Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO & Lore Interviews

Mysterious Radio

Follow Mysterious Radio to immerse yourself in the most captivating subjects beyond your wildest imagination! Engage in thought-provoking discussions with best-selling authors, researchers, and award-winning journalists on topics encompassing sinister hauntings, terrifying alien abductions, unexplained disappearances, tales of time travel, sinister secret societies, shocking conspiracies, unimaginable true crimes, heart-stopping creature encounters, bizarre phenomena, and beyond! By staying true to our mission statement – To inform and empower people through knowledge – we strive everyday toward a vision that seeks mental enlightenment for all who seek it. Are you ready? Listen to hundreds of other episodes by becoming an Apple Subscriber on Apple Podcasts or by joining our community on Patreon now! Mysterious Radio is proudly produced by an independent podcast team. read less


S9: Chasing Cosby: The Downfall of America's Dad
S9: Chasing Cosby: The Downfall of America's Dad
Tonight, my special guest is Nicole Weisensee Egan who is an award-winning journalist, former senior writer for People Magazine and Bill Cosby's worst nightmare. Get her book Chasing Cosby to read what she uncovered about American's pudding pop hero.   Bill Cosby's decades-long career as a sweater-wearing, wholesome TV dad came to a swift and stunning end on April 26, 2018, when he was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand. The mounting allegations against Bill Cosby - more than 60 women have come forward to accuse him of similar crimes - and his ultimate conviction were a shock to Americans, who wanted to cleave to their image of Cosby as a pudding-pop hero.  Award-winning journalist and former People Magazine senior writer Nicki Weisensee Egan was the first reporter to dig into the story when Constand went to the police in 2005. Other news organizations looked away, but Egan doggedly investigated the case, developing ties with entrenched sources and discovering incriminating details that would ultimately come to influence the prosecution.  In her debut audiobook, Chasing Cosby, Egan shares her firsthand account of Cosby's 13-year run from justice. She tells us how Cosby planned and executed his crimes and how Hollywood alliances and law enforcement knew what Cosby was doing but did nothing to stop him. A veteran crime reporter, Egan also explores the cultural and social issues that influenced the case, delving into the psychological calculations of a serial predator and into the psyche of a nation that fervently wanted to put their faith in the innocence of "American's Dad".  Visit her website Check Out Mysterious Radio! (copy the link to share with your friends and family via text)   Follow us on Instagram @mysteriousradio Follow us on TikTok mysteriousradioTikTok Follow us on Twitter @mysteriousradio Follow us on Pinterest Like us on Facebook Visit our website:
S9: Human Inferno: Spontaneous Combustion
S9: Human Inferno: Spontaneous Combustion
Tonight, my special guest is author and researcher Larry Arnold who's here to discuss his book called Ablaze. The book details his research into astonishing cases surrounding people who literally ignited and burned to ashes. Get his book now on Amazon. In this amazing book are hundreds of unbelievable examples of The Fire Within, culled from long-forgotten obscure medical journals and never-before-published interviews with witnesses to the impossible. What is the evidence? How do firemen react to mounds of human ashes found inside unburned buildings, even inside unscorched clothing? Are these merely "smoking mishaps" as coroners claim, or deaths far less easily explained away? Why do facts crying out for answers meet with suppression of evidence; denial; debunking? If no other explanation can resolve these human fireballs, then SHC must be added to the growing catalog of mystery ailments that plague mankind. Thus more questions are raised. Can the human body cremate itself biochemically? Or by its own electrical energy within? Is there a new form of energy (energies) being revealed that may herald limitless non-polluting power? What is the role of geography, quantum physics, and - indeed - human consciousness in outbreaks of SHC Show Us Some Love! Copy and Paste our link in a text message to a friend or family member:   Follow us on Instagram @mysteriousradio Follow us on TikTok mysteriousradioTikTok Follow us on Twitter @mysteriousradio Follow us on Pinterest Like us on Facebook   Want All Paranormal Episodes? Follow Our Podcast Paranormal Fears! Follow Paranormal Fears on Apple Podcasts Follow Paranormal Fears on Amazon Follow Paranormal Fears on Podcast Addict Follow Paranormal Fears on TuneIn Radio or in your favorite podcast app!
