Psycho Curiosities by DKK

Dawid Karol Kolodziej

"Psycho Curiosities" is your gateway to the intriguing world of psychology with Dawid Karol Kołodziej. This podcast blends science with the quirks of everyday life, led by an expert psychologist, psychotherapist, and mental health specialist. Dive into stories that unravel the mysteries of the mind and explore how psychology shapes our world. For more, visit: 👉🏻 👉🏻 👉🏻 Join us to discover the psychological underpinnings of life's everyday curiosities! read less
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S01E02 - The powerful experience of getting out of our comfort zone
S01E02 - The powerful experience of getting out of our comfort zone
Link to the article: The concept of the comfort zone is a fascinating sphere deeply implanted within human psychology. It is like a mental cocoon, an immaterial space where our awareness resides. The construct creates a transparent, invisible mental bubble that influences how we function and exist. Its core purpose is to deliver a sense of a safe zone in which we can find solace among life's apprehensions. Nevertheless, beneath its surface lies complex interactions of habits, perceptions, and the delicate balance between security and unstable feelings. Within this comfort zone, people may unconsciously care about unsatisfactory habits and sustain distracted routines. Over time, this familiar space can erode our ability to embrace novelty, solve issues, cope with troubles or take unknown knowledge, even if it seemingly offers a sense of safety. However, there is more to this phenomenon, because the comfort zone can also be perceived as a psychological space, intricately connected with our mental health and behaviour. It serves as a mental shield, guarding us against the potential effects of negative experiences that lie beyond its boundaries. The human brain is systematically referred to as the command centre of our existence and simultaneously plays a vital function in creating our comfort zone. It is an inherent inclination to seek stability, to build habitual patterns that construct senses of familiarity and security. Individuals instinctively move towards what is known because their brains need to conserve energy for linking routine tasks. While most people aspire to a familiar mental space, some embark on journeys that cross established boundaries. This can be a challenging endeavour, often involving some expense. However, the allure of seeking new experiences and sensations sometimes overshadows the brain's innate preference for stability. Even those struggling with mental instability often long for a return to a structured life, illustrating the deep attraction of the calming embrace of a comfort zone. Finding a balance between the allure of the comfort zone and the need for exploration is an ongoing quest. The comfort zone offers security, predictability and a pretence of control. However, stepping outside its boundaries may result in a flourishing of personal growth. Understanding the complex relationship between our brain's attachment and stability as well as our initial need to improve allows us to make informed choices. The comfort zone is a multifaceted concept that shapes our behaviour, decisions and emotional well-being. It is the realm where habits take root, where the familiar offers leisure and where the mind seeks reassurance. As we navigate this complicated landscape, let us remember that growth does not require abandoning our comfort zone altogether, instead, it encourages us to expand its boundaries and collect the benefits of living courageously. Taking on the challenge of stepping outside your comfort zone is a transformative journey that requires a delicate balance of self-awareness and determination. While the comfort zone leads to stability, it can also hinder personal growth, especially in new areas. To follow the path of development while respecting the brain's propensity for stability, we need to explore strategies that respect both sides of the equation. Delving into uncharted territory outside your comfort zone need not be a sudden approach. Instead, it can be a gradual as well as careful exploration. Just as the brain looks for patterns, we can cultivate new habits and routines that softly stretch our boundaries. This technique allows us to use the adaptive nature of the brain while encouraging a sense of excitement about the unknown...
S01E10 - What are the effects of unemployment on the individual and society?
S01E10 - What are the effects of unemployment on the individual and society?
