Dear Midlife...

Shelby Bybee and Trinity Greenfield

Listen up, gorgeous! Are you over 40? Are you feeling stuck? The proverbial midlife crisis is for real and we're here to tell you that you don't have to go it alone! The Dear Midlife mission is all about unleashing mind-blowing transformation for fabulous women in the middle. We are here to serve up sizzling inspiration and turbocharged tips and tools to arm you with the power and courage to remember who you are, figure out who in the hell you want to become and chase your passions like a total boss...even if it means kicking those old versions of yourself to the curb. So buckle up, We're all about pushing boundaries, getting cozy with discomfort, and living life without apology. Get ready to conquer with confidence and style! read less


Finding Your Purpose Using Gene Keys
3d ago
Finding Your Purpose Using Gene Keys
Trinity has been having this feeling lately that there is something new on the horizon. It's like this knowing in her bones that she's meant for more. She IS making a short-term move to Arizona and keeps thinking maybe this is a fresh start and wonder if that has something to do with it...But, then she's like nope! There's something more here, but she just can't quite put her finger on it. Have you ever felt that way?That feeling is what possessed us to start this podcast keep going for 2+ years! We just know we are on the verge of creating something that is great, that will help women who are grappling with this SAME knowing find their purpose. Today, our guest, Sasha Greenridge, does just THIS...she helps women find their purpose.Sasha is a certified Mindset Coach that that uses Gene Keys to help women who are ready to stop seeking validation from, literally, everyone outside of themselves and, instead, look inward to discover who they really are and who in the hell they are meant to be! Gene Keys are a tool to help guide women in uncovering their gifts so they can go all in on themselves and step into their life's purpose with knowing and intention.That's right! By understanding what their future holds and where they are meant to me, she empowers women to let go of codependence and that feeling of not being enough. Through her own seeking and efforts to redefine her OWN story, Sasha is able to empathize with other women and help them rewrite THEIR stories. She Iikes to think that she is designed to be the bridge, the leader, for her community into a new way. She is here to empower self love, independence and self-reliance as she shows her clients how to follow their design to live their uniqueness without interference from others. In this episode, Sasha teaches us:Gene Keys is a transformative system that uses your birth data to provide insights into our energetic and genetic programming. Our Gene Keys can be expressed either negatively (the Shadow) or positively (the Gift), or at the enlightened state (the Siddhi). By understanding these, we can find and step into our life's purpose with intention.Human Design is a “holistic self-knowledge system” that combines astrology, Kabbalah, Myers-Briggs, I Ching, quantum physics, the chakra system and a load of other stuff in order to generate an “energetic blueprint” called a BodyGraph. This is a map of “genetic code” that shows how your energy is here to engage in the world. When Human Design and Gene Keys are combined, they can guide the way you live your life and show up in this world. This knowledge can empower us to pursue our purpose with intention. If we don't understand our purpose or choose not to follow the path that has been laid out for us, we may feel as though we are in "crisis". There are life cycles through our lifespan and the cycle we hit in our 40's we go through the Uranus Opposition and can be the source of the conflict we feel in midlife. We have a choice to remain stuck and lost or we can find new purpose. Our 50s Cycle is called the Chiron and this a time where we find new purpose and meaning for the rest of our life.You can't change other people. You can only change yourself.To find more of Sasha:Instagram | @sashaharris_GreenridgeIf you're ready to ditch midlife mediocrity and level-up, we've got your back with a no-nonsense blueprint and a supportive tribe. Make sure we're connected on Facebook and Instagram. Then, visit for:Accelerated Education: Tap into our toolkits and courses that contain...
Using Bloodwork to Solve your "Unsolvable" Health Problems
Sep 9 2024
Using Bloodwork to Solve your "Unsolvable" Health Problems
Last year Trinity's son became very sick with a chronic illness. He had all kinds of crazy symptoms. He couldn't keep anything in his stomach and lost 100 pounds and it was truly difficult to pinpoint the root cause of the issues. As a matter of fact, they spent the better part of a year trying to get to get a true diagnosis to bring her son some relief so that he could return to living a normal life. Here's the thing, chronic illness can take so many forms: muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, insomnia, poor digestion, irritable bowels, hormone imbalance, anxiety, depression…this list can go on forever. But, you know what all chronic illness has in common? They are a huge expense to your quality of life. When Trinity's son was sick she became sick with anxiety worrying about finding a cure for him. They both struggled to work and live life and they continue to suffer anxiety that the issues may return at any moment!Ladies, the bottom line is that If YOU are suffering from any of these, you’re not being the best human you can be. Whether it’s parenting, supporting a family, being a community member, building a career, or just enjoying your life, chronic illness is keeping you from doing it at 100%. And you know what else all these things have in common? Western medicine does not have good solutions for them. Have you ever been told “it’s all in your head” or “you just need to reduce stress” by a trusted expert or doctor?I'm sure you're thinking, "yes! A million times!" So, if you're ready to learn how to solve these common problems with no gimmicks or expensive therapies, just real data with real solutions, you'll love our guest today, Dr. Elizabeth Davidson. Dr. Elizabeth is a Holistic doctor, functional bloodwork specialist, intuitive healer, entrepreneur, author, forager, skier, and single mom. Everyone's health is a puzzle and she combines science and intuition to help people put that puzzle together, solving "unsolvable" symptoms and rebuilding health for maximum life.Elizabeth helps her clients recognize all the healing power they have within themselves. Many of her clients are moms... and Girl, if you can grow a human being inside your body, it makes something like lupus or hormonal imbalance look simple to solve in comparison. Dr. E has helped many women just like you solve autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, anxiety, hypothyroidism, and various hormonal issues.Her "magic" is helping her clients solve "unsolvable" symptoms simply and holistically with no medications. In this episode, Elizabeth teaches us:80% of our immune system is in your gut. The secret to great health begins with healing or resetting your gut microbiome.The foundation of health lies in your mindset. Our confidence about our bodies ability to heal has been diminished by modern society because we are focused on using drugs to treat our symptoms, without getting to the root cause of the issues.Sleep is when healing happens, where you process memories, digest your food...sleep is FOUNDATIONAL to health and wellness. Further, the first thing to be impacted when you lack sleep is your immune system.Schedule at least 5 interrupted minutes a day to do something for yourself! Treat yourself more like a friend and show yourself love and compassion. It is great for your health!Symptoms are information. When you experience a symptom, ask yourself "why"? And then ask yourself why you're taking certain mediations? Medications are also stressors to your body because this is another substance they your body knows how to process. There should always be an "end date" to using your medication and you should strive to solve your medical ailments at the root cause of the issue.To find more of Elizabeth:Website |
Finding Joy Following Devastating Loss
Sep 2 2024
Finding Joy Following Devastating Loss
