129 - Paul van Lange: Trust, Cooperation, And Climate Change (REAIR)

Stanford Psychology Podcast

Mar 28 2024 • 58 mins

Eric chats with Paul van Lange, Professor of Psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam and Distinguished Research Fellow at Oxford. He is well known for his vast work on trust, cooperation, and morality, applying these themes to everything from Covid to climate change. He has published multiple handbooks and edited volumes on these topics.

In this chat, Eric and Paul talk about the psychological barriers that stop people from fighting climate change. What do trust and cynicism have to do with it? What are barriers to cooperation more generally? Why do selfish people often believe others are selfish too, but kind people don’t think everyone is kind? Might most strangers actually be nice, despite all the stranger danger we always hear about? Finally, Paul shares if all his work on trust and cooperation has changed how he looks at the world and compares research in psychology in Europe to the US.

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Paul's paper on climate change
Paul's website
Paul's Twitter @PaulvanLange

Eric's website
Eric's Twitter @EricNeumannPsy

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