S9: Confessions of the Dead
Hace 2 dias
S9: Confessions of the Dead
Tonight, my special guest is Barry Strohm returning to the show to discuss how he channeled famous people in history and what they revealed. Get his book.     Throughout history, individuals have planned events that have harmed others and some of these actions have become conspiracy theories and mysteries. Through spirit board communications with the other side, explore the details of 26 of the world’s most famous cases. Learn what President John Kennedy has to say about his own assassination and murder. Consider the words of General George Custer as he tells what happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn—and who killed him. Find out about the murder of Abraham Lincoln and trace the strange events surrounding John Wilkes Booth. Discover secrets of Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, General George Patton, manipulation of the weather, the alien conspiracy, and much more. As you will soon see, the spirits on the other side know all and are willing to talk about it.   MEXICAN SPIRITUALISM    Beyond Death: Transition and the Afterlife Dr. Roger J. Woolger ‘He who dies before he dies, does not die when he dies’. Abraham of Santa Clara. ‘Zen has no other secrets than seriously thinking about birth and death’ Takeda Shingen ‘We are not dealing here with irreality. The mundus imaginalis is a world of autonomous forms and images...It is a perfectly real world preserving all the richness and diversity of the sensible world but in a spiritual state’. Henry Corbin By way of introduction I should say that I am a psychotherapist trained in Jungian psychoanalysis and various other modalities and that my current practice uses what is called ‘regression’ to early childhood, past life, inter-life and other transpersonal or ‘spiritual’ experiences. (In other contexts - see below - the word ‘regression’ can equally refer to what shamans call ‘journeying’) But I also hold degrees in the comparative phenomenology of religion, a subject that greatly illuminates the kind of areas that we are here today calling ‘beyond death’. Our starting point today has been the, by now, quite extensive documentation of so-called Near Death Experience (NDE); you have heard the detailed reports discussed by Dr. Fenwick’s and Dr. Powell’s reflections on similar experiences. It will already seem apparent that the scientific paradigm that seeks fully to explain such phenomena in materialistic terms is stretched beyond its limits. Not long ago, I saw a tape of a major British television program where a woman suffered a clinical NDE during an operation and reported, while ‘out of her body’ seeing an instrument in the operating room she could not possibly have seen while in her body and alive. Interesting and provocative as the discussion was, it was entirely limited to interviewing medical staff; no informed authorities on parapsychology (except a materialist sceptic), spiritualism, religious phenomena or metaphysics, specialists in thanatology, or experts from religious traditions were interviewed. Later I was told this is a policy decision of the television company! It is like a political discussion where only one party is invited to participate. What I want to show is that there is a vast amount of information about the phenomena of death, transition and ‘other worlds’ available to us that is much more sophisticated that most people realize, not just the widely known studies of Kenneth Ring and Raymond Moody on actual NDEs but also detailed cross-cultural comparisons of how different cultures experience and envision the afterlife, reports from shamans of ‘journeys’ to the spirit realms or realms of the dead, elaborate accounts of the soul’s port-mortem encounters, and movements from the Tibetan Buddhist and Indian traditions, as well as from my own field of past life regression, where thousands of accounts of death transition phenomena have been recorded.