Welcome to another episode of "Psycho Curiosities". I am Dawid Karol Kołodziej, a psychologist and psychotherapist, and today we will be discussing unemployment. Unemployment is a problem that affects both individuals and society as a whole. Therefore, in today's episode, we will focus on the effects of unemployment on the individual and society's mental health, as well as ways to cope with this problem. Unemployment can lead to financial instability, which can, in turn, affect one's self-worth and cause stress and depression. Unemployment can also lead to isolation and loneliness, affecting interpersonal, familial, and societal relationships. For society, unemployment can lead to an economic decline, an increase in crime rates, and social tensions. Therefore, it is necessary to create economic policies that counter unemployment and help unemployed individuals find work. Supporting training and education can also help unemployed individuals acquire new skills and find employment. Expanding on today's topic, it is worth noting that unemployment can also have an impact on the health of the individual and society. Unemployed individuals are more vulnerable to health problems such as heart disease, depression, and stress-related illnesses. Unemployment can also lead to exclusion from healthcare, especially in countries where healthcare is linked to employment. It is also important to note that unemployment can lead to low self-esteem and a lack of a sense of purpose in life. Work can be a source of satisfaction, recognition, and personal development for many people. Therefore, losing a job can lead to a loss of self-worth and motivation to take action. Supporting unemployed individuals in finding work is not only beneficial for the individual but also for society as a whole. Employed individuals are more satisfied with their lives, have a sense of financial stability, and positively impact the country's economic development. Therefore, it is necessary to take action at both the individual and societal levels, as well as by the government. Individuals should seek help from professionals such as psychologists and psychotherapists, who can help them cope with the emotional difficulties of unemployment. Society and the government should work towards creating new job opportunities, supporting education and training, and providing access to healthcare for unemployed individuals. In conclusion, unemployment can have an impact on the health of the individual and society, but there are ways to cope with this problem. Access to healthcare and psychological assistance for unemployed individuals can help reduce the consequences of unemployment. Today, we discussed the topic of unemployment and its impact on the individual and society. I hope that today's episode of "Psycho Facts" was interesting and helpful for you. I encourage you to subscribe and listen to future episodes and to visit my blog at Thank you for listening! The article on the blog:
S01E09 - Does a university education guarantee professional success?
S01E09 - Does a university education guarantee professional success?
Hello and welcome to another episode of "Psycho Curiosities"! Today we will discuss whether a university education guarantees professional success. Undoubtedly, this is a common topic of consideration, especially for young people who are faced with choosing a career path. A university education can help in achieving professional success, as it provides a range of skills and knowledge that are essential in many fields of work. It also provides a certain level of self-confidence and prestige, which can facilitate finding a job and getting promoted. However, education is not the only factor determining professional success. Experience is also very important in achieving professional success. Often, people need to gain experience to acquire practical knowledge and skills that are not included in the university curriculum. Therefore, it is important to continue learning and seek opportunities to gain professional experience after completing one's studies. Soft skills also play a significant role in professional success. Skills such as communication, leadership, interpersonal skills, time management, and stress management are essential in today's workplace. Often, they are equally important as technical skills. Building relationships and professional networks can also help in achieving professional success. These contacts can lead to new job opportunities, as well as provide support and guidance when making career decisions. It is also worth noting that the choice of field of study is important, but it does not determine one's entire career. Often, people change jobs or careers during their professional lives, and their education may be just one of many factors that influenced their decisions. In summary, university education can help in achieving professional success, but it is not the only factor determining whether one will achieve professional satisfaction. It is important to invest in one's education, but also gain experience, develop soft skills, build professional networks, and remember that a career is a long process that requires continuous development and adaptation. Thank you for listening, and I encourage you to subscribe to my podcast and visit my blog at Till we hear from you. Link to the article: Hashtags: #education #successcareer #university #experience #skills #communication #leadership #network #growth #career #adaptation #development #lifelonglearning #continuousgrowth #podcast #blog
S01E08 - What types of exercises are there for people with social phobia?
S01E08 - What types of exercises are there for people with social phobia?
Welcome to another episode of the Psycho Curiosities podcast! Today, I will be talking about exercises that can help with social phobia. Social phobia is a disorder that affects many people around the world and is characterised by strong anxiety in social situations. In today's episode, I will give you some exercises that can help calm and control the symptoms of social phobia. The first exercise that you can do at home is breathing exercises. It involves focusing on your breath and taking slow, deep breaths. This simple exercise can help calm and control the symptoms of social phobia. The second exercise that I recommend is relaxation exercises. Sit comfortably and relax your muscles. Start with your legs, tense and then relax your muscles, and then move on to your arms, neck, and face. Focus on feeling calm and relaxed. Another exercise that you can do is a visualisation exercise. Close your eyes and visualise yourself standing on a peaceful, beautiful beach or in a forest. Focus on the details of your surroundings - the sounds, smells, and colours. Feel safe and calm there. Assertiveness training is another way to cope with social phobia. Come up with a few scenarios where you have to say "no" or express your opinion. Practice them in your mind or front of a mirror, focusing on your confidence and calm voice. The last exercise that I recommend is exposure exercise. Try to leave your house and cross the street or contact one person by phone or the Internet. Feel how difficult it is, but at the same time try to focus on your breath and positive thoughts. That's all for today! I hope these exercises will help you cope with social phobia. Remember that regular practice and gradually increasing the difficulty can bring positive results. However, it is worth remembering that in case of severe symptoms of social phobia, it is worth consulting a therapist. Thank you for listening to today's episode and I encourage you to subscribe to my podcast and visit my blog at Goodbye! Link to the article: Tags: #overcomingfear #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #grouptherapy #selfhelp #psychology #mentalhealth #relaxation #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractices #assertiveness #communication #personaldevelopment #motivation #psychotherapy #socialanxiety #breathingexercises #relaxationexercises #visualizationexercises #assertivenessexercises #exposuretherapy
S01E07 - How does travel affect the human psyche and why is it important for personal development?
