Financial advice is easy to find online. The problem is knowing how to sift through all the information to locate guidance that works. That's where The Money Guy Show podcast comes in handy. Hosts Brian Preston and Bo Hanson embody the word expert when it comes to finances. They have decades of experience in the field and want to share it with their listeners free of charge.
Brian Preston started his wealth management company in 2004. Not everyone can access wealth management (unless they meet a firm's minimum asset requirement). So Preston looked for a way to give free advice. Coming from a home where his parents were educators, it felt natural to continue this journey. In 2006, he started producing The Money Guy Show, a podcast offering money advice. That was way before podcasts were popular or that well-known.
It was only in 2008 that his path crossed with Hanson's. While both studied at the University of Georgia, they graduated at different times. The former had a degree in accounting, while the other had a BSFCS in Family Financial Planning. After graduation, Hanson started an internship with Preston & Cleveland Wealth Management. Soon after, he joined the podcast as a cohost and continued into a full-blown partnership. Today, the pair are the co-owners of Abound Wealth. But it's The Money Guy Show where they shine.
In each episode, the hosts focus on one topic and get detailed for about half an hour. It can be about investing in real estate, creating an emergency fund, or saving for retirement. They want to supply as much information as possible to support the listeners in making educated decisions. There are always actionable tips that the listener can apply in their everyday lives. The thought behind it is simple. By providing free information, the hosts can help people build wealth. Those same people will later seek out the advice of wealth managers. So it's a win-win for both sides. New episodes of The Money Guy Show podcast drop several times a week.