123456(Burn It Up!) Bring It Down! [This Insane Thing]
78Turnin' Loose (These Furious Flames)
910111213Lean On Me! (Reprise) [The Return Of The Modern Soul Classic]
1415Reds Strike The Blues! (Take 4)
1699 And A Half Won't Do (With Repirse)
17You Want It? They Got It!
1819Take Your Gods And Bury Them! (Take No Heroes! Alternative Version)
20Bring It Down! (This Insane Thing) [12" Version]
21Keep On Keepin' On! (Die On Your Feet 12" Ted De Bono Mix)
22The Power Is Yours (Stephen Street MGM Mix)
23Keep On Keepin' On (Original March) [1984] [12" Mix]
24It Can Be Done! (7" Version) [Stephen Street Alternate Mix]
25You Want It? They Got It! (Alternate Jamming! Magazine Mix)
26Bring It Down! (This Insane Thing) [7" More FX Mix]
27Keep On Keepin' On! (Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour')
28Let’s Make It Work! (Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour')
29Bring It Down! (This Insane Thing) [Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour']
30Kick Over The Statues! (Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour')
31Tracks Of My Tears (Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour')
32Back In The USSR (Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour')
33Skinhead Moonstomp (Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour')
34Keep On Keepin’ On! (Speech Version with Bruce George) [Live in 1985 from the 'Kick Over Apartheid Tour']
35The Power is Yours (Live at the Town and Country Club, 22/04/1986)
36Kick Over the Statues! (Live at the Town and Country Club, 22/04/1986)
37Hold On! (Live at the Town and Country Club, 22/04/1986)
38The Crack (Live at the Town and Country Club, 22/04/1986)
3999 And A Half Won't Do (Live at the Town and Country Club, 22/04/1986)
40Let's Make It Work! (Live at the Town and Country Club, 22/04/1986)
41Unionize! / Pickin' The Blues (Peel Session) [Recorded 08/08/1982]
42Reds Strike the Blues! (Peel Session) [Recorded 08/08/1982]
43Kick Over the Statues! (Peel Session) [Recorded 08/08/1982]
44The Peasant Army (Peel Session) [Recorded 8th Aug. 1982]
45Young And Proud (Peel Session) [Recorded 08/08/1983]
46Hold On! (Peel Session) [Recorded 08/08/1983]
4799 And A Half Won't Do (Peel Session) [Recorded 08/08/1983]
48Take No Heroes! (Peel Session) [Recorded 08/08/1983]
49A Plateful Of Hateful (Kid Jensen Session) [Recorded 16/01/1984]
50It Can Be Done! (Kid Jensen Session) [Recorded 16/01/1984]
51Keep On Keepin' On! (Kid Jensen Session) [Recorded 16/01/1984]
52Lev Bronstein (CNT 7" Mix) [1982]
53The Peasant Army (CNT 7" Mix) [1982]
54Lean on Me! (CNT 7" Single)
55Unionize! (CNT 7" Mix) [1983]
56Move / Let My Words Be Bullets (Live in Munich, 1986)
57Don't Talk To Me About Whether (Live in Münster, 1986)
58Levi Stubbs Tears (Live in Munich, 1986)
59The Most Obvious Sensible Thing (Unissued Session) [1986]
60Lean On Me! (Northern Mix) [CNT 12" Mix] [1983]
61Unionize! (Break Mix) [CNT 12" Version] [1983]
62Stickies (Demo 1981 as 'No Swastikas')
63Strike (Demo 1981 as 'No Swastikas')
64Unnamed (Demo 1981 as 'No Swastikas')
65Anglo-Irish Summit Tapes (Interview with Redskins, 1986)
6667Names Were Named (Live at SWAPO Festival Italy, 1986) [Bootleg]
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