S01E07 - How does travel affect the human psyche and why is it important for personal development?
Welcome to Psycho Curiosities, where we explore the fascinating world of psychology and its effects on our daily lives. Today, we will be discussing the importance of travelling for personal growth and development. travelling is an exhilarating experience that can have a profound impact on our minds. Being open to new possibilities and exploring the world can broaden our horizons and lead to personal growth. So why is travel so important for individual development? Firstly, travelling allows us to gain new experiences that can lead to changes in our mindset. Discovering new cultures and traditions can help us understand other societies and increase empathy. We can also learn new languages, which can lead to better understanding of other cultures and easier communication. Secondly, travelling can help reduce stress and improve our well-being. Exploring new places and breaking away from routine can help us relax and unwind. We can also simply enjoy the beauty of nature, historic sites, or art. Thirdly, travelling can help develop interpersonal skills. Interaction with people from different cultures and backgrounds can help develop communication and negotiation skills. We can also learn to respect cultural differences and understand what values are important to others. Fourthly, travelling can help broaden our horizons and increase self-awareness and mindfulness of the world around us. Discovering new places and cultures can help develop creativity and imagination and enhance our knowledge and perspectives. Finally, travelling can help us search for life goals and make positive changes in our lives. Reflection on ourselves and our values during travels can help us determine priorities and life goals. In conclusion, travelling is essential for personal development because it allows us to gain new experiences, develop interpersonal skills, broaden our horizons, increase self-awareness and mindfulness of the world around us search for life goals and make positive changes in our lives. Thank you for listening to Psycho Curiosities. Don't forget to subscribe for more episodes and visit my blog at for more fascinating insights into the world of psychology. Link to the article: Podcast title: How does travel affect the human psyche and why is it important for personal development?
S01E06 - What are the most common difficulties in learning a foreign language and how to overcome them?
S01E06 - What are the most common difficulties in learning a foreign language and how to overcome them?
Link to the article: Welcome to another episode of Psycho Curiosities. Today, we will be talking about the challenges of learning a foreign language. As a psychologist and psychotherapist, I understand that learning a new language can be a daunting task, but it is not impossible. Let's dive into some of the most common difficulties learners face and explore ways to overcome them. The first challenge is pronunciation. It can be challenging to memorize the correct pronunciation of words, especially if they have unique sounds. To overcome this, it is crucial to listen to local speakers and imitate their articulation. You can also use online resources and language learning apps to help you improve your pronunciation skills. For example, try learning alongside an AI bot like Chat Bing or Chart GPT. Another challenge is vocabulary acquisition. Learning new words and memorizing them can be overwhelming. To overcome this, it is essential to build your vocabulary gradually. Start with the most common words and then move on to more complex vocabulary. It is also beneficial to use new words in a context, such as in sentences or discussions, to help you remember them better. Grammar is another challenge that learners often face. The rules of grammar in a foreign language can be very different from those in your native tongue, making it challenging to master them. To overcome this, it is essential to study grammar rules systematically and practice using them in context. You can ask a native speaker or a language tutor to help you with grammar exercises and give feedback on your progress. Finally, one of the most critical challenges in learning a foreign language is staying motivated. It can be easy to lose interest or become discouraged, especially if progress is slow. To overcome this, it is crucial to set realistic goals and track your progress. Celebrate small victories and milestones to maintain motivation. It is also helpful to find ways to use the language in real-life situations, such as traveling or communicating with native speakers online. In conclusion, learning a foreign language can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to overcome the difficulties. By focusing on pronunciation, vocabulary acquisition, grammar, and motivation, learners can achieve success in mastering a foreign language. Thank you for listening to Psycho Curiosities. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to my podcast for more interesting insights. You can also visit my blog at for more information and resources.
