Jun 20 2023
Building Relationships and Making Connections At AICPA Engage
In this live recording at the AICPA Engage Conference in Las Vegas, Heidi interviews Daryl Petrick, a partner at Bowman and Company. Daryl shares his unique perspective on people and employees, emphasizing the importance of connections and relationships. The conversation also delves into the importance of building a legacy, cultivating staff, overcoming adversity, and focusing on both technical and interpersonal skills.Connect With Daryl Petrick https://cpabowman.com/team/daryl-r-petrick/LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/darylpetrickLearn about Village Hope Care International : https://www.villagehopeinternational.org/Connect with Heidi Henderson:Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidihendersonetsHOW TO EARN FREE CPEIn less than 10 minutes, you can earn 1 hour of NASBA-approved accounting CPE after listening to this episode. Download our mobile app, sign up, and look for the Healthy Wealthy & Wise channel. Register for the course, complete a short quiz, and get your CPE certificate.This Podcast is brought to you by Engineered Tax Services. To learn more visit https://engineeredtaxservices.com/https://healthywealthywise.show/