You know, we've been using a phrase a lot lately "life be lifin" meaning life ain't all roses! Sometimes she can be a little bitch that bites you in the ass. And our guest today, Suzy Easterling Wood has had her fair share of the ups and downs on the roller coaster we know as life.Suzy endured the demise of a super abusive relationship and the loss of not one, but two, of her three children. She jokingly calls herself the "unintentional expert on all things shitty"! And yet, despite it all, she is a lover of life and is determined to help people find their own joy after devastating situations. Suzy is a fierce advocate for finding gratitude, even in the most challenging of times. And ladies, we're not talking about toxic positivity but, instead, being able to focus in on the positive despite the negative factors that often derail us from living the life we deserve. After losing her second child, Suzy knew that she was MEANT to survive her stories and to share them with others. It is her goal to give people hope and for them to understand that just because tragic events happen, they do not have to define us. Shape us, yes. Define us, no.In this episode, she reminds us that there is so much happiness in the world if we allow ourselves the space to create it. None of us are exempt from the experience of loss. It is perhaps the only thing that that we all, as humans, have in common. Her philosophy is that we might as well make peace with it. Even marinate in it for a while. And then take steps to mobilize and work towards experiencing the joy that surrounds us. We have to make space for it. It is not easy, but it is possible. We promise.In this episode Suzy teaches us:Life is fragile and temporary. Take every opportunity to experience life-the good AND the bad-with authenticity.Use your grief and trauma as a catalyst to become the person that you want to be.It is important to shed or let go of the emotions that are no longer serving you. If necessary, write these emotions down on a piece of paper and physically box them up, cross them off, or get rid of them symbolically in someway. In this way, you can make space for the emotions you want to keepYou have to train your brain to transform your negative thoughts into positive ones. Suzy says, When you're driving down the highway and barreling towards those negative thoughts, put your blinker on and choose a different path.We are meant to survive our stories. Every single one of us will experience trauma or grief. What we do with it is our choice and there is still so much beauty in this world. make the best of it and find gratitude in the little things.Girl! We know you've had your struggles too. But, look around you. You are not alone. WE are here and we've got your back and we have a tribe of female friends who've got your back. we are all here to lift you up and support you.Are you ready to ditch midlife mediocrity and level up your life? We've got your back with a no-nonsense blueprint and a supportive tribe. Make sure we're connected on Facebook and Instagram. Then, visit for:Accelerated Education: Tap into our toolkits and courses that contain expert interviews, curated resources, and actionable steps that demand growth.Supportive Problem Solvers: Navigate midlife challenges with access to experts and the fierce friendships of our community, helping you solve any problem, find your purpose and redefine yourself.Unapologetic Friendship...
Reversing Disease Through Fitness, Fasting, and Nutrition
Aug 26 2024
Reversing Disease Through Fitness, Fasting, and Nutrition
Trinity recently landed herself in the hospital because she's been so overwhelmed with a work project that she just started neglecting herself. She was eating the bare minimum each day, she wasn't sleeping and was, essentially, depriving her body of everything it needed to remain focused on her work. For the first time ever she acknowledges that she really felt this wake-up call. Her body was like, "excuse me bitch...what the hell do you think you're doing?" She was having heart palpitations, brain fog, was shaking and sweating and, ultimately, found herself at the hospital in fear and concern because these were symptoms she'd never experienced before!Have you ever had a similar experience? Has your body tried to tell you to slow the hell down? I mean, Life be lifin' for all of us these days and we get it! If you're a woman, it seems inevitable to turn our attention to everyone else around us BUT ourselves. Because, that is what we do as women! However, our guest today, Amy K. Wilson, is here to remind us that THIS neglect...this failure to listen to our bodies... is landing men and women in their early 50s (people OUR age) in nursing homes for the rest of their lives.Amy is a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist, a certified fitness professional, and a certified nutrition coach using the FASTer Way to Fat Loss platform, that is disrupting the diet industry and helping her clients take their health back. And I know what you're thinking...I'm not geriatric YET!! But, it is her goal to keep these issues plaguing our society at bay so you can feel young and vibrant.It's Amy’s mission is to empower and equip her clients to take charge of their health and find balance in their lives. With over 30 years of experience, Amy specializes in developing individualized health plans that navigate through her client’s individual barriers, allowing them to be successful in their efforts. Amy is passionate about helping people prevent and reverse diseases with nutrition and fitness. Through her personal and professional experience, she has seen first hand how diet and exercise can change a person’s life, and how the right nutritional program can be the key to improving their health and fitness.She has seen her clients reverse their pre-diabetes, diabetes, high cholesterol, and more. She is driven to help her clients feel in control of their body and mind, while no longer feeling enslaved by their scale. The conversationIn this episode Amy teaches us:Our bodies are one big chemical reaction. If we are not giving our bodies what we need, it will start to fail and send you signals. LISTEN AND RESPOND to what your body is telling you.The processed "healthy" crap in a box is NOT healthy for you. Your body needs REAL foodwhen your body isn't getting enough healthy fuel/ starts feeding on your muscles and your bones. This creates long-term issues like muscle atrophy and osteoperosis.Insulin resistance occurs when we eat too many things (think those "quick" easy things like cookies) that causes our insulin to spike and we do this repetitively over and over again. When this happens our muscles and cells become "resistant" to insulin and will no longer allow more insulin into the cell as fuel. Then we have excess blood sugar in our bodies that manifests itself as diabetes.The body uses inflammation in some instances to heal itself. However, when we aren't eating enough, we don't get enough sleep and we're under constant stress, our body feels like it is always under attack an we develop chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the cornerstone of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Alzheimer's.To connect with Amy:Website |...
Achieving your Goals with Confidence and Clarity
Aug 19 2024
Achieving your Goals with Confidence and Clarity
Look out, ladies! Shelby, our consummate performer, is pulling out her Jazz hands for our guest today! Yes! We are rolling out the red carpet for Jenna Capozzi! Jenna has made a career working in film production and, as we found out in this episode, has worked with actors who probably once made our now midlife hearts swoon! Today, Jenna brings her over 30 years of C-level executive experience, production expertise and the leadership she provided global brands such as Samsung, Target, and BMW, to our studio!Baby girl! Here us when we tell you that this powerhouse of a woman decided to transition from the spotlight of Hollywood to empowering the next generation of leaders at the age of 51. That's right! Girl...It is NEVER too late! Now, she leverages her extensive background in film and production to guide women over 40 towards building impactful businesses. Jenna dedicates herself to mentoring individuals while emphasizing the importance of community support and personal growth. She uses her vast achievements in entertainment and advertising and her passion for helping others to nurture women. Her mission is to help women in midlife achieve their goals with confidence and clarity.So, buckle up, baby. Shelby's got her jazz hands ready! Because we KNOW our show with Jenna today will really inspire you. You know Jenna is just a woman. Just like you and me. Who at age 51 was bored with her life and felt stuck and decided to make a change. I think she said she had less than $10 in her account and when her then client called and said they didn't need her services any longer, she took it as a sign from the universe that this was her time to seize life and make it her own. In this episode, Jenna teaches us:Don't think...just do! I'll say it again...don't think...just do! Girl , it is the thinking that gets in our way and keeps us stuckYou have to be willing to ride the roller coaster of life and know that you can solve any problem that happens. Life has its ups and downs. But you have to learn to keep going and to learn something from each new challenge.Your goals and dreams need to be big enough to get you excited to just start!Find someone to be your person. Surround yourself with the right people who really back you up!Access Leader Builder worksheet to start your midlife adventure today...Remember Jenna's words, don't think...just do!What are you feeling right now? Are you feeling stuck in the grind and bored with life, but afraid it is too late for you? We are here to tell you that it's' not too late. That you are worthy. We want you to know you are capable of change and we're here to support you along the way. So, go to our website, and explore the tools and resources we're creating to help you elevate YOUR midlife! We can't wait to meet you in the middle!
