Inner Healing Intelligence: Emotional and Spiritual Growth Through Psychedelics and Mindfulness

Dr. Laurie Little

Are you living your best life filled with joy, meaning and purpose? Or do your days race by, full of striving, achieving and accomplishing, only leaving you somehow defeated, anxious or disappointed? Clinical psychologist and psychedelic therapist Dr. Laurie Little shares how living your best life starts with listening to and trusting your own Inner Healing Intelligence. Everyone has an Inner Healing Intelligence that moves us towards health and growth. Learn how to let your inner wisdom be your own guide to building a life with meaning and purpose, peace and joy. Visit for more. read less
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Stress At Work and Home: How Shifting Your Mindset Can Bring You Peace
Feb 4 2024
Stress At Work and Home: How Shifting Your Mindset Can Bring You Peace
In episode 16 of Inner Healing Intelligence, Dr. Laurie Little outlines essential strategies to maintain inner peace, both at work and at home. In this insightful discussion, she delves into our understanding of stress and suggests that much of our stress is self-induced, stemming not from actual situations but rather, our perceptions of them. Dr. Little underscores the importance of understanding and adjusting our mindset to manage stress. Dr. Little dissects the root causes of stress in our personal and professional lives, using common scenarios as examples. She believes that feelings of stress often arise from situations where we feel considerable responsibility but exercise little power. These scenarios may be found in high-pressure jobs or challenging parenting situations. However, rather than being stuck in a cycle of anxiety and frustration, Dr. Little offers practical and mindset solutions to make stress more manageable. She emphasizes the importance of saying 'no', delegating tasks, and dispelling notions of perfectionism. Above all, she stresses the importance of understanding ourselves better to uncover the underlying beliefs that contribute to our stress levels. Join her Tribe and share your stress management strategies and experiences. Connect with Dr. Little at or join the private Facebook community, Inner Healing Intelligence, for a more interactive exchange.   Want to find more ways to reduce stress, anxiety and perfectionism? Get my free guide: “Five Steps to Finding Calm in the Chaos” Join my tribe at OR Inner Healing Intelligence Private Facebook Group to connect, ask questions or suggest topics.   Music:
Journey Towards Being Your Own Best Friend
Jan 28 2024
Journey Towards Being Your Own Best Friend
In this episode of Inner Healing Intelligence, clinical psychologist and mindfulness coach, Dr. Laurie Little, explores the essence and benefits of being your own best friend. Drawing from personal experiences and professional insights, she navigates the complexities of self-friendship and shares essential self-growth practices to help listeners foster a healthy relationship with themselves. The discussion delves deep into Dr. Little's three criteria of authenticity, trust, and enjoying each other's company that shape her friendships and ultimately her relationship with herself. She emphasizes the importance of self-authenticity, embracing flaws and cherishing the true self. Putting a spotlight on the crucial role of trust, she offers insights into the careful handling of trust in all relationships, including the one with ourselves. Dr. Little further explores the enriching aspect of laughter and joy, underlining that the company you keep should bring you happiness and intellectual stimulation. Ultimately, she highlights the importance of being your own sector of joy, authenticity, and trust. She stresses the power of independence, advocating that each individual is responsible for their own happiness. By building a strong friendship with yourself,  an empowering belief system can be created. Listeners are encouraged to take a leap of faith, try new things, welcome fresh experiences and embrace opportunities for self-discovery. With this episode, become equipped to undertake the journey of self-discovery and cultivate a powerful inner healing intelligence. Begin your transformative journey towards self-love and acceptance, and join others as they share their experiences on or the Inner Healing Intelligence private Facebook group.   Want to find more ways to reduce stress, anxiety and perfectionism? Get my free guide: “Five Steps to Finding Calm in the Chaos” Join my tribe at OR Inner Healing Intelligence Private Facebook Group to connect, ask questions or suggest topics.   Music:
Why Asking Why Leads You To Suffer
Jan 27 2024
Why Asking Why Leads You To Suffer
