Aug 31 2021
This is Stephen J. Blakesley, with GMS Talent LP again and we are continuing our series on Leadership and offering the 2nd part-VISIONING! The Six parts are: PRESENCE, VISIONING, COMMUNICATION. MOTIVATION, CREDITING, and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Today we are focusing on VISIONING.In our book titled “THE LEADING MAN” (which, incidentally, is available on AMAZON by that very same name and by Stephen J. Blakesley as the author) we ask the question; Where Are You Going? However, in thinking about it, I think I should have gone even further and said, “Know where you are going, even if it is wrong! Truthfully, we are often, not sure where we will end but we believe it will be better than where we are today. Last evening I was watching TV and “the DOG SHOW” not too sure if that is the name but you know which one I mean when I mention “CEASAR” (the dog whisperer) or the guy that knows everything about dogs or at least much more than I do. He said, “the walk is most important to a dog”, that it is important to act and speak with confidence when walking a dog, to demonstrate you know what you are thinking. I believe the same is true when it comes to leading people. People want their leader to be VISIONARY and have confidence in the outcome if when they don’t know for sure what that looks like. Being VISIONARY is an essential to leadership. Have you ever heard of someone following someone who doesn’t know where they are going. Well, maybe a few times, but soon the team becomes disgruntled when finding that the leader doesn’t know, for sure. Disgruntling causes dispersion and scattering and soon you have not team.If one, however, couples Visioning with Presence, the combination of the two become very powerful: First, you get their attention (Presence) then Second, you tell them where you want to go (Visioning). All of this begins with a plan, I would say a written plan so it can be changed if needed. It all begins with where you are today. You may think that you don’t need to tell your team “where they are today,” but everyone wants and needs a clear picture of where you think they are today. So, tell them (as you see it)! From where they are, beginning is possibly misconstrued more often than you might think. Second, tell them, How They Will Benefit from achieving the objective which is the THIRD part of VISIONING. Know with confidence where you want to go but also know Why We Want to Go There. FOURTH, once you show them How They Will Benefit from getting there, and this may be the most difficult part and that is Getting Their Buy-In. There is a part FIVE and SIX, but I don’t want to reveal everything, I want you to buy the book “The Leading Man,” by Stephen J. Blakesley (it costs almost nothing and you can read it in less than an hour. So leading a group requires, at least two attributes – Presence, and Visioning!Next time we will be talking about the third requirement for Leadership- Communication Contact: Stephen J. Blakesley, CEO GMS Talent LP, -, 281-687-9255