Revamping Your Style as a First Step to Reinvention
Aug 12 2024
Revamping Your Style as a First Step to Reinvention
Cue the song "Pretty Woman"! we love this song and we love our guest today, Elysha Lenkin! Elysha is a personal stylist with a illustrious 25-year career in the fashion industry. This girl knows her stuff and has been entrusted to elevate the style for iconic personalities such as Carrie Underwood, Serena Williams, and Tina Fey. And you know what we love the most about Elysha? She specifically caters to women in midlife and she helps these women to think differently about their bodies and teaches her clients to see what they think of as liabilities, as assets.Elysha helps every woman learn to love her body again during an age and stage in life when our physical appearance is changing SO dramatically. Do you know what we're talking about? We're putting on weight in places we normally wouldn't. Our clothes just really don't fit the same and the structure of body is definitely different than it was even just a year ago and is an ever changing target.But, Elysha meets us where we are to helps us find our own style in a world in which some stores carry only one size made for small women's bodies which make fashion that the right word? Or...maybe downright offensive is the better way to say it. I mean, we are women in midlife ladies...we've lived a lotta damn life, birthed babies, drank plenty of wine and we're telling you we ain't going to try to squeeze our asses into some one-sized-fits-all BS piece of clothing!And thanks to Elysha, we don't have to! She teaches us to embrace an unconventional style and to rethink the way we wear our clothes and, frankly, to rethink the way we show up in midlife! Because, let's face it, when we look good on the outside, we feel good on the inside...And when we feel good on the inside, we hold our heads high and carry ourselves like the badass bitches we are! Ladies...if you want to look good and feel even better about yourself, follow this link to Elysha's free style quiz that is exclusive for Dear Midlife listeners.In this episode, Elysha teaches us:The first step to reinvention is to clear out, let go of, and shed what is no longer serving us. Clear it or wear it is Elysha's mantra. Then you can start wearing what you have.Then we make more of what we have through mixing and matching different pieces to make them feel more accessible and more comfortable. We get used to wearing things the same way. Try wearing your things differently.Finally, we evaluate what is missing and then intentionally shopping for what pulls the wardrobe together. When you put on your clothes, ask yourself how it makes you feel. Does it make you feel comfortable? Does it make you happy? Does it make you feel like yourself? Stop asking yourself what's "in style" and start asking yourself is this MY style. If you're keeping a beloved piece, play around with accessories and shoes to make the piece feel contemporary and new.Finding what you LOVE, sometimes requires discovering what you DON'T love. Find one piece in your closet that you don't love any more. Identify, what it is about that piece that you no longer love. Then discard that item and then eliminate those items from your wardrobe in the futureTo connect with Elysha:Visit her website at elyshalenkin.comBaby girl...isn't it time you gave yourself a midlife makeover?! In a surprise twist at the end of the show, Elysha is offering our Dear Midlife listeners access to this exclusive style quiz. And while our guest Elysha will help you with how you appear to the outside world, our work doesn't stop there! Rethinking our fashion is just...
Slaying the Skincare Game and Finding the Fountain of Youth
Aug 5 2024
Slaying the Skincare Game and Finding the Fountain of Youth
Trinity is going on 53 this year and Shelby will be 51. but, you know what? We are just not ready to act our age, feel our age or for God's sake to look our age. Our guest today Dr. Mary Alice Mina had us so excited we almost peed our pants (or...was that another badass side effect of menopause?...Thanks midlife)! We've literally, become obsessed with the latest aesthetic trends and am so grateful for Dr. Mina who's here to help us set our shit straight so we (and when I say "we" we mean Trinity) can minimize some of the 47 skin care products she uses in a day to save some time and definitely some money while still maintaining the appearance of woman in her 30s because that's how we feel, ladies!Bitch...we know YOU wanna look hot, WE wanna look hot and in today's episode, Dr Mina talks about the hot girl hamster wheel and the ridiculous double standard that society holds women to. You're not the only one who's fallen victim to all the creams and services available we are right there with you. We've tried so many things we can't even pinpoint what's working or not anymore!Today, Dr. Mina helps us Mina-mize (did you like how we did that?! LOL) our skincare regimen by pointing out the few (like 3-4...not 91) products we DO need to keep our skin supple and hydrated! Dr. Mary Alice Mina is a Harvard trained double-board certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon and leading expert on skin health and skincare. She is the host of THE SKIN REAL, a podcast for people looking for real skin care guidance, by true skin experts where she emphasizes a holistic and preventative approach to skin health and aesthetics. With over 15 years of clinical experience, she is an invited speaker on podcasts and at national conferences and is co-owner of Baucom & Mina Derm Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia where she treats patients with advanced surgical and cosmetic procedures to restore and maintain healthy skin.In this episode dr mina teaches us:write down your skin routine, products, prices, the time the process takes and the enjoyment you get. Determine what's working for you and assess if there's something you could minimize your skin care routine. Think about your skin needs and skin goals and these together should form your skin habits. the biggest problem is that we overdo it. The basics you need are a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen.90% of facial aging is UV radiation from the sun. its time to get serious about sun protection. Vitamin C Serum is a powerful antioxidant that can help with brown spots and hyperpigmentation and helps you to combat free radicals from the sun.Using topical estriol and estradiol on your skin (on various parts of your body) to help replenish moisture within the skin. This has been proven not cause over absorption of estrogen and can be a helpful part of your skin regime.Tretinoin is a retinoid that can help you boost collagen and give you younger looking skin. It can sometimes be harsh on sensitive skin. Allow your skin to rest after washing your face and put the cream on later or mix it with a moisturizer to prevent irritation.To connect with Dr. Mina:Website | theskinreal.comYouTube | theskinrealAnd, ladies, if you're like us (and I know you are) join in the chant! Hell no...we won't go! We REFUSE face aging without a fight. If you are feeling overwhelmed by all the information and also misinformation out there tune into this eye opening episode of the Dear Midlife podcast with Dr. Mina and click...
