In the early morning hours of June 2, 2009 a thunderstorm broke the constant quiet that existed in the Amish community of Apple Creek, OH. Inside the well kept two story white house the occupants slept fretfully because of the storm. What they did not know was that the loud noises outside were nothing compared to the danger that had sneaked its way inside. A figure walked its way through the unlocked house and down the hall to the main bedroom. They readied themselves to shoot the rifle they had brought with them. Temporarily they were illuminated by a bright flash of lighting and as a thunderclap roared its way through the house they fired the gun. The children slept on none the wiser that their lives had just been shattered by the murder of their mother.
Sources: Olsen, Gregg, and Rebecca Morris. A Killing in Amish Country: Sex, Betrayal, and a Cold-Blooded Murder. St. Martin’s Press, 2016. Purchase the book!