Jan 27 2020
S2/Ep13: Aman Advani-Breaking Down Work, Passion and Play
I always wondered how it was possible that James Bond could jump out of window, fight 4 dudes, roll off a cliff, land in an Aston Martin, and then show up at a cocktail party without a single wrinkle on his lapel. Aman Advani, the founder of Ministry of Supply, a company that makes scientifically better clothing (and more), may have answered that question. Aman and his team have engineered what might actually be the world's most technologically advanced clothing, but the real innovation is in how they've built and run their business...Follow Aman and Ministry of Supply on Instagram: @ministryofsupply.www.ministryofsupply.com.If you find this podcast valuable, Rate, Review, and Share it with your friends!..Chris Falcon on Instagram: @officialchrisfalcon..www.therebelmindset.comwww.chrisfalcon.com