A Day in the Life: Podcast Editing 2030

Podcast Editors Mastermind

Jul 10 2023 • 46 mins

Will the robots take all the podcast editing jobs by 2030?

  • Will everybody be producing video first?
  • Will Spotify rule the world?
  • Will we all have AI assistants?
  • Or will the robots have human assistants?

We'll take a look at some of the recent changes (and accelerations) in AI and Machine Learning and then make some guesses about what might happen over the next 7 years.

Enjoy this fun (and maybe scary) exploration of what it might be like to be a podcast editor in 2030. We'll look into what might be a welcome change and maybe some of the things that could be a little uncomfortable.

And if you need a drinking game (inside joke), make sure you fire up your Replicator by saying, "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot," and then take a sip every time you hear the code word: "ChatGPT."

Listen to Discover

  • What podcast editing might look like in 2030.
  • What areas the robots aren't really good at (right now).
  • Some things you can do now to position yourself for the future.
  • One key mindset shift.
  • Bonus: A way to insulate yourself against some of the AI risks.

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Our Editor

This episode of the Podcast Editors Mastermind was edited by Alejandro Ramirez. You can find him on LinkedIn if you're interested in talking with him about editing your show.

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Your Yetis Are

About the Podcast Editors Mastermind

The Podcast Editors Mastermind is for professional podcast editors who want to grow their business and get more clients. We’re creating a community of like-minded professionals that are passionate about the art and science of editing podcasts.

Our goal is to help you build your business by providing tools, resources, and support so you can focus on what matters most—your craft. This isn’t just another group where everyone talks about how great they are at podcast editing; we show our work!

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