Dream about alien: interpretation and meaning. what do dreams mean?

Dreams mean your desires

27-11-2021 • 7 minutos

You may be dreaming of space because you don't have enough space to live in.  People who live together and dream of space even when there is not enough living space in the place where they live.  In this case, my dream is that the problems of my current life are just emerging.  The alien in the dream appears in the dream as being beyond your understanding.  The dream of an alien is evidence that even if a problem arises, it is impatient that it cannot be solved by one's own efforts.  The message that you should not overdo it now, leave it to Nariyuki, and wait for it to be resolved naturally.  Your dream of being kidnapped by aliens may be delaying the solution of your current problems.  Your dream of acting with an alien shows that you will be amazed by the side of a friend you didn't know about. In the case of this dream, it represents your unfamiliar friend, like an alien.  It represents your desire to be swayed by an unfamiliar friend, or what happened recently with your unfamiliar friend.   Also, the dream of going to space with an alien shows that there will be an event that makes you feel the existence of your soul, an event that reveals the emotions that you have forgotten in your deep part.   The dream of seeing a space creature that looks like a monster is a suggestion that you will have a great chance. Great luck awaits you with a terrifying image that you don't know who you are.   The words spoken by aliens in dreams sometimes contain a very important message. There are also patterns that show your desire for a whole new ability that is different from what you have had.  The dream of becoming an alien is a dream that shows that you will be alone.  You are at risk of selfish behavior and repulsion from your surroundings.   Your dream of boarding a spaceship with an alien represents your imaginative state.  You are full of endless possibilities. However, you also tend to be too fancy, so you need to get back to reality a bit.

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