How to think positively and create a positive life.

The Positive Mindset Podcast

Apr 15 2024 • 13 mins

In this episode, we're diving into a transformative positive perspective that empowers you to feel, be, and attract your deepest desires.

How can one shift from struggle to prosperity, especially when conventional methods fail to bring change? Imagine a simple phrase that realigns you with your desired self and explains your current life situation. Would you commit to it daily? This phrase begins with "I am," a statement of creation that shapes your reality.

The concept is based on universal laws: the Law of Attraction, the principle that you create your experiences, and the idea that observation precedes creation. Embracing these truths can dramatically change your life. By starting sentences with "I am," you take control and begin to understand your situation through a lens of self-creation rather than external blame.

"I am" is incredibly powerful. It precedes any statement about yourself, turning it into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of attributing your condition to external factors, using "I am" shifts the focus inward, urging you to create a positive self-narrative. This isn't about denying reality but acknowledging that you have the power to shape it through your perceptions and actions.

This approach brings resistance from both your inner doubts and external pressures. People and circumstances might oppose your new path, not out of malice but because change challenges the status quo. Yet, this resistance is a sign of your transformation, a battle between old and new frequencies that you are destined to win.

Adopting a positive "I am" mindset is about recognizing your power to change your vibration and, consequently, your life.

"I am" statements are your tools for transformation. Even if you've made mistakes or faced failures, declaring positive truths about yourself can shift your reality. This isn't about escaping consequences but about not letting past actions define your entire existence.

Moreover, embracing "I am" as a daily affirmation encourages you to live up to your declarations. For instance, if you commit to being healthy, let every decision reflect that commitment. It's about consistency and alignment with your desired identity, challenging the temptation to deviate from your path.

Remember, the universe responds to your vibrational state, which is influenced by your self-perceptions and declarations. If you assert that you are something positive, you invite experiences that align with that belief. This is not about pretending or suffering from imposter syndrome but about genuinely embodying your affirmations through consistent actions.

The journey towards a positive mindset is ongoing, a process of learning and growth. It's about embracing the journey, forgiving yourself for past missteps, and lifting others as you rise. I hope this message inspires you to reclaim your power through the simple yet profound practice of "I am" affirmations.

- Henry


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