S9: We Are Not Alone:  The Extraordinary History of UFOs and Aliens Invading Our Hopes, Fears, and Fantasies
Hace 2 dias
S9: We Are Not Alone: The Extraordinary History of UFOs and Aliens Invading Our Hopes, Fears, and Fantasies
My special guest tonight is author Mark Hartzman who's here to discuss his new book We Are Not Alone - The Extraordinary History of UFOs and Aliens Invading Our Hopes, Fears, and Fantasies. Pick up your copy now from Amazon! --- Do you want to believe? Explore our fascination with UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence through exclusive interviews, archival photos, and strange but true stories from history. After decades of cover-ups and denials, in a June 2021 report, the US government finally admitted what many people already knew: yes, UFOs are real, and no, we don’t know what (or who) they are. Writer and historian Marc Hartzman separates fact from fiction and provides a comprehensive tour through the skies, including: UFO sightings, from the famous to the obscure Alien abductions, including the Betty and Barney Hill abduction and the Pascagoula abduction Ancient aliens, from Biblical astronauts to the alien architects behind the pyramids Scientific evidence, including the “Wow!” radio signal and the interstellar ‘Oumuamua object Cover-ups and conspiracies, including the Roswell Incident and Area 51 Governmental and military findings, from Project Blue Book to reports of UFOs at nuclear weapons sites Deeply researched and highly entertaining, We Are Not Alone will inform and entertain anyone who’s ever doubted that we are really alone in the universe.
S9: Hauntings in Japan
Hace 5 dias
S9: Hauntings in Japan
My special guest tonight is Thomas Bauerle who's here to discuss his book about hauntings in Japan. Buy the book.   Kanashibari: A ghost that comes to people in their sleep and holds them down so they can’t move. Often, besides being held immobile, the victim of a kanashibari will also hear voices, and be approached by various spiritual entities. Discover the seriously scary side of one of the oldest cultures in the world in this brand new spectral-packed paranormal release from author Thomas Bauerle! Kanashibari- True Encounters with the supernatural In Japan. If you are curious about the afterlife, you will find this book intriguing. You’ve read about poltergeists? You know about the Enfield Haunting? You know about Amityville? But what do you know about the ghosts of Japan? Thomas Bauerle provides us with story after terrifying story of true encounters with Japanese ghosts, spirits, poltergeist, and other scary phenomena including his own creepy experiences with the supernatural in his adopted home - Japan. Some of the events described in this book are so terrifying that they may live with you for several days. But if you are serious about educating yourself about the paranormal—this book has to be on your list. Let me ask you this. Do you want to experience real chills rolling down your spine? Yes? Then download your copy of Kanashibari – True Encounters With the Supernatural of Japan right now. And remember… only the strong survive…Includes Chapters on Gaijin and ghosts, Kanashibari, Japanese Seers, Japanese Ghostbusters, Family ghost encounters, haunted places in Japan, Kokkurisan, and ghostly footprints……Excerpts - We began to hear the sound of someone moving around upstairs when there was no one there. The sound of walking and furniture being moved. My body, arms, and legs couldn't move! And I couldn't breathe! And I had no voice to speak! A Zahiki-Warashi is a ghost that looks like a young child and inhabits your house. If you treat it kindly, it will bring good fortune to you and your household.