Healing Your Body by Mastering Your Mind
Jul 29 2024
Healing Your Body by Mastering Your Mind
Denise Schonwald started her career as a critical care nurse and then later went into psychology. It was in this transition that she had this epiphany. It was one of those moments when all the stars aligned and she started to realize an interesting trend that the things that people we struggling with mentally, were manifesting themselves in the body.At first, she thought it was a coincidence until she started to study energy. It was then she drew the correlation that when trauma and emotional pain begin to manifest in the body, it is because the nervous system is imbalanced and much of this is controlled by our energy and thoughts.Her passion for holistic healing has been fueled by witnessing families cope with the emotional toll of illness during her time in the healthcare field, and her recognition that the brain-body connection is more than just a coincidence. Today, Denise extends her compassionate care nationwide through virtual sessions. As a spiritually grounded mental health counselor and medical intuitive, she provides a comprehensive approach, seamlessly merging mental and physical well-being. As a public speaker, spiritual teacher, and certified family mediator, Denise advocates for a harmonious integration of mind and body. Her commitment to nurturing both the body and the mind shines through in her client-centered practice, offering support to individuals, couples, and families. In her book, "Healing Your Body by Mastering Your Mind", Denise offers insights into living a physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy life by listening to and interpreting our body's messages and how to heal.In this episode, Denise teaches us:We process different fears and emotions in different parts of the body. Fear, trust, self-worth are all processed in the stomach. Then the body tries to balance itself out and we either eat, not eat, or drink alcohol.we don't have to relive our trauma to resolve it. But, we do have to come to terms with it. Suffering isn't suffering when we can find meaning within the experience or trauma.If you want to know how your feeling, notice how your acting and reacting to things. These are indicators.Your emotional energy can be measured in hertz. When this energy reaches a certain level (around 50) it is likely that you will become sick.Medicine and supplements are necessary to provide what your body needs and help treat your illness. But, true health is a combination of high vibrational energy and balance in your body. you can maximize health by shifting your thoughts and healing your trauma.Connect with Denise at: LinkedIn | in/Denise-Schonwald Facebook | /DeniseWillieSchonwaldLLC Instagram | @DeniseSchonwaldIf you are struggling physically, emotionally or spiritually, you are not alone! We all go through these tough times, especially in midlife! Girl, we are here for you and know what you're going through. Visit our website to join the conversation and gain access to tools and resources to help you survive and thrive in midlife.
Unveiling the Secret to Life, Love, and Health
Jul 22 2024
Unveiling the Secret to Life, Love, and Health
The legendary Udo Erasmus, came here to discuss health with us. He is an acclaimed speaker and author (including his best-selling book "Fats That Heal, Fats that Kill), he is the co-founder of Udo’s Choice; a supplement brand, of healthy oils, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and greens, which can be found in Whole Foods and other health food stores worldwide. Further, he designed the machinery for and pioneered the manufacturing of flax oil, which is now a billion dollar industry. However, Udo walked a difficult path to become the man he is today.Udo’s life began with intense struggle. He was a child of war and then, as an adult, he got pesticide poisoning in 1980, leaving doctors at a loss regarding treatment. After deciding to take his health into his own hands, Udo began intense research. His discoveries led him to a passion for finding the answers to life’s big questions; which he hoped would one day bring him and the world, peace. And THAT story that ended up being at the heart of our conversation today.In this episode, Udo takes us on a winding path to remind us that all of life and all of health is created within our connection to self. As a Health, Wellness, Spiritual leader and educator of Human Nature, Udo does a masterful job of laying out and describing what he believes to be the foundation of health, peace, and harmony. He brings his theories to life in this conversation with us with energy and passion. Udo's accomplishments are vast. He teaches at events hosted by Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, has been a keynote speaker at an international brain health conferences, and has traveled to over 30 countries to conduct thousands of live presentations, media interviews, and staff trainings; impacting more than 25,000,000 lives with his message, and today he touches our lives. In this episode Udo teaches us:The cause of heartache is our disconnection from ourself.We are human beings, but we act like human "doings". We need to step back and take moments each day to reconnect to self and just BE.Health encompasses a connection to inner spirit. But, Udo reminds us that we need a diet of fresh, whole, raw, organic foods that are in season to feed our bodies through menopause.To be here, the big picture is that you have to acknowledge you are in a terminal condition (the human body) in an infinite universe and to be ok with that. And when you're fully present despite all of this, you have a good life.There is only ONE law...the law of love. If you follow the law of love, you don't need any other laws. Love conquers all.To connect with Udo: Facebook | /TheUdoErasmus Instagram | @UdoErasmus LinkedIn | in/UdoErasmusThe conversation with Udo is THE perfect reminder to be present to and for ourselves. To slow down, to go within, to examine our soul's desires and live through these desires everyday. But, Udo also reminds us that life is full of so many distractions that pull us away from our inner most desires. Baby girl, we are here to remind you of who you are and who you are meant to become. We're here to support you on that path...Please visit our website at to find your tribe! We are here to love you, lift you up and support you on this journey of self-discovery.
Embracing the Quiet and Finding Your Path
Jul 15 2024
Embracing the Quiet and Finding Your Path
Shhhh....listen to that.... (silence). If you're listening, but don't hear anything, that's the Sound of Silence (hello darkness my old friend..) Ok, I'll spare you my homage to Simon and Garfunkel (one of my favorite all time groups), but the message in today's podcast is about getting quiet to hear what the universe is whispering to you. Our guest, Elaine Glass, has written a book called "Get Quiet" which is about her own transformational journey inspired by the structure of a classical labyrinth. In this book, Elaine draws on her own experiences and client transformations to clearly illuminate the path to reconnect with one's body, soul, and the universal forces around all of us, to enable each one of us to live a more joyful and purposeful life. But, what if you're like us?! We have a hard time getting quiet and like living out loud!  But, in this context, Elaine is talking about taking the time to slow down, to be present, to LISTEN to the universe and it is even HARDER for me to slow my pace than turn my volume down! 😟Yes, honey, Elaine quotes Nathaniel Brandon, a highly respected psychotherapist, who said, "Leisure is a valid human activity". And we all know you have an aversion to slowing down. But, Elaine reminds us that, in that space... in the quiet...there is truth. There is clarity. There is your future. but you just have to be quiet enough to hear what it is saying and then be willing to surrender to and trust that life is unfolding for you as it should. But, instead...most of us worry too much about the future and fail to trust and to pay attention to the lessons life is laying out before us.In this episode, Elaine teaches us to: Surrender to what will be and trust that life is unfolding for you as it should. Get quiet and listen to what the universe is trying to tell you. Be present.Learn to rest and remember the quote from Nathaniel Brandon "Leisure is a valid human activity".Go to to find a labyrinth near you and take and excursion to one of these cosmic structures and reconnect with self and source and you walk in the beauty of nature.If you're sitting at home worrying about the future, you will never give yourself space to learn and grow. You have to put yourself out there and challenge yourself. Do one thing that is a little bit out of your comfort zone every month.To find more of Elaine: Website | Book | Get Quiet on Amazon /Elaine GlassInstagram | If you feel stuck...If you're struggling...take some time today to get quiet. We want to know what that whisper is telling you? I think we are sometimes afraid to acknowledge what we know to be true in our gut. We ignore that tug at our heart that we should be somewhere else, doing something else because we 're afraid of change. we want to know what is your hearts' desire. please leave us a 5-star review and let us know what you know in your heart to be true -if only you had the courage to follow it. Then meet us at to get the support you need for success.
