Episode 168 - Bringing Light to Darkness/A Mystical Healing From Suicidal Thoughts

The Spiritual Forum

Jul 25 2022 • 58 mins

Anissa Amason’s awakening journey became the focus of her life in 2018 after a mystical experience silenced her incessant suicidal thoughts. She spent the last five years researching and exploring the nature of the presence that brought such peace and love into her awareness and experimenting with many tools and modalities to tap into that inner mystical reality. In addition to Anissa’s fascinating story of her struggle with suicidal thoughts and her ultimate healing, we also talk about surrendering, humbling ourselves, removing blocks, life purpose and being authentic in the workplace. Anissa is the founder of The Meditation Lounge™, a sacred space for women exploring and cultivating their own capacity for healing and gaining clarity and connection to their unique soul guidance. She’s a gifted intuitive channel, energy healer and a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anissaamason/ Contact: anissa@themeditationlounge.org Healing transmission meditation: subscribepage.io/uwzkAn You like this podcast? Let us know at https://ratethispodcast.com/thespiritualforum