S9: Dark Matter Monsters: Cryptids, Ball Lightning, and the Science of Secret Lifeforms
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S9: Dark Matter Monsters: Cryptids, Ball Lightning, and the Science of Secret Lifeforms
My special guest is Simeon Hein here to discuss his book called Dark Matter Monsters. You can add it to your collection now from Amazon from your local book store! - f Bigfoot is an Ancient Primate or an Undiscovered Human, why is the Creature Seen Around Balls of Light and Other Paranormal Phenomena? Thousands of people have witnessed bigfoot and other strange creatures for decades in North America and worldwide. In many cases, these encounters have been followed up and documented, including physical evidence by trained investigators. Is bigfoot an undiscovered primate, a relic hominid, or an alien species? And why are so many encounters also filled with unusual and extraordinary phenomena like luminosities, time slips, and telepathic interactions? Dark Matter Monsters examines critical, new scientific findings in coherent energy-matter and how these ideas help explain seemingly paranormal phenomena, like space-time anomalies and orbs, seen around creatures such as bigfoot and other mysterious cryptids. Are cryptids related to ball lightning and orbs? Coherent matter was a subject of interest to inventor Nicola Tesla over one hundred years ago and many researchers, such as Fleischmann and Pons, who did cold fusion experiments at the University of Utah in the late 1980s. Japanese, American and Russian scientists like Takaaki Matsumoto, Kenneth Shoulders, and Alexander Parkhomov have seen similar results. Discover: What often happens right before a bigfoot encounter and why How bigfoot creatures can morph or become invisible How social stigma prevents us from talking about these phenomena Sudden temperature changes around bigfoot, orbs, and UFOs The connection between the Fifth State of Matter and ball lightning Strange space-time anomalies experienced around bigfoot creatures How a Midwestern town in the US mysteriously suffered a short-term total electromagnetic collapse How weird gravitational effects are caused by ball lightning Unexplained camera and battery failure around cryptids and crop circles Why a Pentagon Program called AAWSAP researched cryptids at Skinwalker Ranch The book begins with a look at cosmological dark matter, which has yet to be identified but appears to occupy some 34 percent of the universe as a source of cryptids' strange and remarkable abilities. One candidate for explaining dark matter is relic neutrinos produced in huge quantities during the Big Bang. Relic neutrinos interact with biological organisms on Earth and might explain why creatures like bigfoot seem to possess remarkable abilities such as extraordinary speed, strength, cloaking, and can generate orbs and ball lightning. The author also delves into how coherent matter relates to fractals, the Pentagon's AAWSAP Program, research at Skinwalker Ranch, and sudden battery and technology malfunctions around cryptids, cold fusion/LENR experiments, and crop circles. Other subjects covered include how social stigma is attached to these and related topics like Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) encountered by the US Navy and why that makes it harder for witnesses to report such encounters. It contains new witness accounts of cryptid encounters, never shared before.
S9: Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization
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S9: Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization
Tonight, we have the pleasure of welcoming Jim Willis to the show. Jim will be delving into his groundbreaking research on the true origins of humankind. His new book delves into this fascinating subject and is now available on Amazon. Do we, the human species, really know who we are or where we came from or how we originated or our place in the cosmos? Or is much of what we have been taught wrong or misguided or possibly even blatant lies intended to keep people in power and everyone else in line?  Exploring alternative theories on the establishment of society and civilization, Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization looks at a variety of dissenting, suppressed, and forbidden accounts of history and the origins of humanity. It takes a broad and inclusive survey of historical documents, various theories, and a wide array of perspectives to explore what conventional wisdom might have gotten right and wrong.  The book serves as a useful introduction into the suppressed accounts of the origins of modern civilization. It combines cutting-edge science with metaphysical, spiritual, and even paranormal views, daring to ask whether there might be a better explanation for humanity’s existence and the origins of civilization than the current scientific consensus.  Hidden History looks at the multiverse and parallel dimensions, the ancient alien theory, metaphysics, and hypotheses beyond physical perception, the eleven dimensions of string theory, radio telescopes that penetrate to the event horizon of our universe, mathematical equations that take us where no one has gone before, and the world-wide sharing of experiences old and new that speak of long forgotten ancient mythologies that reveal historical truths.  With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography provides sources for further exploration, and an extensive index adds to its usefulness. This fascinating book is a thorough investigation and examination of the mysteries surrounding early civilizations, their myths, legends, histories, monuments—and lasting legacies.
