6d ago
The Four Ps: Picking the Proper Place
Chris and Kyle continue in their four-part series on the "Four Ps of Disagreement." In this episode, they chat about the obvious: If you can't hear people, you can't disagree with them. But also, if you have to stand for two hours. If the thermostat is turned up to eighty degrees. If the walls are painted pink. If grizzly bear sightings are a possibility. It's a no-go. Disagreement will not be achieved. Because place matters. The room has to be conducive to the heat of the argument. It has to be comfortable when things get uncomfortable. It can't be a distraction. So we have to be wise as serpents in picking where to disagree so that we can be innocent as doves when the stuffing hits the fan. Join Chris and Kyle as they discuss the most magnificent, incredibly terrible, and just plain stupid places to start, continue, and end an argument. Disagreers, take note.