Getting Unstuck and Accelerating Your Growth
Jul 8 2024
Getting Unstuck and Accelerating Your Growth
In 1989 our guest, Lise Janelle, made a commitment to herself that she intended to heal the hearts of millions of people using her Heart Freedom Method. She uses this method to help her client's get "unstuck" and accelerate their growth.That's right girls...are YOU feeling stuck!? I mean...who ISN'T feeling stuck in midlife. You know, we have put so much of our time and energy into everyone else that we get to this age where we have more freedom to create a life we love...but, we are too damn tired to do so! OR our own past history is standing in our way and creating this feeling of "stuckness" that is AMPLIFIED.Dr. Lise to the rescue! She is a renowned growth accelerator coach who’s been revolutionizing the way people achieve success with her groundbreaking Heart Freedom Method. It’s like she’s got the secret key to unlocking all those subconscious barriers holding you back. Mind-blowing, right? She’s not just some ordinary coach! She’s been featured on CBC News, CTV’s Canada AM... the list goes on. This woman knows her stuff and has the creds to prove it.And let’s not forget, she’s the founder of the Centre for Heart Living in Toronto. Plus, she’s written these incredible books, "You are Loved" and "Conversations with the Heart." and is turning her attention to co-authoring a NEW book, which will be published later this year, called "Unstuck" with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame. Trust me, you'll want to grab a copy of every one of these books!Oh, and did we mention she’s a former championship rower and a pioneer in women’s Ice Canoeing? And she’s even scaled Kilimanjaro! Is there anything this woman can't do. She’s literally climbed mountains, both physical and metaphorical. And if that’s not enough, she’s also a member of the Transformational Leadership Council. This means she’s mixing and mingling with the top minds in personal development. Talk about impressive!Exactly! So, buckle up, listeners, because today’s episode is going to be packed with wisdom, resilience, and the kind of inspiring stories that make you want to jump up and take on the world. In this episode, Lise teaches us:The only difference between someone living an ordinary life and someone living an extraordinary life is their ability to take action. But, the subconscious mind sometimes stands in our way.There are 3 clues that your subconscious mind is working against know what needs to be done, but you're not doing it, you do what needs to be done but it feels like drudgery, and, finally, those who do the work but are getting the opposite results that they desire.The more intense situations we experience the greater probability that we'll develop a conditioned response to that situation.You will always have an equal amount of support and challenge. You need to use the support to carry you where you need to go and avoid getting stuck by the challenges. When the challenges arise, ask why is this happening FOR me?What am I supposed to learn? If you are able to change your reactions to the events of your past, it will change your future imagination and transform your destiny.We need to listen to and honor the purpose that is in our hearts. Not doing so is to betray ourselves. And then we need to step outside of our comfort zone to pursue our passion and, when we do, we attract support. If we stay in our comfort zone, we attract challenges.To find more of Lise:Website | HeartFreedomMethod.comWebsite | drlisejanelle.comLinkedIn | drlise
Making Peace with Your Past to Create Your Future
Jul 1 2024
Making Peace with Your Past to Create Your Future
Dear Midlife has always been a podcast where we dive deep into the chaos, comedy, and complexities of our wonderfully messy mid-lives. In today's episode our guest, Author Boo Trundle, causes us to consider what are those deep rooted fears and truths that we've locked into these wide, deep sort of cargo trunks within our souls (or maybe in this case a WWII submarine to borrow from the metaphor our guest uses in her book), that we've gorilla glued and chained and dropped at the bottom of the ocean or the in the depths of our inner spirits...And what happens when life becomes a relentless reminder of all those buried old wounds.You know...just when you think you’ve got it all together, something bubbles up from the depths and says, “Hey, remember me?” Our conversation with Boo today explores the scattered parts of our lives as women and how so many of us strive at this time in our lives to pick up these fractured pieces of ourselves and puzzle them together so that we somehow feel whole againBoo said something beautiful in this episode and that is that this healing process isn't something that can happen in a week or maybe even a decade, but that the healing process is a journey and one I know I'VE been on and that really resonated with me. In her book, Boo explores Katherine's healing journey, whose story so many of us can relate to. She's an attentive mother, comfortably married, yet battling dark thoughts and fears of intimacy.And girl, we KNOW that no matter how polished our lives appear on the outside that there is often an internal struggle that we're managing. In her book, and in this conversation, Boo beautifully portrays this inner struggle we face. In her novel, these struggles are revealed in alternating short chapters told by Katherine’s inner children—Truitt, Star, and Smooshed Bug—each with their own unique strategy for coping with her past traumas. Will they protect her from the truth, or deliver it to her? That’s the big question. Her book, and this conversation, is a wonderful rollercoaster of emotions and insights, and a perfect reflection of our midlife journey—where we’re constantly sifting through the past, trying to shape our personal narratives, and exploring who we are and who we want to become.In this episode Boo teaches us:Find the support you need to persevere. She shared with us the power of finding that someone to mentor and guide you to achieve your goals. Get out there and connect with like minded women!Don't be afraid to quietly and persistently pursue your dreams...EVEN IF life "gets in the way". Don't use "life" as an excuse.Our "vulnerabilities" are unique and different for each of us. There is a beauty in getting to know the vulnerabilities that each of us hold and providing space and support to another person to help them embrace and move through their own truths.We often live very "linear" lives, along a timeline of happenings...get married, have children, age etc. But, there is also there is the "soul's work" that is not linear and weaves in and out of the timeline of our lives and it is a journey.To find more of Boo:The Daughter Ship: A NovelWebsite | www.bootrundle.comBoo shares with us her journey and how her life has shaped her and carried her to where she is today as she delivers her first published novel to the world at age 56. And if you find yourself on the same journey of healing and exploration, join us at because we have some amazing tools and resource we are creating to help you on your journey and are creating a network of supportive women who will...
Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking to Improve Your Life and Health
Jun 24 2024
Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking to Improve Your Life and Health
There is a statistic that states that that the power of positive thinking can literally extend your life by 7 years! And, further, our guest today, Dr. Anna Marie Frank, states in this episode that positive thinking can PHYSICALLY strengthen your body and sites several studies to demonstrate that. If all women could harness a positive mindset, we feel that we could, indeed, rule the world! But, you know what women do? Maybe we're speaking for ourselves here, but it is our perspective that a lot of women put themselves down and cling to old negative narratives about not being good enough, smart enough, thin enough...enough...PERIOD. I mean fill in the blank, right?! As a matter of fact, women bully ourselves everyday. We know we catch ourselves doing it. And (while we don't claim to be geniuses at math), when we put two and two together...the negative thoughts we continue to carry around with us are actually taking a physical toll on our bodies.Today, our mind-blowing guest, Dr. Anna Marie Frank, is here to rock our world as we discuss brain health, self-love, and kicking all that negative self-talk to the curb.  Dr. Frank has written a book called “Stop Bullying Yourself!” which is like a bible for anyone wanting to boost their health, wealth, happiness, and success. She is here to help us rewire our way of thinking and start living as our true, authentic selvesNow, Dr. Anna Marie Frank is not just your run-of-the-mill doctor. She's a badass Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy with a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine. She’s got credentials and training from the Gerson Institute, Amen Clinics, Integrative Nutrition Institute, Mindvalley, National Wellness Institute, and the Wellness Council of America. Talk about a lifelong learner!She's a woman after our own heart. But let's get real here. This woman isn’t just book smart. She's lived it. She’s battled depression, dyslexia, and ADD and came out on top. She's the founder of Happy Whole You, a brain health-focused wellness center out in Bakersfield, California. And trust me, she’s bringing the sunshine to those brains!And let’s not forget she’s the "brains" behind—pun totally intended—a line of brain nutraceuticals like “Happy You, Calm You, & Bright You.” Oh, and did I mention she just launched a new bioavailable liquid nutrition line? Because, you know, why stop at one incredible achievement when you can have a dozen?In this episode, Dr. Frank teaches us:You are the only person who can make you happy.Our brains look for (and find) evidence to validate what we are thinking. We are witness to our own thoughts. We then have to ask ourselves, what if this (negative) thought were not true? Asking ourselves these questions pulls us away from our Limbic (or emotional) brain and back into our logical brain.Women have a larger hippocampus than men, so we have a strong emotional memory!Your thoughts will directly impact the biochemical makeup of your physical body. If you think positive thoughts, your body strengthens. How you're thinking is everything.The first step in learning to stop bullying yourself and to love yourself instead is to let go and trust that your life couldn't have happened any other way than how it has happened thus far.To find more of Dr. Anna Marie Frank:Website | happywholeyou.comFacebook | happywholeyou
Overcoming Obstacles to Become a Midlife Maverick
Jun 17 2024
Overcoming Obstacles to Become a Midlife Maverick
Man, we've overcome a lot of adversity! Shelby navigated the death of her mother at age 7 that changed the trajectory of her life. Trinity has..... But, women are resilient! It's like there is some resolve within us that pushes us to keep going. But, our next guest has faced MORE than her fair share of trials. So many it MIGHT just have a girl asking herself...why me???We are firm believers that the obstacles we face in our lives are meant to make us stronger. We stand in our conviction that life happens FOR us and not TO us. We believe there is purpose to the challenges we endure. Our guest, Alison Jacobson, embodies this unwavering resilience, after navigating the heart-wrenching loss of her baby, weathering bankruptcy following a difficult divorce, and shouldering the role of caregiver for both her son, who has intellectual disabilities and her husband, who battles Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.But, TODAY, Alison calls herself the "Midlife Maverick" because at the remarkable age of 57, she conquered the iconic NYC Marathon (after never running even a mile until the prior year), serving as a living testament that it is never too late for personal transformation. Despite the obstacles in her life, Alison has become a highly accomplished coach, speaker, author, and fellow podcaster. Alison empowers women in midlife to reignite their aspirations, reconstruct self-assurance, magnify happiness, and unlock the abundance they genuinely deserve at any age. Alison’s book Daily Inspirations for Midlife Women: A Guide to Peace, Joy, Confidence, and Abundance was published last year.Alison is a dedicated advocate for women in midlife, helping them overcome self-doubt and fear to achieve their goals and live joyful, successful, kick-ass lives in their second chapter. Through her own tragedies and adversities, she empowers women to find life after loss, regain self-confidence to bravely move forward personally and professionally, and take decisive action to make themselves the center of their own lives.In this episode, Alison teaches us to:Ask yourself how do you define happiness! She asks how will you achieve the happiness you seek if you don't even know your own definition of happiness?Start with knowing your why. Having a powerful "why" or reason that is driving you towards a goal will be a powerful motivator.Surround yourself with the people you aspire to be like and who can give you the knowledge and wisdom you need to be successful in your goals.Set small, manageable goals that (collectively) move your forward towards your larger goal. Tracking and celebrating these smaller wins along the way make achieving big goals more realistic and helps maintain your motivationSet boundaries with your loved ones in order to make time for yourself. Give yourself permission for (at least) an hour a day.CONNECT WITH ALISONalison@alison-jacobson.comalison-jacobson.comLinkedIn | alison-jacobson-midlifemaverickFacebook | AlisonJacobsonMidlifeMavenInstagram | @_alisonjacobsonYouTube | @AlisonJacobsonAnd, ladies. We are kindred spirits with Alison. We know we all have our struggles...but, girl if we can take the time to lift one another up...think of the power in that. We are on the same mission
Using Intentional Shifts to Live Life on Your Terms
Jun 10 2024
Using Intentional Shifts to Live Life on Your Terms
If you could go back to your younger self and offer her some piece of wisdom or advice, knowing what you know today, what would you tell her? Trinity would tell herself that "she belongs" in every room she walks into, every classroom that she takes a seat in, that every space where she feels different, where she doesn't look like the others or have the pedigree...she belongs. Shelby would tell her younger self that life happens for you (not to you). Life leads us where we are meant to go if we are willing to surrender to the pull of the universe. In her book, "I Wish She Knew," our guest, Donna Davis, contemplates this question...what words of wisdom would she share with her younger self? This thought echoes her journey and resonates with women across the globe, offering not just stories but pathways to emotional well-being and self-realization. Donna leads workshops and speaking engagements that are transformative experiences that evoke courage, instill hope, and inspire action as she helps women in midlife embark on a journey of healing and empowerment by making intentional, but incremental shifts.Donna calls herself an "intentional shift strategist" in life and business, Donna's mission transcends beyond mere coaching; it's a heartfelt commitment to help women confront and dispel the shadows of negative emotions and imposter syndrome. Her approach, deeply rooted in holistic healing, addresses the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions, guiding women to reclaim their stories and step into their God-given potential.Join us as we journey with Donna on this transformative path, and become part of a movement that empowers women to break free from their emotional barriers, embrace their strengths, and boldly step into the life they are destined to live.In this episode, Donna teaches us to:  Take a step back and make small, incremental shifts in your life that will gradually move you in the right direction. Many of us try to tackle too much change and once and get discouraged when we "fail".Don't be afraid to try. Get out there and do the thing, because there is no progress without trying. THEN...It IS ok to say (in the end) I'm through with trying.There are 3 things we seek safety, love and boundaries. There are things that happen in life that compromise one or all of these things. Our bodies, however, are built to protect us and often the fear that holds us back is rooted in a subconscious reaction to a past trauma.To move beyond that which holds us back, first acknowledge it and bring it from you subconscious mind to your conscious mind. Then you must confront and evict these negative narratives.You can confront the things about yourself that you see as deficiencies and then ask...what have I gained from this or what has this kept me from to seeing these "flaws" in a new light.To find more of you are ready to make incremental shifts to becoming the next best version of yourself, join our membership at  In this membership we are working to curate content that will help you to become your own hero and create a life you love while engaging in a supportive community that will help you to get there. We can't wait to meet you in the middle.