S9: The Secrets of The Sphinx
S9: The Secrets of The Sphinx
My special guest is author and master hypnotist Sarah Breskman, who's here to discuss her book about individuals who recalled past lives in Ancient Atlantis and Lemuria societies. You can get her book, The Secrets of The Sphinx, from Amazon.    About the book: Her hands were strapped down at her sides so she couldn’t fight, but she had no more fight left inside her. It was the 1970s, here in America, and Christie was about to endure one of many electric shock treatments the doctors hoped would “cure” this young woman of her strange fantasies involving extra-terrestrial life and worlds long lost and forgotten. Fast forward to present day, and Christie has finally found her voice, surfacing through past-life regression hypnosis to tell these truths, and reveal the secrets of the ancient Sphinx. Included in this book are fascinating accounts of life on Mars and how this colonization came to a tragic end. Also included are accounts of other clients, who have never met, sharing similar stories about the Sphinx and its role in the upcoming Ascension. From the author of A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis, this book takes an even deeper look into ancient truths that have the ability to change our lives forever.     Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook     It's super easy to access our archives!   Here's how:   iPhone Users: Access Mysterious Radio from Apple Podcastsand become a subscriber there, or if you want access to even more exclusive content, join us on Patreon.   Android Users: Enjoy over 800 exclusive member-only posts to include ad-free episodes, case files, and more when you join us on Patreon.    Please copy and Paste our link in a text message to all your family members and friends! We'll love you forever! (Check out Mysterious Radio!)   Do you frequently miss episodes of Mysterious Radio? Don't worry; here are some tips to ensure you never miss out again: 1. If you haven't already, follow or subscribe to the show to receive updates on new episodes. Even if you have already done this, it's a good idea to click the option again to ensure that you are still subscribed. This is especially important! 2. Turn on notifications for new episodes in your podcast app. 3. Make sure that your device allows notifications from your podcast app. 4. If your app has the option, swipe down to refresh the list of episodes.
S9: Paranormal News Segment: Paranormal Accounts From India
S9: Paranormal News Segment: Paranormal Accounts From India
Friends, today the incident which I am going to tell you about is about a very frightening experience which both my mother and grandmother had, many years back. My mother was fast asleep in the afternoon when I, and my sister were in school and my father (who was at his workplace) were not present at home. My mother had just opened her eyes to drink water which was kept in front of her when suddenly she saw a middle aged British woman, who was wearing a frock and had golden hair. My mother saw her Read more on      Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook     It's super easy to access our archives!   Here's how:   iPhone Users: Access Mysterious Radio from Apple Podcastsand become a subscriber there, or if you want access to even more exclusive content, join us on Patreon.   Android Users: Enjoy over 800 exclusive member-only posts to include ad-free episodes, case files, and more when you join us on Patreon.    Please copy and Paste our link in a text message to all your family members and friends! We'll love you forever! (Check out Mysterious Radio!)   Do you frequently miss episodes of Mysterious Radio? Don't worry; here are some tips to ensure you never miss out again: 1. If you haven't already, follow or subscribe to the show to receive updates on new episodes. Even if you have already done this, it's a good idea to click the option again to ensure that you are still subscribed. This is especially important! 2. Turn on notifications for new episodes in your podcast app. 3. Make sure that your device allows notifications from your podcast app. 4. If your app has the option, swipe down to refresh the list of episodes.
