where are you on The Dignity Index ?
Nov 21 2024
Where are you on The Dignity Index ?
How often have you felt like you defiled yourself ?I did again myself this morning with my wife. Said something that I wish I could put "back in the tube" but toothpaste, and words, don't work that way. Thankfully, my wife, and my God, offer forgiveness. But that is most attributed to the fact that I am in relationship with them. What about words we use that harm others that we have never even met or have no real relationship with ?As is often said, the world of politics is a full contact sport. Emotions often run high around beliefs that run deep. Words are used all the time that make assumptions, cast broad nets and have direct and collateral damage.At a recent State Policy Network training event I attended, I came across a session presenting a way of analyzing speech. It wasn't focused on policy or politics or party. It was highlighting the reality that much of the divide in our nation right now has as much to do with how we address disagreements as it does with the disagreement itself.It's called The Dignity Index and it hit me pretty hard. Scripture, as you likely know, is full of words about how we use words. Jesus Himself is called, "the Word of God."  He is the personification of the written and spoken word. The testimony that God revealed through the prophets during the Old Testament period was now made human with the coming of Christ. Hence the Word became flesh.We are image bearers and when we talk about other image bearers, we are to be like Christ.  Not easy and a very high calling but the more we can do it...the more we will be witnesses to the Truth.Tami Pyfer is one of the creators of The Dignity Index and is my guest today on "I'm Glad You Said That". The show is a podcast you can access on most of the standard platforms and it's also broadcasted on Wednesdays at 1pm on KATB (89.3 FM) and at 5pm on KVNT (1020 AM, 92.5 FM & 104.5 FM).Support the show
"Christians Engaged" Founder Bunni Pounds on Why and How We Can Move the Needle
Aug 21 2024
"Christians Engaged" Founder Bunni Pounds on Why and How We Can Move the Needle
Bunni Pounds is a bundle of energy. After running a very successful political consulting firm, she founded Christians Engaged to awaken, educate and empower Christians to pray, vote and engage regularly in efforts to improve the nation's well being.Most Christians would agree that our government would be in better shape if more Christians were involved. However, polling tells us that in many places up to a third of the Christian community sits out key elections. Many of the people who share our values simply don’t vote.Alaska Family Council has worked hard over the years to increase voter turnout in the pews. But we've lacked a dedicated staff person and solid technology to truly have as great of an impact as we'd like.Until now.Family Policy Alliance, our national partner we've worked side by side with since our founding in 2006, and Christians Engaged (CE), the nation’s leading Christian-based, voter turnout operation, have united to form a powerful alliance dedicated to advancing biblical values in our nation’s political landscape for generations to come.Bunni and I will chat about it on today's show. For more info about this strategic merger, watch this video.In short, Christians Engaged has developed the technology and tools we need as a movement to inspire and activate Christ-followers to get to the polls. However, CE lacked the national presence to effectively bring the program before the larger Christian community. Family Policy Alliance, and its network of state-based organizations like Alaska Family Council, has the footprint across the nation but lacked the right technological tools.Together, with FPA and CE now fully merged, Alaska Family Council is prepared to immediately implement this program. The goal is to educate and equip one million Christians across the nation—many of them from right here in Alaska—ahead of the November 2024 Elections.Stand by for more details and take a few minutes to tune in today.Support the show