Chuck Williams has amassed a long list of Hollywood credits but Playboy fans may know him as the man from Girls Next Door that produced Bridget Marquardt's "scary movie", The Telling.
Right from the start, you'll hear that Chuck is no stranger to entertaining and is definitely not lacking in energy. Chuck talks about his introduction to The Mansion, which might have been helping with Playboy's annual Haunted House. That haunted house had one billionaire hotel heiress screaming for the exits.
Chuck is a huge fan of horror, just look at his resume, which is why it wasn't a shock that Mr. Hefner and Girls Next Door co-creator, Kevin Burns, asked him to help produce Bridget’s film. Chuck talks about how that all went down, in the only way that he knows how, sheer entertainment. Speaking of entertainment, you don't want to miss Brian Olea's Dracula impression.
In recent years, Chuck has gotten back into acting. One of his biggest credits would have to be Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Victoria was shocked to hear what Chuck's first residual check was for that. The man has worked with a lot of Hollywood's finest and his stories are endless. The jury is still out if he ever dated Jennifer Pershing but after hearing this episode, you'll know that the chemistry is definitely there. (at least in Chuck's head)...And the Mayhem continues! 🤟