S9: Cern: The Large Hadron Collider
S9: Cern: The Large Hadron Collider
Tonight, we have the privilege of welcoming physicist Don Lincoln as our special guest. He is here to share his groundbreaking work utilizing the Large Hadron Collider located in Switzerland, also known as CERN.   You can get his book The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of The Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind on Amazon. An insider's history of the world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider: why it was built, how it works, and the importance of what it has revealed. Since 2008, scientists have conducted experiments in a hyperenergized, 17-mile supercollider beneath the border of France and Switzerland. The Large Hadron Collider (or what scientists call "the LHC") is one of the wonders of the modern world―a highly sophisticated scientific instrument designed to re-create in miniature the conditions of the universe as they existed in the microseconds following the big bang. Among many notable LHC discoveries, one led to the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for revealing evidence of the existence of the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle.  Picking up where he left off in The Quantum Frontier, physicist Don Lincoln shares an insider's account of the LHC's operational history and gives readers everything they need to become well informed on this marvel of technology.  Writing about the LHC's early days, Lincoln offers keen insight into an accident that derailed the operation nine days after the collider's 2008 debut. A faulty solder joint started a chain reaction that caused a massive explosion, damaged 50 superconducting magnets, and vaporized large sections of the conductor. The crippled LHC lay dormant for over a year, while technical teams repaired the damage. Lincoln devotes an entire chapter to the Higgs boson and Higgs field, using several extended analogies to help explain the importance of these concepts to particle physics. In the final chapter, he describes what the discovery of the Higgs boson tells us about our current understanding of basic physics and how the discovery now keeps scientists awake over a nagging inconsistency in their favorite theory. As accessible as it is fascinating, The Large Hadron Collider reveals the inner workings of this masterful achievement of technology, along with the mind-blowing discoveries that will keep it at the center of the scientific frontier for the foreseeable future.       Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook     It's super easy to access our archives!   Here's how:   iPhone Users: Access Mysterious Radio from Apple Podcastsand become a subscriber there, or if you want access to even more exclusive content, join us on Patreon.   Android Users: Enjoy over 800 exclusive member-only posts to include ad-free episodes, case files, and more when you join us on Patreon.    Please copy and Paste our link in a text message to all your family members and friends! We'll love you forever! (Check out Mysterious Radio!)   Do you frequently miss episodes of Mysterious Radio? Don't worry; here are some tips to ensure you never miss out again: 1. If you haven't already, follow or subscribe to the show to receive updates on new episodes. Even if you have already done this, it's a good idea to click the option again to ensure that you are still subscribed. This is especially important! 2. Turn on notifications for new episodes in your podcast app. 3. Make sure that your device allows notifications from your podcast app. 4. If your app has the option, swipe down to refresh the list of episodes.
S9: Paranormal News: The Modern Resurrection of the Dybbuk - Demon of Jewish Folklore
S9: Paranormal News: The Modern Resurrection of the Dybbuk - Demon of Jewish Folklore
IN 2003, A WINE CABINET in Portland, Oregon, somehow made headlines. The owner of the foot-and-a-half-tall wooden bit of decor, Kevin Mannis, had listed it on eBay alongside an elaborate story. He claimed that the cabinet had previously been owned by a Polish Holocaust survivor and was inhabited by a powerful demon known as a Dybbuk. Read more on our website at K-Town has given Heidi Hollis the opportunity to host “Paranormal Fears,” where she conducts interviews with top authors and researchers in the field of paranormal research. Be sure to follow “Paranormal Fears” on your favorite podcast app to never miss an episode!   Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook     It's super easy to access our archives!   Here's how:   iPhone Users: Access Mysterious Radio from Apple Podcastsand become a subscriber there, or if you want access to even more exclusive content, join us on Patreon.   Android Users: Enjoy over 800 exclusive member-only posts to include ad-free episodes, case files, and more when you join us on Patreon.    Please copy and Paste our link in a text message to all your family members and friends! We'll love you forever! (Check out Mysterious Radio!)   Do you frequently miss episodes of Mysterious Radio? Don't worry; here are some tips to ensure you never miss out again: 1. If you haven't already, follow or subscribe to the show to receive updates on new episodes. Even if you have already done this, it's a good idea to click the option again to ensure that you are still subscribed. This is especially important! 2. Turn on notifications for new episodes in your podcast app. 3. Make sure that your device allows notifications from your podcast app. 4. If your app has the option, swipe down to refresh the list of episodes.
