115. Nina Cooke & Cutting the Limiting Beliefs

Thought Leader

May 11 2022 • 25 mins

🌞 Spring and summer vibe from Nina. 00:46

🧠 Two types of thinking among entrepreneurs. 01:33

👍 The right perception and response on things we don’t have control over. 03:27

⚠️ Procrastination has nothing to do with laziness but with reasons deep down. 06:18

🙋‍♀️ Story about insurance broker and how to overcome procrastination. 10:05

📈 Nina’s biggest financial success with a huge lift in income. 13:31

😇 She loves to perceive someone else's thoughts about the truth and lies they are living. 16:55

👧 Nina’s lack of confidence in youth: be invisible to avoid troubles. 18:01

🤩 Having limiting beliefs about yourself and her journey of dissolving those beliefs.19:47

📋 The Millionaire Mindset Scorecard. 22:50

Connect with Nina www.ninacooke.co.uk

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💡 Screw Harvard, go to Crazy MBA: www.crazymba.com