Everyday Business Problems

the Crysler Club

When it comes to your business, you know everything – except what you don’t. Hosted by David Crysler, each episode we dive into finding and solving everyday business problems. Learn from business leaders and subject matter experts about the challenges they've overcome, and the challenges they still face. Join us for fresh insights, real talk, and inspiration to grow your business! read less


The Hidden Costs of Efficient Systems
Feb 13 2024
The Hidden Costs of Efficient Systems
Today we dive into "The Hidden Costs of Efficient Systems," where Dave talks about the unintended consequences that can arise from the relentless pursuit of operational excellence. From Boeing's latest safety incidents to the broader implications of quality compromises, employee burnout, technology complications, and the loss of human connection, this episode uncovers the complexities behind efficiency initiatives. What You'll Discover: A critical examination of efficiency's hidden costs, including quality, employee well-being, and technological challenges.Insightful analysis of specific cases, such as Boeing's safety incidents, illustrating the potential risks of overly prioritizing efficiency.Strategies for maintaining a balanced approach to operational excellence, ensuring that efficiency gains do not come at the expense of essential values and human elements. Featured Insights: An in-depth discussion on the balance between technology adoption and maintaining the human touch in customer service and operations.Practical advice for leaders on avoiding tunnel vision and considering the broader impact of efficiency measures on the team and overall business health. Tune in to gain a better understanding of the relationship between efficiency and its potential costs, and how to navigate these challenges effectively. Whether you're a business leader or an enthusiast for continuous improvement, this episode offers valuable perspectives on fostering a sustainable, efficient, and human-centric operational model. Catch up on this thought-provoking episode for a deeper dive into making informed decisions that support both your business's growth and its core values.
Leading with Love: The New Era of Sales Leadership with Jonathan Darling
Jan 17 2024
Leading with Love: The New Era of Sales Leadership with Jonathan Darling
We sit down with Jonathan Darling, a seasoned expert in leadership development, to dissect the journey from top sales performer to a compassionate and effective leader. With a focus on the pivotal role of empathy and understanding in leadership, Jonathan shares his profound insights into the transformation that occurs when one leads with love and intention. What You'll Learn: The Challenges of Transitioning from Sales to Leadership: Insights into the common hurdles faced by sales professionals as they move into leadership roles, including the shift from individual achievements to nurturing team success. The Crucial Role of Leadership Development: An exploration of why many new sales leaders feel unprepared and the high failure rate within the first two years, underscoring the need for comprehensive training and ongoing development. The Power of Leading with Love and Empathy: Jonathan delves into the concept of 'loving tough' and how a balanced approach to leadership can create an environment of growth, support, and genuine care for team members. Unveiling Individual Motivators: A look into the importance of understanding what drives each team member, with Jonathan sharing a story that highlights how recognizing and responding to individual needs can lead to significant breakthroughs. The Geese Analogy and Team Dynamics: Jonathan introduces the analogy of geese flying in a V formation, drawing parallels to the dynamics of effective leadership in reducing resistance and empowering each team member to lead. Balancing Accountability with Encouragement: Discussion on how leaders can maintain a delicate balance between ensuring accountability and offering the necessary encouragement for team members to thrive. The True Essence of Leadership: A conversation on how effective leadership goes beyond titles, focusing on the profound impact a leader can have on their team's professional journey by leading with purpose, compassion, and a genuine desire to uplift others. Featured in This Episode: Jonathan's Personal Journey: Inspirational anecdotes and personal experiences shared by Jonathan, offering a real-life perspective on the transformative power of empathetic leadership. Insights from Leadership Studies: Relevant data and findings that shed light on the challenges and opportunities in the realm of sales leadership. Whether you're a budding leader in the sales domain or a seasoned executive seeking to refine your leadership approach, this episode provides enlightening perspectives and actionable advice. Join us as we navigate through the nuances of leading with love, empathy, and intention, transforming the traditional sales leadership paradigm into one that fosters growth, support, and genuine connection.
Boosting Mental Wellness through Continuous Improvement
Jan 9 2024
Boosting Mental Wellness through Continuous Improvement
We dive into mental health in the workplace and explore how Continuous Improvement (CI) methodologies can play a crucial role in enhancing mental wellness. With a focus on empathetic leadership and effective communication, we reveal how CI is not just a tool for operational efficiency but a transformative approach to cultivating a supportive, resilient, and mentally healthy work environment. What You'll Learn: The current state of mental health in workplaces, backed by recent Gallup survey insights.The significant impact of leadership actions on team mental wellness.Practical strategies for implementing empathy and active listening in leadership roles.Engaging ways to involve teams in CI activities, fostering a sense of value and confidence.How CI methodologies can transform mistakes into learning opportunities, reducing workplace stress and anxiety. Featured in This Episode: Insights from the book “Twelve and a Half” by Gary Vaynerchuk, highlighting the importance of simplicity in leadership.Personal anecdotes and real-life examples demonstrating the positive impact of CI on mental health. Whether you're a leader seeking to enhance your team's mental well-being or an employee interested in the intersection of workplace practices and mental health, this episode offers valuable perspectives and actionable advice. Join us as we explore how chasing operational excellence through CI can lead to a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace.
Beyond Zero Defects: Finding the Balance in Quality Management
Jan 2 2024
Beyond Zero Defects: Finding the Balance in Quality Management
In this episode of Everyday Business Problems, join your host, Dave Crysler, as he dives into the "Gold Standard" concept of "Zero Defects" in quality management. We take a closer look at why absolute perfection in operations – whether in product-based or service-oriented industries – might not always be the most feasible or beneficial approach. The Myth of Zero Defects: We start by exploring the traditional perspective on Zero Defects and question its practicality and alignment with customer values and cost-effectiveness. Balancing Act: Through real-life examples, we discuss the delicate balance between striving for perfection and meeting customer expectations. Discover how over-engineering, while well-intentioned, can lead to increased costs without a corresponding increase in customer satisfaction. Customer Perception and Defect Management: Learn how the handling of defects, more so than the defects themselves, can significantly impact customer perception and loyalty. We share insights on empowering teams to effectively address issues and the importance of a quick and empathetic response. Final Thoughts: Wrapping up, we emphasize the importance of striking the right balance in quality management, focusing on what customers truly value, and managing defects effectively. This episode is a must-listen for Operations Leaders, Plant Managers, and anyone interested in refining their approach to quality management and customer satisfaction. Tune in for a blend of real-world stories, expert insights, and practical advice.