Greg Laurie Podcast

Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie delivers compelling, practical insights on faith, culture, and current events—with an emphasis on the saving power of the gospel message. He is the founding pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, main speaker of the Harvest Crusades, and host of the daily program, A New Beginning. For over 40 years, Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries have been committed to knowing God and making Him known. Learn more at

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Our Future Is in God’s Hands | Sunday Message
Our Future Is in God’s Hands | Sunday Message
“...But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help” (Psalm 31:22). How often has that been true for you, too? Psalm 31 puts the overwhelming goodness of God on display, reminding us of who He is in hardship we face. Get more insight into this psalm now with Pastor Greg Laurie. Notes: Today's Scripture: Psalm 31 God determines the length of your life. God was preparing David to be a king, the greatest of Israel’s kings. The most important thing about this king is, he would be in the Messianic line. Acts 13:22 Overall, David did everything God wanted him to do, not flawlessly but faithfully. “I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy, for You have considered my trouble and You have known my soul in adversities.” Psalm 31:7 Sometimes the ones you help the most hurt you the worst. Sometimes fellow believers will criticize you when God begins to bless you. People are going to hurt you in life, and you will hurt people as well. “God allows us to feel the frailty of human love so we’ll appreciate the strength of His.” —C.S. Lewis Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning bad behavior or dismissing it. To forgive means, “surrendering the right to get even.” When you face tragedy, when you face hardship, the church is there for you. When people are hurting, they just need someone to be with them. Harvest Groups God is in control of our lives, and He determines how long we will live.Psalm 31:14–15 God has a beautiful future for you.Jeremiah 29:11Get your eyes off your problems and put them on God!Psalm 31:23–24 Put your hope in God.Psalm 119:114; Romans 15:4 “If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God, you’ll be at rest.” —Corrie ten Boom “Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 As Christians, we are indestructible until God is done with us. You decide in this life where you will spend the afterlife. Harvest Crusade 2024 --- Learn more about Greg Laurie and Harvest Ministries at This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.Support the show: for privacy information.
Don’t Be Afraid! | Sunday Message
Don’t Be Afraid! | Sunday Message
Psalm 27 offers us comforting words, “The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?” In today’s message, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us study this Psalm, revealing the power it holds. Find the biblical wisdom you need. Notes: People’s number one fear is glossophobia. We need to face our fears. Deal with your giants, because either you conquer them, or they will conquer you. “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”Psalm 27:1 Faith overcomes fear. When faith walks in, worry walks out; but when worry steps in, faith walks out. The Christian life is not a cakewalk; it’s a conflict—it’s not a playground; it’s a battleground. There will always be something to potentially worry about. When you are afraid in the dark, turn on the light.Psalm 27:1 Anxious notions come sweeping into our mind, uninvited and unwelcome.But the presence of our heavenly Father can dispel all fear, worry, and anxiety. Face your fears in God’s strength, not your own.Psalm 27:1 God is bigger than your enemies.Psalm 27:2–3 God promises to keep us safe in His protection.Psalm 27:5 God will never allow anything to touch us that He does not allow, and He certainly will never let anything happen that would separate us from His love for us. God either did it or allowed it for His glory and our ultimate good.Romans 8:38  David knew that the main thing was to keep the main thing the main thing!Psalm 27:4–5 A danger in life is to permit the urgent things to crowd out the important things. If we don’t focus on that one thing, we will end up doing everything, and accomplish nothing.Read: Psalm 27:8–10 You have a Father in Heaven who loves you and always has time for you. God promises to be a Father to the fatherless. Your heavenly Father will never abandon you.Psalm 27:9 Take courage and continue to follow the Lord.Psalm 27:13–14 Harvest Crusade 2024 --- Learn more about Greg Laurie and Harvest Ministries at This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.Support the show: for privacy information.