Apr 12 2024
The Four Constants in Life
Key Verse: Gen. 8:22
When Noah stepped out of the ark, he sacrificed to the Lord and God promised that He would not destroy all living things with water again. Part of that promise contains four certainties we need to take note of.
1. Seedtime and Harvest
2. Cold and Hot
3. Winter andd Summer
4. Night and Day
We explore in detail what these constant mean and how they affect our lives. For instance, every word and action is a sowing moment, good or bad. We must ensure that we sow good seed, to read a good harvest.
Biblically, cold and hot, speaks of our demeanor. We can be settles, cool, calm and collected or inflamed and passionate, but we are not made to blow hot or be distant, all the time.
When we understand these constants, we can position our lives to navigate through every situation and season more effectively.