Healing from Trauma: Digestion & Integration with Jenny Orona

The Yoga Well

07-11-2023 • 1 hora 2 minutos

Jenny Orona is, among her many certifications and roles, a Yoga Therapist working with in-patient and out-patient clients recovering from trauma, substance abuse, and mental illness.

She and Chase discuss the digestion and integration of experiences that are unprocessed in our system, the pain of cleaning deep wounds, and the importance of having someone hold space for us during this process.

This conversation highlights the slow and steady process of carefully cultivated experiences that support change in perception, identity, and emotions. Find Jenny Orona at https://corazonyoga.com/ Learn more about iRest at https://www.irest.org/ and explore Yoga Well's Yoga Therapist Training at https://www.yogawell.com/yoga-therapist-training/