In this episode, Dr. Little delves deep into the habit of asking 'why' — a habit that, while seemingly innocuous, can often lead to an unhealthy spiral of suffering when left unchecked. Discover how introspection can turn into a problematic loop, leading to anxiety and distress when answers remain elusive. Learn about the profound power of radical acceptance, the importance of coping with challenges instead of seeking elusive root causes, and focusing on the 'how' rather than the 'why.' Dr. Little shares valuable insights through patient stories and personal experiences. Suffering is optional. And this episode is all about breaking free from unnecessary suffering fueled by incessant questioning and uncertainty, whether the issues are physical or psychological. Learn the difference between pain and suffering, and how to accept, manage, and live a fulfilling life despite inevitable pain. Be it a physical ailment, a mental health issue, or an emotional crisis, Dr. Little encourages us to shift our perspective and redirect our energy away from the endless search for answers and towards solutions. She encourages us to accept our reality and work with it rather than against it. Discover the long-term healing benefits of radical acceptance - a journey from pain to acceptance to empowerment - and the critical role it plays in easing our suffering. This episode is an invitation to a more powerful, effective approach to mental and physical wellness, making it a must-listen for anyone seeking holistic health and peace of mind. Want to find more ways to reduce stress, anxiety and perfectionism? Get my free guide: “Five Steps to Finding Calm in the Chaos” Join my tribe at OR Inner Healing Intelligence Private Facebook Group to connect, ask questions or suggest topics.   Music:
Direction Not Perfection with Dietitian and Accountability Coach Lindsey House, RD
Dec 10 2023
Direction Not Perfection with Dietitian and Accountability Coach Lindsey House, RD
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. How: Scroll down until you see Information: Show and my title Inner Healing Intelligence in purple. Click on that. Scroll all the way down to Ratings and Reviews. You can choose your star and click on Write a Review. In this episode, I visit with my longtime friend and colleague, Lindsey House, RD. Lindsey is a dietitian & Personal Trainer turned accountability coach.  We talk about themes such as balancing acceptance and change, taking risks and facing vulnerability, and the importance of staying focused on our own journeys rather than comparing ourselves to others. Lindsey has been my personal inspiration for giving me the courage to start this podcast so I was very grateful she could be my first interview.  Lindsey's personal mission is to help individuals take action to achieve exciting results, such as: -Letting go of the all-or-nothing mentality (overcoming perfectionism) -Getting off the sidelines in life and feeling energetic enough to participate -Decreasing joint soreness to enjoy something as big as travel and small as playing on the floor with grandkids Want to work with Lindsey? (I know you do!) Here's how to connect: Click HERE to schedule your FREE 1:1 call - Do you ever hear yourself saying “I don’t even know where to start! I get motivated to make health changes and then feel instantly overwhelmed with what to prioritize! “ This is the PURPOSE of this call… you will walk away feeling equipped with the understanding of where to start! (feeling supported in your journey). Click HERE to join our FREE Direction Not Perfection Community: Real Weight Loss for Women After 40 AND… Click HERE Discover 5 Stress Free Meal Planning Tips to Increase Energy & Lose the Fluff -Without Giving Up Everything You Love Or Feeling Deprived Click HERE if you want to be able to watch the podcast on our YouTube Direction Not Perfection Station! Podcast: Website: Facebook: #directionnotperfection #rewritetherules #healthaccountabilitycoach Visit for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas. Music:
The Endless Ways We Sabotage Ourselves and How to Finally Break the Cycle
Nov 12 2023
The Endless Ways We Sabotage Ourselves and How to Finally Break the Cycle
Episode 4: In this Episode, Dr. Little talks about Self Sabotage: The endless number of ways that we try to solve a problem in the moment but end up wreaking havoc on our long term goals or health. Dr. Little shares two examples of women she has worked with, Mary and Jessica, who engage in emotional eating and online shopping, to help manage their feelings.  Dr. Little shows a 3-step process for breaking the cycle. Step One: Increase awareness through journaling to better understand all of the situations, thoughts and feelings that trigger the urge. Step Two: Look for Patterns. After journaling for a few days or a few weeks, notice what patterns emerge that frequently trigger your urge. The key is to try to notice the thoughts that are triggering the feelings. Step Three: Brainstorm and implement behavior changes to modify the thoughts. Although this may sound simple, it can often be challenging because it is necessary to fully understand all of the variables that are contributing to the thoughts, and this takes mindful awareness and an openness to change.  Dr. Little also shares an important life philosophy, cultivated by DBT, that “Everyone at every moment is doing the best they know how.” She shares why this life philosophy is essential to understanding and making behavioral changes. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button and share with a friend. Visit ⁠⁠ for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas. Music: