Saying YES to MORE and no to less!

Create Your Best Life Ever! What Else is Possible?

Oct 4 2013 • 57 mins

How do we restore and/or build more of the JOY, BLISS, & magic inherent to life into our own everyday lives? How do we become turned ON to life? It is SO available right now on our planet - this LIGHT, HAPPY, HIGH energy & feeling. We CAN infuse our lives w/entirely new levels of FREEDOM to CREATE THE LIVES WE GENUINELY DESIRE! We're not locked into our lives being a certain way - although if we listen to our minds & its conclusions we hear FALSE LIMITATIONS imposed by FEARFUL thinking intended to keep us & our society orderly, to have things predictable and slow our rate of change. But we're in an entirely different time now, and we're meant to be choosing what's in alignment with our heartfelt desires - and to follow these passions, even when it causes us to ask, How? Gain the ability & tools to choose this freedom, BEYOND the mind's hidden conclusions that we typically operate from on a day to day basis, so we CAN say YES TO MORE and no to less - and create our best lives ever!