Ep7: Is it my fault my dogs reactive, PT2

House of Herders: The dog professionals podcast

Feb 27 2023 • 59 mins

Joined by Amie from Canine Pawtential in Ayrshire, we delve into the topic of reactive dogs and in this episode really consider how trainers can impact clients long term, positively or negatively despite the best intentions. We do get a little ranty and are very open with our own struggles with our own dogs.

This is a 2 piece series, broken down as there was so much ground to cover; but we also realise we have only just scratched the surface here!

Alongside discussing the main points from a dog guardian perspective we also hit the topic from the point of dog trainers which leads to some differing answers and some interesting solutions. We share our own experiences as guardians of reactive dogs and things we wish we had done differently. As always, these are only our opinions based on our experience. You, your dogs safety and your clients safety should always be top priority in these situations.

To learn more about Amie, you can find her across social media platforms as @canine.pawtential

Our socials as always:

Main: @houseofherders

Lhanna: @houseofherders_lhanna

Gemma @houseofherders_Gemma

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