S9: Dowsing The Dead
S9: Dowsing The Dead
Tonight, I have with me Dan Baldwin who's dedicated his life to help find missing people and investigate the paranormal using a dowsing method.   The Paranormal Pendulum is a must read for anyone wanting to sharpen their psychic tools. Dan Baldwin has an amazing way of taking a complex topic and turning it into an easy-to-understand guidebook for learners. Pendulum dowsing is one of the most effective tools for spirit communication the dedicated paranormal investigator can employ. Each chapter contains not only instructions and insights into pendulum dowsing, but also includes transcripts of actual paranormal investigations.       Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook     It's super easy to access our archives!   Here's how:   iPhone Users: Access Mysterious Radio from Apple Podcastsand become a subscriber there, or if you want access to even more exclusive content, join us on Patreon.   Android Users: Enjoy over 800 exclusive member-only posts to include ad-free episodes, case files, and more when you join us on Patreon.    Please copy and Paste our link in a text message to all your family members and friends! We'll love you forever! (Check out Mysterious Radio!)   Do you frequently miss episodes of Mysterious Radio? Don't worry; here are some tips to ensure you never miss out again: 1. If you haven't already, follow or subscribe to the show to receive updates on new episodes. Even if you have already done this, it's a good idea to click the option again to ensure that you are still subscribed. This is especially important! 2. Turn on notifications for new episodes in your podcast app. 3. Make sure that your device allows notifications from your podcast app. 4. If your app has the option, swipe down to refresh the list of episodes.
S9: Ghost & Poltergeist Phenomena
S9: Ghost & Poltergeist Phenomena
My guest tonight is Randy Liebeck, a paranormal researcher, who will discuss his research into ghost and poltergeist phenomena.    Randy Liebeck is a research specialist, field investigator and journalist covering the field of ghost and poltergeist phenomena. Utilizing a combination of cognitive investigative skills and the latest in technological monitoring and detection equipment, he has conducted haunted house investigations throughout the United States and in Great Britain. He has had cases referred to him by individuals, universities, the news media, attorneys, government agencies and various parapsychological research organizations. ______________________________ Liebeck provides psychical phenomena (psi) consulting & technical advisor services for TV, film, and print media outlets. He was a consultant on ghosts and hauntings for the popular television program Sightingsand has served as a columnist for Unknown Magazine and Ghost! Magazine, feature writer and stringer for FATE Magazine, and contributer to several books on the subject of ghosts and hauntings. In addition to Sightings he has served as a behind the scenes consultant and on-air 'ghost expert' for several TV programs around the world including Unsolved Mysteries, Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters, and Unexplained Mysteries. He has been a guest on dozens of radio talk shows in the U.S. and Canada, and has been featured in several U.S. and international magazines and newspapers. Liebeck lectures on ghosts & hauntings, and has developed and taught a course on ghosts & poltergeists at St. Johns University (NYC), Bergen Community College (NJ) and several other local schools.
S9: Analyzing Your Worst Nightmares
S9: Analyzing Your Worst Nightmares
My special guest is J.M. Debord who's here to discuss his book about why it's important to gain an understanding behind some of your worst nightmares. Get his book now on Amazon. An illuminating look at interpreting, understanding, and learning to stop nightmares! You’re chased. You fall. You get shot. You’re attacked. You’re paralyzed or trapped. A loved one dies. You die!! You wake up in a cold sweat, wondering what it meant. Going beyond simple explanations, Nightmares: Your Guide to Interpreting Your Darkest Dreams helps you understand why you have nightmares and what they mean. This informative book looks at the meaning of common symbols and themes in nightmares and dark dreams. It will teach you not only how to interpret the content of nightmares but also why you have them in the first place and how to stop them.  The gritty details of each nightmare are often personal and unique, but through examples and easy-to-follow explanations, best-selling author and dream interpretation expert J. M. DeBord guides you through interpretations and demystifies the dark side of dreaming. He explores the reasons for nightmares, some as simple as bad digestion and illness. Some are caused by shocking events or chronic situations, while others are more existential, challenging a person to break a pattern or habitual response, or to break out of their shell and claim their greater power. He even shares his own worst reoccurring nightmare, its meaning, and how he overcame it. Exploring the messages delivered by the unconscious mind during sleep, Nightmares: Your Guide to Interpreting Your Darkest Dreams provides the tools you need to sort through possible connections and to make sense of your nightmares. Also included are a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to the book’s usefulness.