S01E05 - What is consumerism and how does it affect society?
S01E05 - What is consumerism and how does it affect society?
Link to the article: Welcome to another episode of "Psycho Curiosities," where we discuss topics related to psychology and society. Today, we will talk about consumerism, which is a phenomenon that has dominated the world in the last few decades. It is the belief that people should consume products and services at an increasing rate to achieve greater happiness and success. This trend has far-reaching consequences that have significantly impacted society and individuals' psyche. One major impact of consumerism is the creation of a culture of materialism. People are encouraged to prioritize material possessions above everything else, leading to a society focused on buying and owning more things. This mentality has resulted in several problems, including environmental degradation, increased debt, and a general sense of life dissatisfaction. Consumerism is one of the most pressing issues we face today. It contributes to environmental degradation, fuels rising debt levels, and negatively affects our mental and physical well-being. One noticeable consequence of consumerism is the issue of excessive waste production. Consumers are encouraged to constantly buy newer and better products, leading to rapid accumulation of waste and environmental pollution. In the face of climate change, it is crucial that we take action to reduce the amount of waste we generate. Another problem is the rise in debt. Consumerism has prompted many individuals to purchase things they don't need and cannot afford, resulting in serious financial problems that impact people's quality of life. High debt levels cause stress, health issues, family breakdown, and work addiction problems. Furthermore, consumerism also affects our mental health. The constant pressure and expectations associated with consumerism leave people feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied with their lives. The belief that happiness can only be achieved through owning expensive possessions leads to a never-ending pursuit of new products and services, which is exhausting and detrimental to our well-being. It is also worth noting that consumerism influences our approach to work. In today's culture, where work is highly valued, people often sacrifice their personal lives to afford increasingly expensive products. This imbalance between work and personal life, along with work addiction issues, poses additional challenges. In summary, consumerism is a significant problem that affects various aspects of our lives. We need to take action to minimise its negative effects and shift towards a more sustainable and responsible way of living. Thank you for listening to "Psycho Curiosities," and I encourage you to subscribe to my podcast and visit my blog at
S01E04 - How can parents help their children use games in a productive and healthy way?
S01E04 - How can parents help their children use games in a productive and healthy way?
Greetings and welcome back to Parenting with Psycho Curiosities, where we delve into the world of parenting and child development. Today, we'll be discussing a topic that many parents grapple with - how to help their children use games in a way that is both beneficial and healthy. As a parent, it can be a challenge to know how to balance your child's love for video games and mobile apps with their overall development. However, there are a few strategies that parents can use to make sure that their children are not only having fun, but also learning and growing in the process. One of the most important things that parents can do is to set clear rules and limits for game use. This means deciding on a maximum amount of time that children can spend playing games each day and monitoring the types of games that they are playing. Parents can also use parental control features to block inappropriate content and restrict access to certain games. Another strategy is to encourage children to play games that are educational and promote learning. There are many games available that are designed to teach children new skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking. Parents can also select games that are related to the subjects their children are studying in school to complement their learning. Parents should also be involved in their children's gaming experience by playing with them and discussing the games that they are playing. This provides an opportunity for parents to observe their children's behaviour and monitor their emotional responses to certain games. It also allows parents to address any issues related to games, such as violence or inappropriate language. Finally, parents should encourage their children to take breaks from games and engage in other activities, such as exercising, playing outdoors, or spending time with friends. This can help prevent children from becoming too dependent on games and promote a healthy balance between screen time and other activities. In summary, parents have a significant role to play in helping their children use games in a way that is beneficial and healthy. By setting clear rules and limits, encouraging educational choices, being involved in their children's gaming experience, and promoting a healthy balance between hobbies and other activities, parents can help ensure that their children are getting the most out of their gaming experience. Thank you for listening to Parenting with Psycho Curiosities, and don't forget to subscribe and visit the blog at Link to the article: