Order out of Chaos

Roger Eaton, Voices of Humanity designer

The Voices of Humanity online forum is designed to heal the world, bringing order out of chaos. Do you support the goals of the UN? Please take a seat! Six to eight minute podcasts, one every month or so. read less


Nuclear Disarmament and the TPNW
Dec 29 2022
Nuclear Disarmament and the TPNW
When it comes to the Goals of the UN, nuclear disarmament doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Without nuclear disarmament, the larger list of UN Goals has little chance of success. Why? Because nuclear arms are proof that we live in an us-vs-them world and in that world of distrust, the nations are not willing to cooperate as needed. COP 27 is just one more example.The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is a key part of the larger Order Out of Chaos Strategy._______________________________________________The mission of the Voices of Humanity - Order Our of Chaos initiative is to build an online community forum that will heal the world, bringing order out of chaos. We are particularly aiming to bring in individuals and organizations who support the goals of the United Nations and/or who identify with such marginalized groups as: women, indigenous peoples, other disadvantaged minorities, refugees, veterans, the poor. See https://voh.intermix.org, where you can also find the text for this podcast.By giving each nation and religion its own collective voice in a global conversation capped by the Voice of Humanity-as-One, Voices of Humanity both transcends and supports our nations and religions.Please be aware that the online Voices of Humanity Forum is still in test mode. The app will not be available until Spring of 2023. You are more than welcome to join the online conversation in desktop mode. Your participation will help us test the forum.