Sławek Strzykowski is a visionary and a polymath. He left a high-flying career with Microsoft, driven by an especially personal passion to use the power of technology to improve people’s lives in very tangible ways.
He was a captain in the Polish Prison Service, a Business Analyst with SAS Institute and 10 years in Business Analytics with Microsoft. He has always been ahead of his time: back in the 90’s, when computer science was in its infancy, he developed the first Polish national database of offenders.
He left a high-flying career with Microsoft, driven by an especially personal passion to use the power of technology to improve people’s lives in very tangible ways.
He now runs UnderAnt in Warsaw, Poland, which designs and produces prototype Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – UAVs or drones, customised to each customer’s requirements, and a sister company, Anteya in England, which provides software and algorithms for the drones and takes care of sales and marketing.