Oct 9 2024
23. When We Wake with Dylan Jewers
On today's episode, I chat with the Big Turnip himself, Dylan Jewers.
Born and raised in Dartmouth Nova Scotia, young Dylan was sure of two things: his love of Micheal Jordan, and the fact that, under no circumstances, would adult Dylan have a job working for anyone else.
To his credit, and the edification of other likeminded youngens, with the exception of the odd job slinging beers at music venues, Dylan has made good on his young self's promise, and worked for (and in a lot of ways by) himself. Which is in no way meant to suggest he isn't intimately involved in his community, hell no, not at all. If you’ve seen a live music show in Dartmouth in the past few years, chances are Dylan’s had his hand in it.
In 2017, he founded the Folk and Country music focussed label and production company Big Turnip, which houses artists such as Benji Rowland, The McMillan Camp Boys, and Art Bouman, among others.
And, in 2023, he co-founded the Nowadays Festival in Dartmouth. Its 2nd annual edition runs Oct 10-12, 2024, and features an incredible slate including the likes of Jennifer Castle, P’tit Belliveau, Wolf Castle, Alexander Gallant, Dog Day and U.S Girls.
Big Turnip Records
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