In this thought-provoking third episode of #JusticeForDeanThomas, our hosts delve into chapters 5-7 of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," shifting the focus to an often overlooked groups in the wizarding world - the Goblins and Muggle Born Children. Kevin, Natasha, Chantae, and CJ engage in a dynamic discussion about why these chapters call for justice for Goblins and Muggle-born children.
The episode includes a broader conversation about representation and justice in the Wizarding World. The hosts challenge listeners to think critically about the underlying themes of inequality and prejudice, not just for the main characters, but for all beings in Harry Potter's universe.
Join the #JusticeForDeanThomas team as they continue to unravel the complexities of J.K. Rowling's creation, providing a fresh perspective that seeks to give voice to the voiceless and justice to the overlooked.
Find us at all social media platforms at @JusticeforDTPod!