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Red Dog Riley
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Red Dog Riley
Album • 2019
Top Songs
1. The Last Mile / Breakfast at the Méthés
Red Dog Riley
2. A Jig / Last Plane to Halifax
Red Dog Riley
3. Waltz in the House
Red Dog Riley
4. John Stenson's No. 2 / April Ice
Red Dog Riley
5. Dubois Highway / Korolenko's Backyard
Red Dog Riley
6. Le rêve de la jeune femme / Addison
Red Dog Riley
7. New Harbor
Red Dog Riley
8. Pretty Little Dog / Vladimir's Steamboat
Red Dog Riley
9. Halpin Bridge / Brenda Stubbert's
Red Dog Riley
10. Coleg y Brifysgol Abertawe
Red Dog Riley
11. Abe's Retreat / Ducks on the Pond
Red Dog Riley
12. Stuart Longbow / Damon's Winder
Red Dog Riley
Top Albums
1. Red Dog Riley
Album • 2019