Responding to Our Own Needs Through Deep Self-Connection
Jun 3 2024
Responding to Our Own Needs Through Deep Self-Connection
In this episode, our guest today, Jamie Cromer Grue said something so beautiful. You see...she is a board-certified Psychoanalyst and Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been trained to listen to others with purpose so that they feel heard and safe. But, the thing she wants most for us is for us to be able to listen to ourselves and then respond to our own needs.Jamie is a Certified Chopra Ayurvedic Lifestyle Instructor and uses these techniques to teach women a framework for self-care supported by self-discovery to help them build a balanced and purposeful life. Balance and wellness is not a one size fits all journey and Jamie helps you learn the unique ways to care for yourself the way YOU need in order to grow personally and professionally. Jamie is eager and ready to help you build a personalized blueprint for self-care, self-discovery, and living your purpose. It's no secret that Trinity tends to deal with her shit and move on. It's the way she is and it is this resilience that has made her the successful woman she is today. But, she doesn't necessarily want to dig into the deep recesses of her past to "heal". But, while Jamie assures us that's not necessary...she also reminded us that there can also be treasure in that dark trunk where Trinity has buried all her hurt and dumped it at the bottom of the ocean...locked with chains...and guarded by a shark!And Shelby is the opposite. She needed to have someone stand in witness to her story. Because there is power in sharing our stories and having another person empathize with us or VALIDATE our experience or tell us we're NOT crazy! But, we loved that, Jamie reminds us that, regardless of our approach, there is healing in our stories. There are gems in the depths of our souls and subconscious mind if we're willing to mine them. And to our listener out there...what is your story? What if would it mean to you to have a safe place to share your story? We're creating this beautiful community where you have a supportive tribe to lift you up. You know...we appreciate you. All of you beautiful women out there (and 3 guys) who listen. We value your continued support and appreciation. It takes a LOT for us to bring this content to you week in and week out and we're really putting ourselves out there and we're doing it imperfectly right now because we're on a mission! We want to unite women in the middle all over the world because no one needs to be on this roller coaster alone. So, Thank you to those of you who have supported and joined us thus far! Thank you to: Rhonda OsbornMartina RehmAmi MaxineDebby Cutts (especially for lending us her song a few episodes ago) Maria Gruber Carl E. Ann DamaschinoLauren Napolitano Tanya Greenfield Stefani Tygert Alexandra Falteciniand Birgess Angeles who recently met Shelby during a visit to Houston, TX!We love and respect each of you and value your support! And if you're interested in joining us in the middle, visit our website and join us!To find more of Jamie Cromer Grue:
Learning to Rest and Rediscovering Your Inner Spark
May 27 2024
Learning to Rest and Rediscovering Your Inner Spark
Those of you who know Shelby knows that she goes non-stop! She's up at 5am to work on this side hustle, she does more before 8 am that some people do in a day and, most of all, she PRIDES herself on the fact that she gets shit done!  BUT, she is also SO tired!Girl, listen up out there and raise your hand if you are feeling just like Shelby?! How many of you are feeling like you want to take control of your life, ditch the "good girl story" know, the one where you think you have to take care of everyone else but yourself...and you, instead want to get your stress under control and rediscover your inner spark?!Today, our guest, Jana Fuchs, who is a Licensed Psychotherapist and Soul Coach for burnt out women, helps provide us some practical tips on HOW we can do just that. She has 15 years of experience in private practice treating adults with a special focus on boundaries, and women's stress and burnout.Through her years of training and experience, she has had the privilege and honor of bearing witness to her clients' soul transformations as she helps them reframe their relationship with guilt, give themselves compassion, and taking value based action. She is the host of internationally ranked podcast "She Illuminated" and is here today to discuss with us the resilience of the human me! You are not going to want to miss this episode today!! And if you are enjoying the value we bring you each week with these episodes, please be sure to follow this show by clicking on the subscribe button in the upper corner of the screen.In today's episode, Jana teaches us that:We lose ourselves in taking care of everyone else. We need to give ourselves permission to take up space in our own lives.We can start to heal by understanding the circumstances that are creating a trigger, then ask what are the thoughts we have about the circumstances and then what are the feelings. we then have to learn to FEEL our feelings.Focus on what you DO want vs what you DON'T. Your brain doesn't know the difference and brings to life just what is top of mind. So the key is to spend more time and energy focused on what is the good you desire.If you need to, write down a short list if the 4-5 values that you want to live by. It is one thing to have values and then LIVE IN ALIGNMENT with those values.To find more of Jana:Website | janafuchscoaching.comInstagram | @janafuchscoachingShe Illuminated PodcastAnd if you want MORE...more tips, more insights, more CONNECTION, visit our website at and join our community "The Middle". Here we are really working to curate content that will be most relevant to you as you embark on this journey of midlife. Join us because we are all stronger with our girl tribe behind us.
Transforming Your Relationship with Food Through Intuitive Eating
May 20 2024
Transforming Your Relationship with Food Through Intuitive Eating
What if we gave you permission to eat whatever you wanted to? Would you find it difficult  to reprogram that little voice inside my head saying "put down the cookie?" Lol. You know, over the decades, women have been fed a LOT of negative body image narratives. We are forced to believe that our worth centers around looking thin, having a perfect figure, or is equated to a number on the scale. Raise your hand if you've ever felt pressure to eat a certain way and look a certain way and if YOU associate YOUR self-worth to "Thinness"! If you feel this way YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Our guest today, Elizabeth Harris, states that girls as young as 3 have been shown to be aware of their body image. She is here to teach us that there is truly a better way. Elizabeth is a registered dietitian, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, speaker, entrepreneur, and co-host of the podcast Wellness Rebranded. She’s passionate about empowering people to drop out of diet culture and reimagine their relationship with food, movement, and their bodies so they can prioritize their whole health with Intuitive Eating, gentle nutrition, and body image healing.Elizabeth’s motto is “self-care, not self-control.” Because food is meant to be enjoyed, movement should make you happy, and we’ve all got better things to do than counting carbs or calories! This is sooo true, Elizabeth! Please teach us!! I mean, she even calls the practice of intuitive eating a self-care framework.Well, we all know that's where we both fall down on the job! lol Let's be honest, Shelby, is notoriously bad at self-care practices. And, well...Trinity loves herself so much that she's willing to eat an entire box of Girl Scout cookies to prove it. Lol But, Elizabeth shows us that this is NOT self-care or intuitive eating either. Instead, initiative eating IS  living in atunement with your body and is a blend of instinct, emotion and thought.In this episode, Elizabeth teaches us:Intuitive eating is a blend of instinct, emotion, and thoughts and would be what eating were like if diet culture didn't exist and we listened to our bodies instead.Guilt is not a food group, we all have a right to eat things we enjoy. One of the principles of Intuitive Eating is to have unconditional permission to eat any food you want in atunement with your body and it's cues.Diet culture is a pressure to eat a certain way, exercise a certain way and look a certain way so that we begin to equate self-worth with the way we look and health with being thin. These are false narratives we need to let go of.Intuitive eating starts with examining your own relationship with food. "Challenge your own food police". What are the rules that you follow when it comes to food. Making a list of these rules when they pop into your head can give you an understanding of this relationshipThe first step to implementing an intuitive eating philosophy is to start by setting up a consistent eating schedule by eating your meals at the same time every day. In this way you'll become more aware of fullness and hunger cues.For more of Elizabeth:Website | elizabethharrisnutrition.comFacebook | elizabethharrisnutrition And we loved this conversation because life in the middle is also a blend of instinct, emotion, and thought and we believe these drive not just EATING but, literally, everything we do. How are you feeling about your life these days? Have you ever felt stuck, like you don't know who you are anymore? If the answer is're not alone! Meet us in "The Middle" at
Double Trouble: Surviving the Menopausal Mayhem...TWICE
May 13 2024
Double Trouble: Surviving the Menopausal Mayhem...TWICE
Whooo wee! Our next guest brings the heat! And when I say "heat" I'm talking about the one and only "Hot Flash Mama", Pamela Mitchell. Pam is the Host of Hot Flash Mama Podcast and an expert on all things menopause because, where most women go through menopause once, Pam has been through it TWICE. You see, the 1st time she was unintentionally forced into menopause was due to medically prescribed use of synthetic hormones, and now (again) naturally at 54. Needless to say, she's got some tea to spill on why this happened and how to balance and normalize menopausal symptoms naturally.She is incredibly passionate about helping women that are going through menopause and that are wanting to slow the aging process! Pamela is a Certified Nutritional Counselor and has been in the Natural Health industry for over 25 years, specializing in anti-aging and women's health.Girl...have you snapped at your partner or kids lately and! who the hell was THAT woman? Or maybe you can't seem to remember ANYTHING! Or if you wake up in the middle of the night and you're soaking wet...Or if you can't sleep at all...We hate to say it, but you are probably in menopause! But, the good news is that you CAN do something about it.In this episode, Pam teaches us:Some prescribed forms of birth control can send women into a "simulated" and premature menopause. So, ladies pay attention to your body, energy and moods. It may not be a mental health issue. Your hormones may simply be out of balanceSaliva is the best way to test your hormones because it can provide the most current data about your hormone levels and where you are currently in your cycle. Ideally, you're testing between days 19-21 in your cycleIf you're experiencing symptoms or not, a progesterone cream will help you navigate the perimenopausal/post-menopausal effects of declining hormones. (ask for links for saliva tests or other products). When applying, be sure to sync to a "cycle" (or would be cycle), and look for those products brands that give you this guidance.Listen to your body and pay attention to your symptoms. While tests can provide a benchmark for health and start you on the right path, you know your own body best. The symptoms are your tell tale sign if the measures you're taking are working or not.Try one thing at a time. If you try everything at once, it is difficult to know what is or is not working. And don't have to suffer!To find more of Pamela:IG | @hotflashmamapodcastHot Flash Mama PodcastAnd if you're out there listening, please know you don't have to go on this journey alone. We're here every week to support you and we want to give a shout out to Toniy Douglas who left us a 5-star review on Apple podcast and stated "This podcast is a must listen because the two hosts, Shelby and Trinity, are so relatable. They aren't preaching or pretending; they are two real women who show their strength through their vulnerability and life experience. The podcast does a great job of creating a space for its guests to share their journey which, in turn, helps us gain insights into OUR journey. The show's topics vary greatly, but each episode has some humor, information, and most of all some heart. If you are on a journey through midlife, this one is a keeper on your podcast rotation!"Thank you Toniy for your kind words of support. It takes a lot of work to publish this show each week and we appreciate knowing that the content we're putting out into the universe is making an impact on our listeners. So, if you're loving this show, make sure
Fracture-Proof Your Life: Inside the Osteoporosis Battle
May 6 2024
Fracture-Proof Your Life: Inside the Osteoporosis Battle
This episode was fascinating. I think we learned more in this one podcast than maybe any other conversation we've had. Dr. John Neustadt has an international reputation as a Doctor, researcher, and integrative medical expert on the topic of Osteoporosis. He became renowned in his field through his nutritional medicine research, clinical work, books he wrote, and his work with the FDA on evaluating the use of natural products for the potential treatment of rare diseases. He has developed million-dollar businesses, educated physicians on improving patient outcomes and the general public on how to make sure they’re getting the care they need and the results they want, and now has his own line of supplements to treat the adverse effects of Osteoporosis.Dr. Neustadt has published more than 100 medical articles, written four health and wellness books and is now a #1 Amazon Best Selling Author in the field of Osteoporosis. His most recent book is, Fracture-Proof Your Bones: A Comprehensive Guide to Osteoporosis. We love the fact that Dr. Neustadt is working to educate other physicians on using functional medicine with their patients. Dr. J (as we like to call him) is a highly sought out speaker at medical conferences he was recognized as one of the Top Ten Cited Authors in the world for his work. Over the years he has specialized in hard-to-treat, chronic degenerative diseases through an integrative approach that emphasizes identifying and correcting the underlying causes of disease. AND He was the first naturopathic doctor to be voted Best Doctor among all physicians in his area. When the award was announced, the local newspaper stated: “It is noteworthy that Dr. Neustadt did not win ‘best naturopathic doctor;’ he won best doctor.Today, he is the Founder and President of Nutritional Biochemistry, Inc. (NBI). And let me tell you what...this man, genuinely, want to heal people and educate the general public (and doctors) how to ensure quality care is provided and received.In this episode Dr. J teaches us:Osteoporosis is a disease in which the degenerative forces are "winning" and outpacing your body's ability to build new bone. Essentially, you're losing bone density at a faster pace that new bone can be rebuilt, increasing your likelihood of fracture.The bone is a living and dynamic tissue and there are things what we can to build the bone back up and reverse osteoporosis. We also have to be weary of what breaks bone down.A bone density test is the primary test modern doctors use to measure of the effects of osteoporosis today and the only tool most doctors speak to their patients about. However, new research reflects that the dangers of osteoporosis largely occur due to factors other than loss of density.Many medications we are prescribed today weaken our bones and put us at risk for osteoporosis. These medications include those that treat depression and acid blockers. It is recommended you read the inserts that come with your prescribed medications or ask the pharmacist to see if there is an osteoporosis related side effect.The mediterranean diet has been shown to reduce the risk for osteoporosis by 20% and reduce hip fractures by 21%, the most dangerous type of fracture. With every forkful of food you are either feeding the disease or improving your health.Dr. John has a mission and so do we! We want you to be the best version of yourself. That means we want you to be strong and healthy so you can rock midlife! THIS Is your time! And we want to give you the tools and resources to get unstuck and create your best life ever. So, go to our website at and join our community!Find more of Dr. Neustadt: